The Late Great Urantia Revelation

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Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
..........960,000 years before the arrival of Adam & Eve

960,000 years ago huh? Could it have been 960,002 years ago or
959,099 years ago? Does it have to be exactly 960,000 years
ago? I wonder if Freelight, and Caino were around during that
period of time? Perhaps, they were in another, "Cosmic body?"


Eclectic Theosophist
See the bigger picture.......

See the bigger picture.......

960,000 years ago huh? Could it have been 960,002 years ago or
959,099 years ago? Does it have to be exactly 960,000 years
ago? I wonder if Freelight, and Caino were around during that
period of time? Perhaps, they were in another, "Cosmic body?"

All 'estimates' are relative in the field of space-time information, so ninny-picking over an exact 'definition' or 'equation' is frivolous in the greater context of things. Approximations can be made, but are still 'relative' to other points within any given field. Who is saying any information or historical records have to be 'exact'?

Note also that such 'dating techniques' DO NOTHING to invalidate or disprove the true values, meanings and principles of the religious/spiritual teachings or philosophy expounded in the papers, since truths speak for themselves, they relate.

As far as 'bodies' go,....all forms in motion are ever transforming themselves in the continuum of creation. The bodies we have 'assumed' here will disintegrate and return back to the primal elements, as the spirit-soul continues on, assuming new forms. Such is life.......


Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
All 'estimates' are relative in the field of space-time information, so ninny-picking over an exact 'definition' or 'equation' is frivolous in the greater context of things. Approximations can be made, but are still 'relative' to other points within any given field. Who is saying any information or historical records have to be 'exact'?

Note also that such 'dating techniques' DO NOTHING to invalidate or disprove the true values, meanings and principles of the religious/spiritual teachings or philosophy expounded in the papers, since truths speak for themselves, they relate.

As far as 'bodies' go,....all forms in motion are ever transforming themselves in the continuum of creation. The bodies we have 'assumed' here will disintegrate and return back to the primal elements, as the spirit-soul continues on, assuming new forms. Such is life.......


Why give a random number? If you think it truly doesn't
matter then, why bother 'guessing' at a number? Leave
that space open to, "personal interpretation?" Unless
you have a 'precise' and certain number, along with some
evidence to back it up, why rely on some randomly
chosen number?


All 'estimates' are relative in the field of space-time information, so ninny-picking over an exact 'definition' or 'equation' is frivolous in the greater context of things. Approximations can be made, but are still 'relative' to other points within any given field. Who is saying any information or historical records have to be 'exact'?

Note also that such 'dating techniques' DO NOTHING to invalidate or disprove the true values, meanings and principles of the religious/spiritual teachings or philosophy expounded in the papers, since truths speak for themselves, they relate.

As far as 'bodies' go,....all forms in motion are ever transforming themselves in the continuum of creation. The bodies we have 'assumed' here will disintegrate and return back to the primal elements, as the spirit-soul continues on, assuming new forms. Such is life.......


The "960,000" was my rough number, i was to lazy to look it up, besides, the hecklers have no appreciation for the gift that Christ has given them in the UB so they will just pick any fault they think is there in the same fashion that quibbling lawyers tried to trap Jesus; the papers are specific about certain dates like the arrival of Adam and Eve:

Adam and Eve

(828.1) 74:0.1 ADAM AND EVE arrived on Urantia,from the year A.D. 1934, 37,848 years ago. It was in midseason when the Garden was in the height of bloom that they arrived. At high noon and unannounced, the two seraphic transports, accompanied by the Jerusem personnel intrusted with the transportation of the biologic uplifters to Urantia, settled slowly to the surface of the revolving planet in the vicinity of the temple of the Universal Father. All the work of rematerializing the bodies of Adam and Eve was carried on within the precincts of this newly created shrine. And from the time of their arrival ten days passed before they were re-created in dual human form for presentation as the world’s new rulers. They regained consciousness simultaneously. The Material Sons and Daughters always serve together. It is the essence of their service at all times and in all places never to be separated. They are designed to work in pairs; seldom do they function alone.

The First Human Beings

(707.7)62:5.1 From the year A.D. 1934 back to the birth of the first two human beings is just 993,419 years.

(707.8) 62:5.2 These two remarkable creatures were true human beings. They possessed perfect human thumbs, as had many of their ancestors, while they had just as perfect feet as the present-day human races. They were walkers and runners, not climbers; the grasping function of the big toe was absent, completely absent. When danger drove them to the treetops, they climbed just like the humans of today would. They would climb up the trunk of a tree like a bear and not as would a chimpanzee or a gorilla, swinging up by the branches.

But I guess we also need to give them the time of day this all happened and who won the World Series that year?


