The Late Great Urantia Revelation

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Eclectic Theosophist
Fundamental theology......

Fundamental theology......

This is after all supposed to be a religious section, there is a exclusive Christian section, so I don't see the reason for the hand wringing over diverse beliefs being expressed here if one is so secure in ones Deity being all powerful etc...........! if it is such a fearful leaven to their dogmas then it should have never been created unless Knight just wanted to use it for a degradation of these other beliefs, the complaining about it should be pointed at Him he set it up this way yet they howl and whine like babies at other for posting such things here, stop being cowards and take it to the Boss man above and below.

And all the while the text speaks for itself, if any wish to explore/discuss particulars. The first 12 papers are foundational.....and dont take too long to read. It goes without saying one is to know the material first-hand if they would adequately describe or evaluate it. Its intellectually inept to assume otherwise. All begins with Paper 1, The Universal Father.

Note for newbies: Links are hilighted as blue underlined text, move your cursor over to click on and access.

Any critics who have not read at least the first 5 papers in order to discuss/know the basics of UB theology are unqualified to judge it. Particular points or doctrines are discussed by their own terms and context.

UB index (online study edition)



And all the while the text speaks for itself, if any wish to explore/discuss particulars. The first 12 papers are foundational.....and dont take too long to read. It goes without saying one is to know the material first-hand if they would adequately describe or evaluate it. Its intellectually inept to assume otherwise. All begins with Paper 1, The Universal Father.

Note for newbies: Links are hilighted as blue underlined text, move your cursor over to click on and access.

Any critics who have not read at least the first 5 papers in order to discuss/know the basics of UB theology are unqualified to judge it. Particular points or doctrines are discussed by their own terms and context.

UB index (online study edition)


Lot of newbies here. Lot of them. Really lots of them.

UB practitioners are tolerant of others.

Some christians are not tolerant of others.

Radical Muslims don't tolerate some. They hack and steal packet ID's from posts and then hack the service providers to trace more numbers right to the front doors of the posters.

I believe in free speech but I still skip over some Muslims here. Maybe we should respect thier faith. That includes UB'ers.


New member
You've already been corrected about UFO cult associations and assumptions. Stop misrepresenting the UB. Its dishonest.

You'll likely find answers to your questions by searching the thread....use 'search this thread' feature......alot has already been covered, so to prevent redundancy. You've been given all resources and the text itself to liberally study....but do not afford yourself learning it, so no real dialogue can be had, just your pontificating, polemic adversarial antics which retards any real discussion. Part 4 contains an extensive record of Jesus teaching.....very clearly. Go to the source itself instead of being a tedious sock-puppet.


I asked a very simple Yes or No question:

Does the urantia book teach that Jesus Christ died on the Cross for the sins of mankind, thus providing a blood atonement and means of Salvation? Is the following portion of Scripture from the Holy Bible TRUE and supported by the urantia UFO cult?

1 Corinthians 15:1-4 KJV 1 Moreover, brethren, I declare unto you the gospel which I preached unto you, which also ye have received, and wherein ye stand; 2 By which also ye are saved, if ye keep in memory what I preached unto you, unless ye have believed in vain. 3 For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures; 4 And that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures:

Your simple answer should have been:

NO, the urantia UFO cult does not support this teaching, or simply NO. However, you went to a lot of trouble avoiding the answer "NO". Why? Are you afraid to let others know what you deny? You simply deny the core teaching of Christianity and the purpose of the most important event in human history. You want to gut the Gospel of the Grace of God with your false teaching.

You have an opinion and I have an opinion about the urantia UFO cult reference. Many share my opinion.


Does the urantia book teach that Jesus Christ died on the Cross for the sins of mankind, thus providing a blood atonement and means of Salvation? Is the following portion of Scripture from the Holy Bible TRUE and supported by the urantia UFO cult?

