"The Gospel Plus Nothing and Nothing But the Gospel"


It's quite obvious, that you don't have much of a relationship with the living God, but rather with a book. I guess according to you, Adam, Enoch, Noah, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, were right on the edge of becoming atheists and didn't know God. They didn't know of your magical, divine, infallible book, hence how could they know God? The only infallible, is God, the God that dwells within the hearts of His children. God gave the children of Israel, laws. Principles. There are eternal, inerrant, infallible principles or laws. Immutable, divine ideals and truths. To the extent that a book, aligns itself, its message, with those eternal laws and produces good fruit, it is profitable and good. Those who belong to Jesus Christ, walking with Him, know what is good instruction and what isn't. It's called, wisdom. That only comes by having a relationship with God, not a supposed "infallible book".

Dude... 2 things...

1... There's this thing called the "quote" feature ... use it... the He said.. I said stuff is confusing... Copy the beginning quote tag with the post number and quote ref... then close with the proper "close quote" syntax.

2... You think you can judge a Christ centered man as "Not having a relationship with God?"

Adding a third... Is the Bible the Scripture that Reveals the Work of the Word?

Adding a 4th... What's your beef with Pate?

And for humors sake... E... Is Christ Divided?


Get your armor ready!
Hall of Fame
2 Timothy 3:16 All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness.


Had our "new" poster simply explained that God can save mankind that has never been exposed to the Bible... by His Holy Spirit... and stopped there... I would have given them positive props...

However... it appears that they don't think God can protect His John 5:39 of the matter...

So... again :thumb: and.... :e4e:
GOD allowed His word to get all flubbed up, and this bozo comes along to correct it for GOD.


New member
Evil eye writes:

Dude... 2 things...

1... There's this think called the "quote feature"


I know, but I like this way. It's easier for me.

Evil eye writes:

2... You think you can judge a Christ centered man as "Not having a relationship with God?"

Evil eye writes:

Yes, I can judge. I might be wrong in doing so, but I can. I haven't questioned anyone's devotion or commitment to Christ, if anything, it's the "infallible bible" people, that do most of the judging and condemning.

Evil Eye writes:
Adding a third... Is the Bible the Scripture that Reveals the Work of the Word?


Indeed, the so called "bible", is a collection of ancient written works, that reveal a lot about God's work, his past dealings, interaction, with mankind. However, to go beyond that and claim that every word written in that ancient collection of written material, is inspired by God and must be recognized as such OR ELSE, is a serious mistake. That's stupid.

Evil eye writes:
Adding a 4th... What's your beef with Pate?


No beef, just chicken. Chicken nuggets.

Evil eye writes:

And for humors sake... E... Is Christ Divided?


No, but humans are. We are divided, unfortunately.


Oh... I get it... "Reality" + "Jerk" = smacking others that are diluted with a "false grasp on truth" with...
Their Idea of Truth
Oh Boy.. Oh Boy!

You could have used a name like God's Truth.. but... oops... that one is taken. How about... The.Voice.Of.God?

Whaaaaat? Best... idea ever!

No... wait... How about... Crucible 2.0?

Hmmmmmmmmm... No... wait... Even Better... Hova... or Wayh ... ? Just Sayin


Evil eye writes:

Dude... 2 things...

1... There's this think called the "quote feature"


I know, but I like this way. It's easier for me.

Evil eye writes:

2... You think you can judge a Christ centered man as "Not having a relationship with God?"

Evil eye writes:

Yes, I can judge. I might be wrong in doing so, but I can. I haven't questioned anyone's devotion or commitment to Christ, if anything, it's the "infallible bible" people, that do most of the judging and condemning.

Evil Eye writes:
Adding a third... Is the Bible the Scripture that Reveals the Work of the Word?


Indeed, the so called "bible", is a collection of ancient written works, that reveal a lot about God's work, his past dealings, interaction, with mankind. However, to go beyond that and claim that every word written in that ancient collection of written material, is inspired by God and must be recognized as such OR ELSE, is a serious mistake. That's stupid.

Evil eye writes:
Adding a 4th... What's your beef with Pate?


No beef, just chicken. Chicken nuggets.

Evil eye writes:

And for humors sake... E... Is Christ Divided?


No, but humans are. We are divided, unfortunately.

We're sorry... the person you have referenced is currently unavailable... Please leave a message and perpetuate assumed dialogue.



New member
GOD allowed His word to get all flubbed up, and this bozo comes along to correct it for GOD.

His WORD is Christ and He lives within His disciples. It's not a book. Those that believe the bible is THE WORD OF GAWD, are the true clowns. The English word, "church", comes from the Latin word, meaning circle. Our word, circus, is a derivative of the word, circle. You know, “three ring,” as in a “three ring circus.” That's what the bible worshipers have turned The Way into, a three ring circus.

