"The Gospel Plus Nothing and Nothing But the Gospel"


New member
"For false christs and false prophets will rise and show great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect." (Matthew 24:24)

Scripture is how we synchronize with Christ's voice. Otherwise, it's just noise.

Jamie, so before Christians had a bible, how did they have a relationship with Him? It's only recently, that Christians have complete access to the Christian New Testament. There was no NT in the first century. So how did they hear Christ's words? Did they have Christian television? Christian book stores?

Doesn't the Hebrew bible say, that Enoch, walked with God and God took him? What bible did he have? Adam, Enoch, Noah, Melchizedek (God's priest), all of the patriarchs of Israel, what book or bible, did they have? Weren't they able to hear God's voice, within their hearts and also have a relationship with Him? Moses and his father in law Jethro (he was a priest of God), what bible did they have? They didn't have a bible, until Moses was much older. What infallible book, did all of these men of God have to base their relationship with God on?

All of you bible worshipers are spiritually and morally bankrupt.

patrick jane

Jamie, so before Christians had a bible, how did they have a relationship with Him? It's only recently, that Christians have complete access to the Christian New Testament. There was no NT in the first century. So how did they hear Christ's words? Did they have Christian television? Christian book stores?

Doesn't the Hebrew bible say, that Enoch, walked with God and God took him? What bible did he have? Adam, Enoch, Noah, Melchizedek (God's priest), all of the patriarchs of Israel, what book or bible, did they have? Weren't they able to hear God's voice, within their hearts and also have a relationship with Him? Moses and his father in law Jethro (he was a priest of God), what bible did they have? They didn't have a bible, until Moses was much older. What infallible book, did all of these men of God have to base their relationship with God on?

All of you bible worshipers are spiritually and morally bankrupt.
You poor lost soul


New member
The problem with your straw man premise is that very few, if any, say you must first have a bible to read in order to be saved.
One can be saved without ever having read or heard of the bible.

What is evident is that one that knows GOD would not demean scripture as untrustworthy.
Nor would they make fun of how they address GOD.

I'm making fun of you, not God. But, let's assume I were using a disrespectful tone or term, when addressing God, even then, that in and of it self, doesn't make my argument incorrect. You're committing a logical fallacy, if you think being disrespectful, renders someone's argument wrong.

If you're claiming that there's a book that is the infallible word of God, and all of the disciples of Jesus Christ must recognize that, then it's up to you, to prove it. Prove it. How is the bible, God's infallible, perfect, word? Thanks.


Well-known member
That's a false, arbitrary requirement, for conveying truth. It supposedly must be conveyed in one sentence or it's false. Right? I was clear, perhaps you're the one who's not.

Paul said it in one sentence: Christ died for our sins, was buried, and rose again the third day, for our justification. Anyone who believes that, Paul said, is forgiven, washed, made new and saved now and forever.

Do you deny that?

If so, what are you replacing it with?


New member
Without the Bible we know nothing. What you have is a mystical relationship with Christ which is very Catholic. Do you know how you are justified? No you don't know that because you don't read the Bible. Without the Bible you are like a ship that is without a rudder. All that you have to rely upon is your emotions which is variable. You need to get into the Bible so that you know what you believe, as it is now you know nothing. Jesus Chose the 12 apostles for the purpose of being witnesses to the Christ event. Thankfully the Jews were very good about recording what Jesus said and did. If you had the Holy Spirit the Spirit would lead you into the Bible so that you can learn and know more about Jesus.

I read and know the bible, more than you. Nonetheless, I don't believe the bible is inerrant and I don't have to. That's your religious tyranny. Imposing that on others, without evidence. If you claim, that the protestant bible, is the flawless word of God, prove it. The burden of proof is upon the one who makes the claim. You claim the book is the infallible word of God. Why should I or anyone else, believe that?


New member
Paul said it in one sentence: Christ died for our sins, was buried, and rose again the third day, for our justification. Anyone who believes that, Paul said, is forgiven, washed, made new and saved now and forever.

Do you deny that?

If so, what are you replacing it with?

No I don't. I don't deny Yeshua / Jesus, as Messiah. My King and Lord.


Evil eye writes:

Dude... 2 things...

1... There's this think called the "quote feature"


I know, but I like this way. It's easier for me.

Evil eye writes:

2... You think you can judge a Christ centered man as "Not having a relationship with God?"

Evil eye writes:

Yes, I can judge. I might be wrong in doing so, but I can. I haven't questioned anyone's devotion or commitment to Christ, if anything, it's the "infallible bible" people, that do most of the judging and condemning.