1 Corinthians 15:1-4 KJV 1 Moreover, brethren, I declare unto you the gospel which I preached unto you, which also ye have received, and wherein ye stand; 2 By which also ye are saved, if ye keep in memory what I preached unto you, unless ye have believed in vain. 3 For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures; 4 And that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures:

That's Paul's gospel based on his personal conclusions. Paul, as well meaning as he was, taught his version of the religion of Jesus. Paul didn't have the benefit of being taught the gospel of the kingdom of heaven, so after his conversion experience he naturally blended ideas from his religious understanding into the new gospel.

The UB teaches the original gospel that Jesus preached to the Jews, salvation by faith, forgiveness by sincere repentance, receiving it from God and experiencing it by forgiving others.


This is what the UB says about blood sacrifices:

5. Erroneous Ideas of God

(59.6) 4:5.1 Religious tradition is the imperfectly preserved record of the experiences of the God-knowing men of past ages, but such records are untrustworthy as guides for religious living or as the source of true information about the Universal Father. Such ancient beliefs have been invariably altered by the fact that primitive man was a mythmaker.

(60.1) 4:5.2 One of the greatest sources of confusion on Urantia concerning the nature of God grows out of the failure of your sacred books clearly to distinguish between the personalities of the Paradise Trinity and between Paradise Deity and the local universe creators and administrators. During the past dispensations of partial understanding, your priests and prophets failed clearly to differentiate between Planetary Princes, System Sovereigns, Constellation Fathers, Creator Sons, Superuniverse Rulers, the Supreme Being, and the Universal Father. Many of the messages of subordinate personalities, such as Life Carriers and various orders of angels, have been, in your records, presented as coming from God himself. Urantian religious thought still confuses the associate personalities of Deity with the Universal Father himself, so that all are included under one appellation.

(60.2) 4:5.3 The people of Urantia continue to suffer from the influence of primitive concepts of God. The gods who go on a rampage in the storm; who shake the earth in their wrath and strike down men in their anger; who inflict their judgments of displeasure in times of famine and flood — these are the gods of primitive religion; they are not the Gods who live and rule the universes. Such concepts are a relic of the times when men supposed that the universe was under the guidance and domination of the whims of such imaginary gods. But mortal man is beginning to realize that he lives in a realm of comparative law and order as far as concerns the administrative policies and conduct of the Supreme Creators and the Supreme Controllers.

(60.3) 4:5.4 The barbarous idea of appeasing an angry God, of propitiating an offended Lord, of winning the favor of Deity through sacrifices and penance and even by the shedding of blood, represents a religion wholly puerile and primitive, a philosophy unworthy of an enlightened age of science and truth. Such beliefs are utterly repulsive to the celestial beings and the divine rulers who serve and reign in the universes. It is an affront to God to believe, hold, or teach that innocent blood must be shed in order to win his favor or to divert the fictitious divine wrath.

(60.4) 4:5.5 The Hebrews believed that “without the shedding of blood there could be no remission of sin.” They had not found deliverance from the old and pagan idea that the Gods could not be appeased except by the sight of blood, though Moses did make a distinct advance when he forbade human sacrifices and substituted therefor, in the primitive minds of his childlike Bedouin followers, the ceremonial sacrifice of animals.

(60.5) 4:5.6 The bestowal of a Paradise Son on your world was inherent in the situation of closing a planetary age; it was inescapable, and it was not made necessary for the purpose of winning the favor of God. This bestowal also happened to be the final personal act of a Creator Son in the long adventure of earning the experiential sovereignty of his universe. What a travesty upon the infinite character of God! this teaching that his fatherly heart in all its austere coldness and hardness was so untouched by the misfortunes and sorrows of his creatures that his tender mercies were not forthcoming until he saw his blameless Son bleeding and dying upon the cross of Calvary!

