The Late Great Urantia Revelation

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We can't say you have UFOS
you can't say we have talking donkey's or unicorns.

Since I warned you to put GM on ignore, you become like him.

The UB reveals lots of new types of strange creatures but people here haven't read it so they wouldn't know. But the UB doesn't have Egyptian Gods or sticks to snakes or God killing baby's or earth drowning after God becomes disappointed in his own creative work kind of stuff. Noah is passed out drunk and naked in his tent after being on a boat for a year with millions of species of living things depending on which of the 2 different stories one picks.

Genesis 9:21New King James Version (NKJV)

21 Then he drank of the wine and was drunk, and became uncovered in his tent.

I've never believed in the inconsistencies of the Hebrews books about themselves. I don't trust the writings of the church government that killed Jesus because he didn't fulfill their scripture or the church government that claims he will "soon return" to finally do what he was supposed to do 2000 years ago. I have common sense.
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The UB reveals lots of new types of strange creatures but people here haven't read it so they wouldn't know. But the UB doesn't have Egyptian Gods or sticks to snakes or God killing baby's or earth drowning after God becomes disappointed in his own creative work kind of stuff. Noah is passed out drunk and naked in his tent after being on a boat for a year with millions of species of living things depending on which of the 2 different stories one picks.

I've never believed in the inconsistencies of the Hebrews books about themselves. I don't trust the writings of the church government that killed Jesus because he didn't fulfill their scripture or the church government that claims he will "soon return" to finally do what he was supposed to do 2000 years ago. I have common sense.

Maybe you don't need common sense


Maybe you don't need common sense

From my religion:

(1768.5) 159:4.9 “But the greatest error of the teaching about the Scriptures is the doctrine of their being sealed books of mystery and wisdom which only the wise minds of the nation dare to interpret. The revelations of divine truth are not sealed except by human ignorance, bigotry, and narrow-minded intolerance. The light of the Scriptures is only dimmed by prejudice and darkened by superstition. A false fear of sacredness has prevented religion from being safeguarded by common sense. The fear of the authority of the sacred writings of the past effectively prevents the honest souls of today from accepting the new light of the gospel, the light which these very God-knowing men of another generation so intensely longed to see." UB

That is the kind of common sense that I'm referring to. I don't believe a book that says that the Israelites intermarried with the Canaanites, but then in another place says that they destroyed all the Canaanites. That speaks of a division within leading to history revisionism, republicans, democrats kind of thing.


From my religion:

(1768.5) 159:4.9 “But the greatest error of the teaching about the Scriptures is the doctrine of their being sealed books of mystery and wisdom which only the wise minds of the nation dare to interpret. The revelations of divine truth are not sealed except by human ignorance, bigotry, and narrow-minded intolerance. The light of the Scriptures is only dimmed by prejudice and darkened by superstition. A false fear of sacredness has prevented religion from being safeguarded by common sense. The fear of the authority of the sacred writings of the past effectively prevents the honest souls of today from accepting the new light of the gospel, the light which these very God-knowing men of another generation so intensely longed to see." UB

That is the kind of common sense that I'm referring to. I don't believe a book that says that the Israelites intermarried with the Canaanites, but then in another place says that they destroyed all the Canaanites. That speaks of a division within leading to history revisionism, republicans, democrats kind of thing.

All that busy up a mind and keeps the waves of oceans high.

I'll shoot for mindfulness in emptymindness To gain the ah ha moment. Then I'll understand everything all at once without neverending sea of doctrines.

There is a sea of calm. UB won't get me there cause I'm out of time to learn them.


Patron Saint of SMACK
Hall of Fame
And Grosnick post here more than we do :rotfl::rotfl::rotfl::rotfl::rotfl::rotfl::rotfl:

At least the powers that be have allowed you to keep this thread open. You can feel good about that, I suppose.


Well-known member
Another being from the planet "Metaluna" speaks!