The bible is not THE WORD OF GAWD, Jesus is.


New member
Evil Eye writes:

Oh Boy.. Oh Boy!

You could have used a name like God's Truth.. but... oops... that one is taken. How about... The.Voice.Of.God?

Whaaaaat? Best... idea ever!

No... wait... How about... Crucible 2.0?

Hmmmmmmmmm... No... wait... Even Better... Hova... or Wayh ... ? Just Sayin ...


Exactly, "just sayin" . We're all" just sayin" and "conveyen", to jerk others to our reality, whatever that might be.


Well-known member
His WORD is Christ and He lives within His disciples. It's not a book. Those that believe the bible is THE WORD OF GAWD, are the true clowns. The English word, "church", comes from the Latin word, meaning circle. Our word, circus, is a derivative of the word, circle. You know, “three ring,” as in a “three ring circus.” That's what the bible worshipers have turned The Way into, a three ring circus.

The bible is not THE WORD OF GAWD, Jesus is.

OH DEAR, why are you doing this? :sigh:

And without the Scripture (written word) how would we know about the Lord Jesus Christ? This verse is not talking about the Word became Flesh (the Lord Jesus Christ), but the written word.

Eph. 6:17 And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God:

Robert Pate

Well-known member
His WORD is Christ and He lives within His disciples. It's not a book. Those that believe the bible is THE WORD OF GAWD, are the true clowns. The English word, "church", comes from the Latin word, meaning circle. Our word, circus, is a derivative of the word, circle. You know, “three ring,” as in a “three ring circus.” That's what the bible worshipers have turned The Way into, a three ring circus.

The bible is not THE WORD OF GAWD, Jesus is.

If you would read the Bible in the light of the "Historical Gospel" of Jesus Christ you would see that it is the word of God. If you read the Bible like it is a Christian Torah you will not understand it. This is where many go wrong. Yes, Jesus is the word of God incarnate in human flesh. He is all God and all man in one person.


New member
The logos or word, are eternal, divine, living principles, embodied in the person of Jesus Christ. Your so called "bible", isn't "the inerrant word" of God. It's rather a human produced book, written by unknown authors, thousands of years ago. To the extent that these writings align with those eternal, divine ideals and principles, it is profitable for edification, inspiration, insight, instruction. You can learn from the stories, that have an insightful moral, message, behind them. One who actually walks with God, understands this. The Word Of God, are living principles, embodied in Jesus Christ.

If you hang your faith on the bible, you're in serious trouble. You'll shipwreck your faith.

patrick jane

The logos or word, are eternal, divine, living principles, embodied in the person of Jesus Christ. Your so called "bible", isn't "the inerrant word" of God. It's rather a human produced book, written by unknown authors, thousands of years ago. To the extent that these writings align with those eternal, divine ideals and principles, it is profitable for edification, inspiration, insight, instruction. You can learn from the stories, that have an insightful moral, message, behind them. One who actually walks with God, understands this. The Word Of God, are living principles, embodied in Jesus Christ.

If you hang your faith on the bible, you're in serious trouble. You'll shipwreck your faith.
Your faith is meaningless. You don't believe the Bible, that will be your downfall.


Get your armor ready!
Hall of Fame
It might seem stupid to you, but the question is a valid one.
No, it's not.
It ranks right up there with other stupid questions folks ask just to be a nuisance; like: "Can GOD create a rock so heavy that He can't lift it?".

Christ's identity and existence, his person, is obviously not contingent upon it being written about or mentioned in a book.
The obvious.
What are you going to enlighten us with next, that the sun is hot?

Do I have to tell you anything?
You are just beaming with stupid questions!

Who is "us" ?
Let me help your stupidity, ........ the readers.

Do I have to convince you of something to establish a relationship with my creator?
As expected, all mouth and no back up.

Perhaps you just have a relationship with a book, not with Jesus.
Seriously, do you think this illogical nonsense is any way to debate?

No, I'm not infallible.

We are not infallible,

hence the truth God expects you and I to know and acknowledge, for our own good, is not a book written, copied and preserved by fallible men and their corrupt institutions, organizations, denominations..etc.
Poor GOD.
He just couldn't keep His word intact cause those darn men He created, and told to write, just wouldn't let it happen the way GOD wanted.

You without warrant or authority, demand that Christ's disciples accept every word in your book, as God's word, but there's no necessity or reason for anyone to assume such nonsense.
Do tell, where have I said that?
Or are you just mouthing with no back up again?

Salvation is a miracle. God draws whom he wills, to salvation and those who are actually saved, know God.
Tell us what it is that YOU know about GOD that is not in scripture.
We will wait patiently.
Or you could just fuss some more about not having to give answers to your flamboyant assertions.

