The Late Great Urantia Revelation

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Grosnick Marowbe

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Hall of Fame
Pay close attention to this one Caino; "7. Thou SHALL NOT troll our forums. If you are here to make outlandish, crazy statements merely to get a rise out of the membership and cause trouble, please save yourself the time and leave.

This is what you 3 do!


We aren't trolls, we try to keep the discussion on the revelation and enlightening contents.

Rules that apply to everyone but our thread:

5. Thou SHALL NOT hijack threads or be a "thread pest" (Hijacking a thread means intentionally changing the subject of a thread to discredit the thread's purpose. And being a "thread pest" means you pop into random threads just to make a mocking comment with no other purpose than to marginalize the discussion). If you are not interested in the topic of a thread, you might just want to stay out of it.

7. Thou SHALL NOT troll our forums. If you are here to make outlandish, crazy statements merely to get a rise out of the membership and cause trouble, please save yourself the time and leave.

Please do not marginalize TOL threads or TOL members, the topics and threads that interest some TOL members might not interest you. Just ignore threads and TOL members that do not interest you.

Bullyism is a crime. Report at



Well, Inzl Kett has told you today, if you don't like what's going
on, go elsewhere! So, you have a decision to make? Stay and go
along with whats going on or, seek other horizons elsewhere?

Or, instead of being the errand boy you could stay on the other threads where other people on TOL also think you are just a pest?


Well-known member
It's pointless, they let you break the rules, It only inspires more of the same from you. They let you say anything you want on this thread.

It looks to me like you can say anything you want on this thread, too. The fact remains, what you're saying should be confined to Hollywood....might make a good movie. ;)


Well-known member
Or, instead of being the errand boy you could stay on the other threads where other people on TOL also think you are just a pest?

I don't think he's a pest. I think he is a good "fruit" inspector...his job is to expose the pests. :chuckle:


Eclectic Theosophist
false assumptions.......

false assumptions.......

That is a fact. Urantia is a UFO cult.

False. I've already addressed this many times. Go here. (See all linked commentary).

If you want to debate this intelligently, be properly informed. If you have facts to refute my commentary and resource links on this subject then provide your evidence.

Adding an excerpt from Wikipedia's 'UFO Religion Talk network' about removing the Urantia Movement from 'UFO Religion' page -

This is an excerpt from a letter written by the Marian T Rowley, Secretary-General of the Urantia Brotherhood, on August 31, 1960 to a member of the Washington Saucer Intelligence who was attending a saucer convention in Chicago. Rowley writes, "...The point that I shall try to make very clear is that The Urantia Book is a book on religion, a revelation intended to enlarge our cosmic viewpoint and show us that we are only a small part of a very large universe; and the main theme is the fatherhood of God and the brotherhood of man, and the whole thing leads up to the enlargement and an enhancement of the life and teachings of Jesus. The Urantia Book has nothing to do with space ships or saucers. It does not validate them, it does not disprove them, it simply takes no notice of them. Any study groups which are formed must not be integrated with space age groups. As a group, our business is solely religion, but any individual many become involved in any outside activity -- and I'll read the quotation along this line. We'll encourage study groups and help them in all ways possible if they keep the study on The Urantia Book." See historical document at

It is befitting that the Urantia Book be removed from this wiki. Just because an instructor teaches school and plays golf in his or her leisure time does not mean that the school is affiliated with golf course.

Rightfully, the Urantia Foundation is not listed on wiki's 'UFO Religion' page. It is however still listed in the list of UFO Religions....but this is a misnomer. These are the facts.


UFOs can be discussed in another thread.

I had a charter-thread here on 'ET Theology', quite extensive dealing mostly with spiritual teaching and metaphysical principles given thru extraterrestrial contact (physical or telepathic) some with ufos involved. UFOlogy is a seperate study....if any are interested in 'exopolitics' and space brother contacts they can research the data on my 'Disclosure Project' thread....hilighting Dr. Steven Greer's work in disclosing extraterrestrial contact and the implications thereof, many government officials and military coming forward giving their accounts. Since its in the 'Politics' section....keeping it in context of exopolitics.

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Eclectic Theosophist


I don't think he's a pest. I think he is a good "fruit" inspector...his job is to expose the pests. :chuckle:

He's far from that, and 'pest' is but a modest description of his apparently tolerated mis-behavior. Being a troll does more disrespect to the forum, when intelligent discussion and informative dialogue serves the forum's purpose.



Eclectic Theosophist
learn the facts......

learn the facts......

Have you searched the Internet and what it has to
say about, "The Urantia Book?" Your 'religion' has been
called a, "UFO Cult!"

Some assume its a UFO Cult but that is false. You've already been corrected on this many times over.

Here and here.

Continual misrepresentation is not a sign of integrity, neither a christian virtue.

Failing to educate oneself is chosen ignorance.



New member
Completely unsubstantiated claim. None of the Bible books claim to be written by Jesus. He wrote once in the sand.

Jesus Christ is God, one with God the Father and God the Holy Spirit. All of the Holy Bible was inspired by God. The opposite would be true for the urantia nonsense.


New member
Sorry, but the self-described 'celestial beings' are NOT of this world, so they are aliens and calling them little green men is just too kind. They're demons, plain and simple. :duh:

I agree. This would explain why the urantia nonsense contradicts most major doctrines of the Holy Bible.


New member
I get that you don't like the message but I just thought the moderation would be more even handed that's all.

Truth will set a person free but not before making them angry. Jesus warned us that people would hate without a cause.

You don't get it. The urantia nonsense is Anti-Christ, Anti-Christian, and is nothing more than cheap UFO science fiction. Further, the urantia mess is not associated with the Holy Bible, even though the authors stole many of their ideas from the Holy Bible. Finally the urantia mess is not associated with the truth, rather an anti-truth.


New member
It's not in the Bible Books because that revelation had not happened yet, just like the Old Testament Judaism didn't know God had a Son that lived in heaven who was also a God in a Trinity! Just like Jesus never taught that a Paul would take over and dominate the thinking of a new religion created about him after Jesus had hand picked and trained 12 others.

Jews say Christianity is a cult comparable to Mormonism and point to the flat out errors of theologians trying to force Jesus into their Messiah.

Living in a glass house you aught not throw stones.

The urantia UFO revelation never happened. Never try to compare the urantia nonsense to the Holy Bible. The urantia mess is a figment of the imagination, certainly having nothing to do with God EXCEPT LIES about Him. The Holy Bible stands as the TRUTH and has done so for more than 2,000 years for most of it. As a contrast, the urantia UFO nonsense has been around for about 50 years and is obvious fiction to anyone with common sense.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
The urantia UFO revelation never happened. Never try to compare the urantia nonsense to the Holy Bible. The urantia mess is a figment of the imagination, certainly having nothing to do with God EXCEPT LIES about Him. The Holy Bible stands as the TRUTH and has done so for more than 2,000 years for most of it. As a contrast, the urantia UFO nonsense has been around for about 50 years and is obvious fiction to anyone with common sense.

I can just hear "The original Urantians" on the telephone with
L. Ron Hubbard discussing how they can 'bamboozle' the
naive public with "UFO Cult" baloney, and make a buck or
two at the same time!! LOL!!

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
You don't get it. The urantia nonsense is Anti-Christ, Anti-Christian, and is nothing more than cheap UFO science fiction. Further, the urantia mess is not associated with the Holy Bible, even though the authors stole many of their ideas from the Holy Bible. Finally the urantia mess is not associated with the truth, rather an anti-truth.

True! But, Freelight will still tell you to search out the truth from
his assorted websites!
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