Christian speak with forked brain no trust promises, like foul wind blowing around leaving bad smell from broken dogma treaties created on paper, but strawman only know paper training and love paper treaties based on illusions like themselves, bad medicine for sleeping soul seduced by paper parasites slowing draining whats left of the living force behind the person mask. Anyone home besides the sitcom star????


Eclectic Theosophist
honest creative dialogue

honest creative dialogue

We can't say you have UFOS
you can't say we have talking donkey's or unicorns.

Since I warned you to put GM on ignore, you become like him.

I've adequately addressed the UFO issue, there being no association regarding the UB, - those intelligent enough can afford themselves the info. given and have some respect.

Talking donkeys, unicorns (special KJV translation), virgin births, sun suspensions, blackouts, resurrections and other sundry miracles are recorded in the bible, and in the UB as well. The latter presents its own views on which events are actual miracles, stories or natural phenomena. I brought this up because one religious book can be measured by the same universal standards of 'authenticity' or 'mythology' as another. In order to truthfully evaluate/compare texts, one must honestly consider them, instead of judge by presumption, ignorance or bigotry.

This is about sharing info., exchanging ideas, concepts, ideals, exploring new dimensions, researching our own views thru honest creative dialogue. The UB happens to be a wonderful catalyst to do just that opening our minds to a greater universe-vision, an expanding paradigm of cosmic consciousness.



Eclectic Theosophist
human mediums.......

human mediums.......

All of them, by inspiration. OT as well!

I think what Caino meant was that we have no written works/letters from Jesus himself while he was here, unless you accept his letter to King Agbar V of apocryphal work. See here. Beyond that we have nothing of Jesus own writing preserved, as far as we know.

Otherwise....regarding any and all religious writing....these come thru the hands of men so must bear the conditioning therefrom, no matter how pure the inspiration or enlightenment given them.



Eclectic Theosophist
honest dialogue......

honest dialogue......

At least the powers that be have allowed you to keep this thread open. You can feel good about that, I suppose.

Yes, it allows for intellectual freedom, honest research and creative dialogue, challenging us to evaluate our own opinions or assumptions about 'God', reality, the cosmos, life and teachings of Jesus, etc. Such a volume provides a goldmine of material for researching these vital questions.



The UB and Christianity



Well-known member
Sorry, but the self-described 'celestial beings' are NOT of this world, so they are aliens and calling them little green men is just too kind. They're demons, plain and simple. :duh:


Well-known member
Once again: the Urantia Book has absolutely NOTHING to do with Christianity, since it throws Christ's Blood out with the bathwater.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
I've adequately addressed the UFO issue, there being no association regarding the UB, - those intelligent enough can afford themselves the info. given and have some respect.

Talking donkeys, unicorns (special KJV translation), virgin births, sun suspensions, blackouts, resurrections and other sundry miracles are recorded in the bible, and in the UB as well. The latter presents its own views on which events are actual miracles, stories or natural phenomena. I brought this up because one religious book can be measured by the same universal standards of 'authenticity' or 'mythology' as another. In order to truthfully evaluate/compare texts, one must honestly consider them, instead of judge by presumption, ignorance or bigotry.

This is about sharing info., exchanging ideas, concepts, ideals, exploring new dimensions, researching our own views thru honest creative dialogue. The UB happens to be a wonderful catalyst to do just that opening our minds to a greater universe-vision, an expanding paradigm of cosmic consciousness.


Have you searched the Internet and what it has to
say about, "The Urantia Book?" Your 'religion' has been
called a, "UFO Cult!" Cosmic beings, and the "Occult'
are thrown into the mix as well! You and your ilk are
just another form of "Scientology!" That's a fact!


I identify as a Christian
Staff member
Hall of Fame
Have you searched the Internet and what it has to
say about, "The Urantia Book?" Your 'religion' has been
called a, "UFO Cult!" Cosmic beings, and the "Occult'
are thrown into the mix as well! You and your ilk are
just another form of "Scientology!" That's a fact!
That is a fact. Urantia is a UFO cult.
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