The Late Great Urantia Revelation

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Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Your, "religion" began with the "Kellogg family" (Cereal giant) and the
Occult! The Urantia Book" was published in 1955. Scientology had its
beginnings around the same time. (Mid Fifties) You might say that,
Scientology and Urantia are close cousins? Both include alien intervention,
Cosmic beings, and Sci-Fi undertones!


It is the price you pay for posting this nonsense on a Christian forum. We've allowed you to have this thread. If you don't like the working conditions here, you can go someplace else.

I get that you don't like the message but I just thought the moderation would be more even handed that's all.

Truth will set a person free but not before making them angry. Jesus warned us that people would hate without a cause.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
I get that you don't like the message but I just thought the moderation would be more even handed that's all.

Truth will set a person free but not before making them angry. Jesus warned us that people would hate without a cause.

Jesus was in NO way defending your "UFO Cult!" If you can prove
otherwise, post the chapters and verses (From the Holy Bible) that
declare; Christ mentions, "The Urantia book" specifically, and I'll
apologize to you publicly?

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Here's an analogy you guys might identify with?
"You guys are a nest full of angry Hornets in a
field of beautiful flowers!" You just don't fit!


Jesus was in NO way defending your "UFO Cult!" If you can prove
otherwise, post the chapters and verses (From the Holy Bible) that
declare; Christ mentions, "The Urantia book" specifically, and I'll
apologize to you publicly?

It's not in the Bible Books because that revelation had not happened yet, just like the Old Testament Judaism didn't know God had a Son that lived in heaven who was also a God in a Trinity! Just like Jesus never taught that a Paul would take over and dominate the thinking of a new religion created about him after Jesus had hand picked and trained 12 others.

Jews say Christianity is a cult comparable to Mormonism and point to the flat out errors of theologians trying to force Jesus into their Messiah.

Living in a glass house you aught not throw stones.


Well-known member
It is the price you pay for posting this nonsense on a Christian forum. We've allowed you to have this thread. If you don't like the working conditions here, you can go someplace else.

I enjoy the remarks of indoctrinated western christians, they speak for them selves and show the hearts condition which is far more telling then anything one could retort against it's mental state. Carry on it's reaping far more damage than the Urantia papers could ever accomplish, or the pro paper folks trying to defend it's viability.

I look around at the destroyed wilderness your type of religion has brought to this land and wait, it's coming can you hear it? your allowance wont matter when that debt is due.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
You, Freelight, and Zeke ought to put your funds together
and start your own forum? You can post, day and night
about, the occult, UFOs, cosmic beings, shadow people,
Urantia, big foot, levitation, crystals, and all kinds of
"freaky" things? You'll attract an assortment of oddballs,
weirdos, freaks, occultists, evolutionists, reincarnationists,
and other "otherworldly" types! You won't have ANY
opposition on such a forum! There will be nothing but,
harmony! You'll be guaranteed to reach your "Nirvana"
on such a forum!

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
It's not in the Bible Books because that revelation had not happened yet, just like the Old Testament Judaism didn't know God had a Son that lived in heaven who was also a God in a Trinity! Just like Jesus never taught that a Paul would take over and dominate the thinking of a new religion created about him after Jesus had hand picked and trained 12 others.

Jews say Christianity is a cult comparable to Mormonism and point to the flat out errors of theologians trying to force Jesus into their Messiah.

Living in a glass house you aught not throw stones.

I'll let you in on a little secret; I can't bear to read your entire
posts! Same goes for Freelights, and Zekes! I glance at a
couple of words, and automatically know what's ahead, more
or less! Non-sense would be a good word to describe yours,
Zeke's, and Freelight's postings!

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
I enjoy the remarks of indoctrinated western christians, they speak for them selves and show the hearts condition which is far more telling then anything one could retort against it's mental state. Carry on it's reaping far more damage than the Urantia papers could ever accomplish, or the pro paper folks trying to defend it's viability.

I look around at the destroyed wilderness your type of religion has brought to this land and wait, it's coming can you hear it? your allowance wont matter when that debt is due.

You and Letsargue have to be related? You're both a little,
odd in the head!


You, Freelight, and Zeke ought to put your funds together
and start your own forum? You can post, day and night
about, the occult, UFOs, cosmic beings, shadow people,
Urantia, big foot, levitation, crystals, and all kinds of
"freaky" things? You'll attract an assortment of oddballs,
weirdos, freaks, occultists, evolutionists, reincarnationists,
and other "otherworldly" types! You won't have ANY
opposition on such a forum! There will be nothing but,
harmony! You'll be guaranteed to reach your "Nirvana"
on such a forum!

The UB hits an insecure nerve in your theology, that's why you have an obsession with this thread among thousands. It's a relevant theological discussion on a Theology Forum. Other forums allow the UB in the appropriate place.

There are bunches of Atheists on this forum who mock Christianity constantly, Muslims, Buddhist etc. why aren't you obsessed and nasty to them?


You, freelight, and zeke are saying what you want as well? So,
what's your gripe?

We aren't trolls, we try to keep the discussion on the revelation and enlightening contents.

Rules that apply to everyone but our thread:

5. Thou SHALL NOT hijack threads or be a "thread pest" (Hijacking a thread means intentionally changing the subject of a thread to discredit the thread's purpose. And being a "thread pest" means you pop into random threads just to make a mocking comment with no other purpose than to marginalize the discussion). If you are not interested in the topic of a thread, you might just want to stay out of it.

7. Thou SHALL NOT troll our forums. If you are here to make outlandish, crazy statements merely to get a rise out of the membership and cause trouble, please save yourself the time and leave.

Please do not marginalize TOL threads or TOL members, the topics and threads that interest some TOL members might not interest you. Just ignore threads and TOL members that do not interest you.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
There are bunches of Atheists on this forum who mock Christianity constantly, Muslims, Buddhist etc. why aren't you obsessed and nasty to them?

They don't try to add to the "Bible" extra junk that is uninspired,
and was never meant to be in God's written word! The Urantia
book 'pretends' to have "special revelation" from "Otherworldly
"demonic" entities!" These, "entities", according to your religion,
supposedly spoke through a "sleeping Man" who was used by
these "entities" as a 'human conduit' to add words to the Holy,
inspired written word of God! (The Bible)

Your "Cult" mixes The Bible with the Occult words of unseen
cosmic entities! These, 'entities' according to your "religion"
go by different names and have different positions in the
universe! You guys are much worse than the Atheists and
others because, you make additions to the Bible, and make
up "New Revelations" that aren't from God!

The Bible contains all of what God wants
us to know! No further revelation will be
forthcoming! We have the Bible, and that's
ALL we need!

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
We aren't trolls, we try to keep the discussion on the revelation and enlightening contents.

Rules that apply to everyone but our thread:

5. Thou SHALL NOT hijack threads or be a "thread pest" (Hijacking a thread means intentionally changing the subject of a thread to discredit the thread's purpose. And being a "thread pest" means you pop into random threads just to make a mocking comment with no other purpose than to marginalize the discussion). If you are not interested in the topic of a thread, you might just want to stay out of it.

7. Thou SHALL NOT troll our forums. If you are here to make outlandish, crazy statements merely to get a rise out of the membership and cause trouble, please save yourself the time and leave.

Please do not marginalize TOL threads or TOL members, the topics and threads that interest some TOL members might not interest you. Just ignore threads and TOL members that do not interest you.

Well, Inzl Kett has told you today, if you don't like what's going
on, go elsewhere! So, you have a decision to make? Stay and go
along with whats going on or, seek other horizons elsewhere?
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