By 1934 when most of the Urantia papers had come through there was no computer analysis of days of the week corresponding with dates 2,000 years ago. So in 1988 a UB reader decided to see if the dates mentioned were accurate for the corresponding days of the week:

Computer Analysis of Dates in The Urantia Book
by Matt Neibaur, M.D.
Scientific Symposium I 1988


In 1572 a former professor of law from Bologna named Ugo Buoncompagni became Pope Gregory XIII; ten years later the Gregorian calendar was introduced. The Julian calendar, founded sixteen centuries earlier by Julius Caesar, was inaccurate and the need for reform was widely recognized. Its principal failure was the discrepancy between the mean length of its year, 365.25 days, and the tropical year, then averaging 365.24232 days. This is nearly eleven minutes and four seconds shorter than the Julian year, a small discrepancy which continued to accumulate until it was no longer a matter of minutes but days. By the time of the Gregorian reform, this error had grown to eleven days. Understandably, this was of concern to the Pope; if the calendar had continued unchanged, Easter would eventually be celebrated in the summer.

The attempts at reform set off a wide range of debates, both academic and religious. At one point excommunication was threatened by the Pope against anyone who refused to accept the new calendar. The details and controversies created by the reform are presented beautifully in an article in the May 1982 issue of The Scientific American by Gordon Moyer entitled, "The Gregorian Calendar."

Readers of The Urantia Book should find the calendar reform and methods of measuring time interesting. In part four of the book, The Life and Teachings of Jesus, there are numerous references to dates. Dates and weekdays are listed unequivocally. Is there any way to check on these dates? Was April 14, A.D. 2, really a Friday as stated? Would it make any difference if the dates and weekdays did not correlate? Would The Urantia Book be true if major discrepancies existed? Whether or not one accepts or rejects The Urantia Book is determined more by its spiritual impact rather than possible scientific correlations. Still, it would be nice to know if there existed independent verification of these dates and times.

Using information obtained from the book, Astronomical Formulae for Calculators by Jean Meeus, a program was written to calculate dates and weekdays. The program takes into account the Gregorian calendar reform. All dates are first converted to Julian Day numbers and the results are divided by seven to obtain weekdays from the remainder. A calendar is then generated using this information. Even by computer standards, it is a rather tedious process.

The results were reassuring. The odds of merely guessing the correct day would be one in seven for each day or the product of the separate probabilities for all of the dates listed. This calculates to one chance in 5,764,801 for correctly guessing the eight dates listed. (Now you know why bingo games are a great way of making money.) The following dates were sampled and showed correct dates with corresponding weekdays:

Date Weekday Correlation

April 14, AD 2 Friday Yes

June 24, AD 5 Wednesday Yes

January 9, AD 7 Sunday Yes

April 17, AD 9 Wednesday Yes

April 26, AD 22 Sunday Yes

March 3, AD 26 Sunday Yes

February 23, AD 26 Saturday Yes

June 18, AD 26 Tuesday Yes

There are more dates in The Urantia Book. Perhaps other readers would like to experiment with the program. Future projects could include construction of a calendar with corresponding events listed for specific dates during the life of Jesus. A chronological guide with specific maps could become an important adjunct in studying part four of the book. The calendars are already available that encompass the time periods from 8 B.C. to 30 A.D.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
There are more dates in The Urantia Book. Perhaps other readers would like to experiment with the program. Future projects could include construction of a calendar with corresponding events listed for specific dates during the life of Jesus. A chronological guide with specific maps could become an important adjunct in studying part four of the book. The calendars are already available that encompass the time periods from 8 B.C. to 30 A.D.

Can we just make it up as we go? Sort of like the rest of
the book?

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
The "960,000" was my rough number, i was to lazy to look it up, besides, the hecklers have no appreciation for the gift that Christ has given them in the UB so they will just pick any fault they think is there in the same fashion that quibbling lawyers tried to trap Jesus; the papers are specific about certain dates like the arrival of Adam and Eve:

Adam and Eve

(828.1) 74:0.1 ADAM AND EVE arrived on Urantia,from the year A.D. 1934, 37,848 years ago. It was in midseason when the Garden was in the height of bloom that they arrived. At high noon and unannounced, the two seraphic transports, accompanied by the Jerusem personnel intrusted with the transportation of the biologic uplifters to Urantia, settled slowly to the surface of the revolving planet in the vicinity of the temple of the Universal Father. All the work of rematerializing the bodies of Adam and Eve was carried on within the precincts of this newly created shrine. And from the time of their arrival ten days passed before they were re-created in dual human form for presentation as the world’s new rulers. They regained consciousness simultaneously. The Material Sons and Daughters always serve together. It is the essence of their service at all times and in all places never to be separated. They are designed to work in pairs; seldom do they function alone.