(60.6) 4:5.7 But the inhabitants of Urantia are to find deliverance from these ancient errors and pagan superstitions respecting the nature of the Universal Father. The revelation of the truth about God is appearing, and the human race is destined to know the Universal Father in all that beauty of character and loveliness of attributes so magnificently portrayed by the Creator Son who sojourned on Urantia as the Son of Man and the Son of God." UB 1955



New member
That's Paul's gospel based on his personal conclusions. Paul, as well meaning as he was, taught his version of the religion of Jesus. Paul didn't have the benefit of being taught the gospel of the kingdom of heaven, so after his conversion experience he naturally blended ideas from his religious understanding into the new gospel.

The UB teaches the original gospel that Jesus preached to the Jews, salvation by faith, forgiveness by sincere repentance, receiving it from God and experiencing it by forgiving others.

In short, NO - the urantia UFO Cult denies the purpose and result of Jesus Christ and the Cross. Your false teaching denies and guts the Gospel of the Grace of God - the core of Christianity. Things did change at the Cross, and Jesus Christ did not die in vain.

Galatians 1:8-9 KJV But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed. 9 As we said before, so say I now again, If any man preach any other gospel unto you than that ye have received, let him be accursed.

Nathon Detroit

Dear Urantia people. Wouldn't you be happier on a forum that was more receptive to your beliefs??

Seriously.... I think you guys are pure nuts.

I'm sure you are all really nice folks in person but this stuff just doesn't seem to fit here on TOL. I can't continue to protect you from other members that want to mock your because frankly I agree with them.

Maybe the time has come for you to move on. :dunno:


I identify as a Christian
Staff member
Hall of Fame
You won't convince the Christians here on TOL of your Bat in the Belfry crazy doctrines. Offering it to us is like offering slurry as food, altogether unappealing and not nourishing.

As the old saying goes, you get what you ask for. You post it here in front of people that don't want it and of course they are going to say negative things about it. Take Knight's suggestion to heart and perhaps open it someplace where it will be more appreciated.


Dear Urantia people. Wouldn't you be happier on a forum that was more receptive to your beliefs??

Seriously.... I think you guys are pure nuts.

I'm sure you are all really nice folks in person but this stuff just doesn't seem to fit here on TOL. I can't continue to protect you from other members that want to mock your because frankly I agree with them.

Maybe the time has come for you to move on. :dunno:

Got the message Knight. Thank you again for letting us cary this message here on TOL. Their are some good people here.



Well-known member
You won't convince the Christians here on TOL of your Bat in the Belfry crazy doctrines. Offering it to us is like offering slurry as food, altogether unappealing and not nourishing.

As the old saying goes, you get what you ask for. You post it here in front of people that don't want it and of course they are going to say negative things about it. Take Knight's suggestion to heart and perhaps open it someplace where it will be more appreciated.

Well wonder why you have a religious section then, if this is how you feel about others being able to post on TOL, plus the above goes both ways your pagan blood sacrifice isn't appealing to me in the least anymore or people who play christian while sporting a legal name that allows them to buy and sell in Babylon, yet you think your spiritually on top of things but can't even grasp that simple concept, and what that means concerning your soul once you have been told about it and ignore it. Creations Mod isn't going to wink wink like you do around here in the good ole boy ego club.


You won't convince the Christians here on TOL of your Bat in the Belfry crazy doctrines. Offering it to us is like offering slurry as food, altogether unappealing and not nourishing.

As the old saying goes, you get what you ask for. You post it here in front of people that don't want it and of course they are going to say negative things about it. Take Knight's suggestion to heart and perhaps open it someplace where it will be more appreciated.

I understand Inzel, they said Jesus was nuts as well, his family came out to bring him home because they truly thought he was "beside himself." The scripture experts were constantly offended by his strange doctrines. We understand the UB if others can't.



New member
Well wonder why you have a religious section then, if this is how you feel about others being able to post on TOL, plus the above goes both ways your pagan blood sacrifice isn't appealing to me in the least anymore or people who play christian while sporting a legal name that allows them to buy and sell in Babylon, yet you think your spiritually on top of things but can't even grasp that simple concept, and what that means concerning your soul once you have been told about it and ignore it. Creations Mod isn't going to wink wink like you do around here in the good ole boy ego club.

