Well yes, I did. Your problem is you just don't care for my opinions. Moving on.
The problem is that your opinions are far off the mark and demonstrate a complete lack of reading comprehension. For instance, this:
Yes, because heaven forbid we ever feel anything.:chuckle:
I'm not a stoic, I never said that emotions were bad. To the contrary, they add a lot to life. Life would be far less interesting without emotions. I merely don't confuse, as the feeling types do, emotions for truth or for the way things should be. Emotions must give way to reason, not the other way around. A foolish man lets his emotions run wild, saying whatever comes to mind. A wise man restrains himself.
Then you should re-check the link I provided (assuming you did in the first place). Interesting reading, to say the least.
I looked over it - its basic premise is that its not science, and therefore junk. That is a silly notion - science is itself a philosophy built on top of other philosophies. For that sect of knowledge to which it is dedicated - the study of natural processes - it is great. But that is only a tiny portion of the knowledge to be had out there, and it is relatively unimportant. Science figures out natural processes that we may manipulate them to our advantage - it provides tools. This is far less important than how to use the tools available to you. Science can help prolong life, but can't give it meaning or direction.
You can speak to your own experiences, guy, but sitting in judgment of others is its own kind of presumption. Love, romance, lust, what have you, is different for everyone and every pairing.
I'm not condemning anyone - this is the fourth strawman you've put fourth. I'm am merely analyzing and using more specific terminology. People don't like the more specific terminology because it removes the romantic mystery and the rhetoric.
Which is why we have folks insisting that what gay people feel isn't "really" love. That they don't or can't "actually" care for someone. That their romance isn't "real." And so forth.
Some may, but I've never said any such thing. To the contrary, I'm sure their emotions are as real as anyone elses. It is really irrelevant as far as my stance goes.
I have low tolerance for bigotry. I don't much care for people with thin skins, for that matter.
You are the only bigot in this conversation - I haven't said one hateful or derogatory statement about gays. Anything I've said here applies to everyone, straight, gays, etc.
So for you to feel even better about these friends of yours they'd need to fundamentally change who they are.
Uh humm.
Incorrect - I said I'd feel better FOR them, not ABOUT them. If your friend had a problem with drugs and they finally chose to stop and seek help - wouldn't you feel better FOR them. It doesn't mean you care for them more than you did before - rather you are happy for their sake.
Also, hopefully someone has more substance to them than their mere sexual orientation. It would be quite sad for someone's homosexuality to be the fundamental building block upon which their identity is framed. If it is the case - all the more reason for them to change and find some real substance in their life.