The First Human Beings

(707.7)62:5.1 From the year A.D. 1934 back to the birth of the first two human beings is just 993,419 years.

(707.8) 62:5.2 These two remarkable creatures were true human beings. They possessed perfect human thumbs, as had many of their ancestors, while they had just as perfect feet as the present-day human races. They were walkers and runners, not climbers; the grasping function of the big toe was absent, completely absent. When danger drove them to the treetops, they climbed just like the humans of today would. They would climb up the trunk of a tree like a bear and not as would a chimpanzee or a gorilla, swinging up by the branches.

But I guess we also need to give them the time of day this all happened and who won the World Series that year?

Perhaps in 52 1/2 Zillion years from today, Caino, and Freelight
will be in charge of their own Galaxy? Hopefully, they'll be able
to work together in an amicable way? Else, they may have to
split up, and rule separately?

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
(00.000 00:0.001) These two remarkable creatures were true human beings. They possessed four human thumbs, as had many of their ancestors, they were merely two feet tall. They could barely walk. When they ran, they stumbled all over one another, and drooled like a bunch of chimpanzees. They couldn't even peel a banana or a walnut. They slept during the day and stared endlessly at the Moon by night.

Soon they built a spacecraft and flew it to Mars or maybe Venus, they weren't sure?
That was at least two billion or maybe three billion years ago. They searched the new
planet and finally found intelligent life in the form of a gigantic three eyed cyclops with
an eating disorder. The Cyclops didn't speak English, so the 'chimpanzee type' creatures
decided to, pack it in and head back to Earth and raise giant carrots and oranges.

At first they weren't successful, but they hung in there and eventually hit pay dirt, in the form of writing fantastic stories about how they used their four thumbs and two foot height to their advantage. However, they forgot to leave
enough information about their success therefore, it's all up to speculation if they truly did succeed at anything. However, at least they tried? That's at least something?

Furthermore, there were creatures that dwelt the earth billions, and Trillions of years before these, two foot fellows with
four thumbs.


Eclectic Theosophist
Its all relative................

Its all relative................

The "960,000" was my rough number, i was to lazy to look it up, besides, the hecklers have no appreciation for the gift that Christ has given them in the UB so they will just pick any fault they think is there in the same fashion that quibbling lawyers tried to trap Jesus; the papers are specific about certain dates like the arrival of Adam and Eve:

Adam and Eve

(828.1) 74:0.1 ADAM AND EVE arrived on Urantia,from the year A.D. 1934, 37,848 years ago. It was in midseason when the Garden was in the height of bloom that they arrived. At high noon and unannounced, the two seraphic transports, accompanied by the Jerusem personnel intrusted with the transportation of the biologic uplifters to Urantia, settled slowly to the surface of the revolving planet in the vicinity of the temple of the Universal Father. All the work of rematerializing the bodies of Adam and Eve was carried on within the precincts of this newly created shrine. And from the time of their arrival ten days passed before they were re-created in dual human form for presentation as the world’s new rulers. They regained consciousness simultaneously. The Material Sons and Daughters always serve together. It is the essence of their service at all times and in all places never to be separated. They are designed to work in pairs; seldom do they function alone.

The First Human Beings

(707.7)62:5.1 From the year A.D. 1934 back to the birth of the first two human beings is just 993,419 years.

(707.8) 62:5.2 These two remarkable creatures were true human beings. They possessed perfect human thumbs, as had many of their ancestors, while they had just as perfect feet as the present-day human races. They were walkers and runners, not climbers; the grasping function of the big toe was absent, completely absent. When danger drove them to the treetops, they climbed just like the humans of today would. They would climb up the trunk of a tree like a bear and not as would a chimpanzee or a gorilla, swinging up by the branches.

Yes, the dates are 'specific',....I was just trying to relate to others that these 'approximations' may not be 100% exact, but 'relatively accurate',...if you follow me. Being 'dogmatic' about the exact 'nano-second' or time 'pin-point' is not always necessary as long as we get a fair 'approximation'. GM's antics were called out on, - we also take into account that while the Bible lists no 'dates', scholars can only make a 'hypothesis' of dates of certain historical events as only recently we've advanced in knowledge and technology to 'approximate' such events. My point is that its all 'relative', providing a 'time-frame' in which to relate the events. This doesn't have to be complicated folks.

But I guess we also need to give them the time of day this all happened and who won the World Series that year?

Like I said,....if approximate dates are given in the papers,...we can evaluate them on their testimony, whether they are feasible or not(do they play out as consistent and probable?)