Most of this post makes no sense at all. I could care less what appeals to you, and I doubt that anyone else does either.


New member
Appealing to me

Appealing to me

Well wonder why you have a religious section then, if this is how you feel about others being able to post on TOL, plus the above goes both ways your pagan blood sacrifice isn't appealing to me in the least anymore or people who play christian while sporting a legal name that allows them to buy and sell in Babylon, yet you think your spiritually on top of things but can't even grasp that simple concept, and what that means concerning your soul once you have been told about it and ignore it. Creations Mod isn't going to wink wink like you do around here in the good ole boy ego club.

With all due respect to your frustration, wouldn't a little theological goodwill go a long way? Otherwise you're just giving a similar response to those Grosnick is giving, a response that hardly facilitates open discussion.


With all due respect to your frustration, wouldn't a little theological goodwill go a long way? Otherwise you're just giving a similar response to those Grosnick is giving, a response that hardly facilitates open discussion.

Cyber bullyism is different than debating.

Kids hang themselves with a noose overy simple bullyisms.

We don't stone homosexuals to death, today.

Yesterday #facebookdown went down for real due to li Z ar d squ a d.

We are vulnerable here and need to stop the trolling wars.

Let's not forget the governments put a bug in your iPhone.

We don't want that here, right??????

There are no wars here.

Right folks?????
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I understand Inzel, they said Jesus was nuts as well, his family came out to bring him home because they truly thought he was "beside himself." The scripture experts were constantly offended by his strange doctrines. We understand the UB if others can't.


We also have gnosticism and judaism here and perhaps they can stay as well.


New member
We also have gnosticism and judaism here and perhaps they can stay as well.

Things like that has nothing to do with what's going on Here!

It's the Likes and Dislikes OF THE - "BELOVEDS", ( AND ) "MONEY" & "Prestige"!!!! As Long as many of ( Anything ) loves them, that's OK!!! -- That's the way of ALL Anti Christians powers!!

(( IF )) Truth WAS The GOAL Here, then What God says about - and To the Women Would be FOLLOWED, But it's Not!! - The same in most ~churches today, the Women are allowed to be Anything in churches; which IS Completely against GOD, Any FOOL Can Read what God says about things. It's Just that the Antichrist doesn't CARE What GOD SAYS!!

PAUL, DAVID -- 011715


Things like that has nothing to do with what's going on Here!

It's the Likes and Dislikes OF THE - "BELOVEDS", ( AND ) "MONEY" & "Prestige"!!!! As Long as many of ( Anything ) loves them, that's OK!!! -- That's the way of ALL Anti Christians powers!!

(( IF )) Truth WAS The GOAL Here, then What God says about - and To the Women Would be FOLLOWED, But it's Not!! - The same in most ~churches today, the Women are allowed to be Anything in churches; which IS Completely against GOD, Any FOOL Can Read what God says about things. It's Just that the Antichrist doesn't CARE What GOD SAYS!!

PAUL, DAVID -- 011715

You being the first to respond, I wouldn't be surprised if you beat women like the Muslims do.

You're behind times.

Of course women can share the gospel to the lost.

Our book of order has this:
“Standards for ordained service reflect the church’s desire to submit joyfully to the Lordship of Jesus Christ in all aspects of life (G-1.0000). The governing body responsible for ordination and/or installation (G.14.0240; G-14.0450) shall examine each candidate’s calling, gifts, preparation, and suitability for the responsibilities of office. The examination shall include, but not be limited to, a determination of the candidate’s ability and commitment to fulfill all requirements as expressed in the constitutional questions for ordination and installation (W-4.4003). Governing bodies shall be guided by Scripture and the confessions in applying standards to individual candidates.”
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