They've experienced Him, in their lives. There's a real change, transformation, that occurs, when a person is saved and has a relationship with God.
Tell us about your experience and transformation.
Or will just any ol experience and transformation count?

The word of God, is a person, not a book.
Seriously, who do you think believes GOD is a book?
Why would you even think that anyone needs YOU to point that out over and over again?

Believe what you want,
That's not the way it works.
But obviously you think it does.

and in the end, we will all see who bore the most fruit for the kingdom.
Oh great, another worker bee that puts his faith in the wrong one.

Romans 5 KJV
(18) Therefore as by the offence of one judgment came upon all men to condemnation; even so by the righteousness of one the free gift came upon all men unto justification of life.
(19) For as by one man's disobedience many were made sinners, so by the obedience of one shall many be made righteous.

HINT: That one ain't you.
Your righteousness and obedience is not included.

So lets see, what to do, what to do?
Trust in what the divinely appointed apostle of the Lord tells us, or you and your warm fuzzy feelings?
Choose wisely.


Get your armor ready!
Hall of Fame
His WORD is Christ and He lives within His disciples. It's not a book. Those that believe the bible is THE WORD OF GAWD, are the true clowns. The English word, "church", comes from the Latin word, meaning circle. Our word, circus, is a derivative of the word, circle. You know, “three ring,” as in a “three ring circus.” That's what the bible worshipers have turned The Way into, a three ring circus.

The bible is not THE WORD OF GAWD, Jesus is.
Why are you typing GAWD and not GOD?
Is that how those spirits you have been listening to told you to address GOD?

And BTW, "church" means assembly, congregation.
When scripture speaks of a church, it is not speaking of a three ring circus of clowns.

You need to fire those spirits you are listening to.


Well-known member
The logos or word, are eternal, divine, living principles, embodied in the person of Jesus Christ.
We are what we say, it comes 'out' of us. This much is true enough BUT it tends to be some kind of oddball 'spiritual-speak' from Mormons, Urantia-odd Seventh-Day Adventist dupes, New Age Liberal goofs and other cults. Once 'you' become the standard of right and wrong, you become a weirdo. There is NO possible way to be 'right' without a manual: Your 'spirit' my spirit, everybodies' spirit ruins objective reality. You may as well not call yourself a 'Christian' after that. If you don't follow the Bible, what is the point? :dizzy: Why not just make up your own religion after that? Where else WOULD I learn about the Lord Jesus Christ? You guys are the weird ones.
Your so called "bible", isn't "the inerrant word" of God.
Why? Because you said so? You found a mistake and told God He couldn't have written it? Decided that all on your own, did you? Shouldn't I just become a "Jerkian" and give up this 'Christ-ian' nonsense? Do you 'think' you are intelligent and think well? Have a bit of pride? Have the credentials and prowess to back it up? :think: Aren't you being a bit audacious and a bit pretentious for just coming to a forum and introducing yourself? Shouldn't I be able to evaluate your intellectual prowess before I 'take your word for it?' What makes you so special and all the biblical writers prone to mistakes and not important opinions? Did you walk with Jesus with them? :think:

It's rather a human produced book, written by unknown authors, thousands of years ago.
Because you say so? :confused: I'd just as sooner think you are the unknown, not reputable, and all too human. What makes you special? Anything? Walked with Jesus? An Apostle? :think: How high is that pedestal up there?

To the extent that these writings align with those eternal, divine ideals and principles, it is profitable for edification, inspiration, insight, instruction. You can learn from the stories, that have an insightful moral, message, behind them.
:think: 2 Timothy 3:16 Matthew 4:4 2 Peter 1:21 -Looks a LOT better to me than your opinion. Why is it again that you think you are better than them? Don't say you aren't, it is very obvious, by analysis, that you do, because you are the one you are comparing them to.... :noway:

One who actually walks with God, understands this.
"Actually" see that everybody? Real-j is one who 'actually' walks with God, not these fake super-apostles, the Lord Jesus Christ, or prophets.....
The Word Of God, are living principles, embodied in Jesus Christ.
Hebrews 4:12 but STILL Matthew 4:4

If you hang your faith on the bible, you're in serious trouble. You'll shipwreck your faith.
:think: Real-Jerk or 2 Timothy 3:16 Matthew 4:4 2 Peter 1:21 Luke 21:33 and there you are tossing them away :doh:

:( You really need to rethink your entrance in to forums. You haven't put your best foot forward and have managed to be incredibly audacious and self-important and arrogant/marginalizing 'better than you' in the process. What you were looking for? :idunno: Work on it. -Lon