The 'dating' of these planetary events is most interesting of course. For those interested in some of the more controversial aspects of Urantia Paper studies see - Square Circles



Eclectic Theosophist
If you want to get 'technical' about dates.....

If you want to get 'technical' about dates.....

Why give a random number? If you think it truly doesn't
matter then, why bother 'guessing' at a number?

Again,....some bits of information are 'relative estimates', there is no indication that anything is given 'hap-hazardly' or purely 'random',...that's non-sense when we see that all the dates are relationally 'consistent' in their historical context.

that space open to, "personal interpretation?"

All things beyond anything 'definitive' or 'absolute', are subject to 'interpretation'. Dates given in the UB are consistent in their presentation, hence their being given....logically.

you have a 'precise' and certain number, along with some
evidence to back it up, why rely on some randomly
chosen number?

If you want to strain at gnats or split hairs, have at it.

Can you list any dates for all the events mentioned in the Bible? While none are listed of course, you take these events as having happened at some point in time, "by faith" alone, simply because its written down in a collection of books called the Bible, that is 'assumed' to be true. Only 'relative estimates' along the time line of history can be given to these events, and that's all we have to go by, using whatever means there are to make such 'determinations' in some kind of 'time-context'.

While the UB makes approximations and even detailed specifics in some instances of the day and time of a certain event,....its still relative,....and in what way is there to actually PROVE that its true? Can it be disproved? - so, what you have is a bit of information shared to make an approximation of sorts. Its just a point in time that is specified. It may not be able to be 'proven' or 'disproven', but its there as a 'point' in time to RELATE to. That's the 'point' of it.




"Gobekli Tepe Summary


In 1994, almost forty years after The Urantia Book’s 1955 publication, excavations began at the Gobekli Tepe archaeological site in Turkey. This site has produced over 50 Stonehenge-type rock carvings and other artifacts, some of which date back to at least 12,000 years ago. A full excavation to the bottom of the site has not yet occurred. The artifacts are especially inconsistent with prevailing theories about the development of civilization. Every place else in the world where ancient civilizations have built structures with enormous stones, there is also evidence that they were settled communities that practiced herding and farming. Prevailing theories about this region suggest that around 11,000 years ago, primitive man was just beginning to evolve from being a hunter-gatherer to a herder-farmer.

However, the discoveries at Gobekli Tepe are altogether consistent with The Urantia Book’s assertion that a well-developed herder-farmer civilization existed in this area, during this time period, and for more than 10,000 years previously. Additionally, there is strong evidence indicating that the site was intentionally buried about 8,000 years ago. This peculiar aspect of the Gobekli Tepe site, while difficult for archaeologists to explain, perfectly parallels The Urantia Book’s assertion that, at around this time, inferior and more barbaric tribes drove out this more peaceful and advanced, but declining, civilization.

The enormous Gobekli Tepe stones—at least 6,000 years older than Stonehenge and the pyramids—reflect a degree of cultural development and organization that defies explanation within the context of the more widely accepted theories on how civilization developed. And what further confounds scholars is that the stone structures get bigger as they get older. All of this is consistent with The Urantia Book’s version of history. It says the more advanced culture that lived in this area had been on the decline for over 10,000 years, as the result of a unique and unpredictable genetic shift that occurred in human history about 38,000 years ago.

Adding powerfully to the intrigue of this report is its interrelationship to the Adam and Eve Report and the Garden of Eden Report. These two reports involve some of the most impressive corroborations documented by UBtheNEWS. Because these three reports interrelate sequentially, it may be helpful to start at the beginning. The Adam and Eve Report, in particular, provides a foundation for appreciating The Urantia Book’s assertions about why and how a civilization with superior genetics got started around 38,000 years ago but was unable to maintain its distinctively advanced culture."


Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Awesome findings :) - our planetary history is most wonderful, and what we find, as we compare these to what records we do have trying to put all the puzzle pieces together.


So, you just about got it all figured out huh? Should we
alert the media? You'll probably be hitting the talk show
circuit pretty soon! I suppose your first book will be on
the best-seller list! You may even receive a nomination
for a Nobel peace prize? Oprah will be vying for an
appearance on her network! You may even be asked
to run for public office? Who knows where all of this
is destined to lead?

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Freelight, and Caino are now privy to the most important
findings of the 21st century! Their many scholarly endeavors
are about to pay off big time! They have actually discovered
all of the secrets of the universe, and are about to share
their findings with all of mankind! Stay tuned for further


(1658.1) 148:1.2 "Each of the apostolic teachers taught his own view of the gospel of the kingdom. They made no effort to teach just alike; there was no standardized or dogmatic formulation of theologic doctrines."
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