Evil Eye writes:
Adding a third... Is the Bible the Scripture that Reveals the Work of the Word?


Indeed, the so called "bible", is a collection of ancient written works, that reveal a lot about God's work, his past dealings, interaction, with mankind. However, to go beyond that and claim that every word written in that ancient collection of written material, is inspired by God and must be recognized as such OR ELSE, is a serious mistake. That's stupid.

Evil eye writes:
Adding a 4th... What's your beef with Pate?


No beef, just chicken. Chicken nuggets.

Evil eye writes:

And for humors sake... E... Is Christ Divided?


No, but humans are. We are divided, unfortunately.

I thought about it and you have some character in your replies... Your answers are fair... but... and I emphasize but...

The Gospel plus "what" = salvation ?

What does Ephesians 2:8f mean to you?

What does 1 John 2:27 mean to you?


Jamie, so before Christians had a bible, how did they have a relationship with Him? It's only recently, that Christians have complete access to the Christian New Testament. There was no NT in the first century. So how did they hear Christ's words? Did they have Christian television? Christian book stores?

Doesn't the Hebrew bible say, that Enoch, walked with God and God took him? What bible did he have? Adam, Enoch, Noah, Melchizedek (God's priest), all of the patriarchs of Israel, what book or bible, did they have? Weren't they able to hear God's voice, within their hearts and also have a relationship with Him? Moses and his father in law Jethro (he was a priest of God), what bible did they have? They didn't have a bible, until Moses was much older. What infallible book, did all of these men of God have to base their relationship with God on?

All of you bible worshipers are spiritually and morally bankrupt.

Acts 11:26 is a good place to look that up.

Who in this thread has said they "worship" the Bible? :idunno:


That's not what I asked.

Do you deny that simply believing what Paul called "my gospel" -- that Christ died for our sins, was buried and rose again for our justification - saves? That's a yes or no question, please.

Expected reply...



Get your armor ready!
Hall of Fame
I'm making fun of you, not God. But, let's assume I were using a disrespectful tone or term, when addressing God, even then, that in and of it self, doesn't make my argument incorrect. You're committing a logical fallacy, if you think being disrespectful, renders someone's argument wrong.

If you're claiming that there's a book that is the infallible word of God, and all of the disciples of Jesus Christ must recognize that, then it's up to you, to prove it. Prove it. How is the bible, God's infallible, perfect, word? Thanks.
Scripture is infallible.
Your misunderstanding of it does not eliminate the fact that scripture never fails with truth.

Ungodly men will always attempt to slander scripture and try to convince folks it is unreliable with any lame excuse they can muster up to cause doubt.
"Did GOD really say?"


I read and know the bible, more than you. Nonetheless, I don't believe the bible is inerrant and I don't have to. That's your religious tyranny. Imposing that on others, without evidence. If you claim, that the protestant bible, is the flawless word of God, prove it. The burden of proof is upon the one who makes the claim. You claim the book is the infallible word of God. Why should I or anyone else, believe that?



Catholic means "Universal"...and thus... no organized institution... including the "Mother Church"... has a claim to sole biblical rights. The only thing different from the Catholic "bible" and the "Protestant" bible is that the books that were maintained parallel to the Tanakh during the 400 years before Christ as extra ... plus books like Tobit and Judith... Mac and the like that are additionally included... as extra canonical are included in a "Universal" edition Bible.

However... the 66 still read the same!

In other words... The Universal church is named in such a way that removes it as the sole authority... by its very name... and thus... there is nothing to protest against.

The Name defeats the imposed structure and points out that all the petty infighting is indeed humanities nature...

Jesus read from the scriptures while with us in Body and He bound the scriptures to Himself.

Why do you desire to undermine scripture... ?

What parts don't you "like"?

What is your point... again? :idunno:


Get your armor ready!
Hall of Fame
I read and know the bible, more than you. Nonetheless, I don't believe the bible is inerrant and I don't have to. That's your religious tyranny. Imposing that on others, without evidence. If you claim, that the protestant bible, is the flawless word of God, prove it. The burden of proof is upon the one who makes the claim. You claim the book is the infallible word of God. Why should I or anyone else, believe that?
It is your choice to to believe scripture is reliable or not.
You have chosen not to trust it as reliable.


I'm still not seeing why I should trust what he's presenting over what the Bible says. That's what I asked for, maybe he answered and I didn't see it.


Cupping hands together... around my mouth and Shouting... " [MENTION=20276]RealityJerk[/MENTION], Where are you? "

Suspected reply...
