How do you know what is the common human experience? You are presuming that what is common for you must be common for everyone. And that simply is not true. It's also very arrogant and disrespectful.
Um... because I am a human, live among and study humans... I can safely say I'm qualified to speak of the common human experience.
I have. Many people experience sexual attraction in terms of "chemistry". What that means is that they don't get to choose who they are attracted to through reason. And the same is true for the people who are attracted to them.
But you get to choose whether or not you act on those feelings, to nourish them into a romantic relationship or to squash them. I've experienced "chemistry" - I've been deeply infatuated before. Those same people that I couldn't get out of my head then, I don't even think of now. I can see them and hang out with them and not feel attracted to them anymore. Why? Because I chose to leave that relationship behind, and overtime my feelings transformed to reflect my conscious decision.
Sexual "chemistry" isn't much about what someone looks like. Nor is it about our willingness to act on it. That's the point I'm trying to make.
Physical attractiveness is one of major components behind "chemistry" - though not the only one. How important it is depends upon the person in question - but no one's going to have "chemistry" with someone who physically repels them.
It's because the specifics differ that you don't get to use how you deal with yours as the measure by which you pass judgment on how everyone else deals with theirs.
1. I'm not passing judgement here
2. Just because the specifics differ doesn't mean that it is invalid to use the general experience as a common ground.
You are assuming that everyone has that ability. Why are you assuming that if not to pass judgment on gays for not denying or "changing" who they're attracted to?
1. I'm not simply assuming it. As a matter of personal experience as well as a matter of theology/philosophy I know that people have this ability. I'm nothing special that I alone have this capability.
2. I am discussing this as an extension of the discussion of whether or not gays, pedophiles, etc. Have any say on their sexual tendencies - but not so I can judge them. You are the one judging here, not me. I simply find the topic important and interesting. It is important that people not behind this false idea that these things our beyond our control.
This isn't Disney - there's no true love at first sight.