"The Gospel Plus Nothing and Nothing But the Gospel"


Well-known member
If you want to see an eye opener about John Calvin. Google "The Atrocities of John Calvin".

What a man called Calvin has done is merely a diversion tactic.

Sad...you're a Lost man and that's all you've got!

The Truth according to the scriptures is that the devil has blinded your mind 2 Cor. 4:3-4.

And those who are blinded by Satan, and shall never come to believe on Christ in New Birth Gal. 5:22, are those whom Christ was not Given in behalf of Is. 42:6-7, so they shall not be saved!

Robert Pate

Well-known member
What a man called Calvin has done is merely a diversion tactic.

Sad...you're a Lost man and that's all you've got!

The Truth according to the scriptures is that the devil has blinded your mind 2 Cor. 4:3-4.

And those who are blinded by Satan, and shall never come to believe on Christ in New Birth Gal. 5:22, are those whom Christ was not Given in behalf of Is. 42:6-7, so they shall never be saved!

Are you aware that John Calvin was only 25 years old when he came up with the doctrine of predestination. And on top of that he was fresh out of the Catholic church.


Well-known member
Greetings again Robert,

The Gospel is a very simple message. It is so simple that even a small child can understand it.
When Philip preached the gospel to the Samaritans and it states that they believed his message concerning the things of the Kingdom and Name, there is no mention that small or even older children were baptised, only men and women. Certainly some aspects of the gospel can be understood by children, and the gospel can be understood by those with childlike, teachable dispositions, but the evidence seems to indicate that the overall message is meant for those more mature than children.
Jesus came into the world to do for us that which we cannot do for ourselves.
This is a truism, but it does not express or explain the teaching of the Gospel. For example the Gospel of Christ is the theme and substance of the Letter to the Romans.

Kind regards


New member
The so called "good news" gospel of Churchianity, sectarian Christendom, is that God sent His Son to die for humanity, but only a very few people will actually be saved, from the eternal torments of hell. Not everyone will hear this so called "good news", and everyone that hears this warped definition for "good news", may not appreciate it or find themselves convinced, especially if it's a person born and raised in a non-Christian culture, like Saudi Arabia for example or Japan. Placing your trust, entrusting your life, to a God, that keeps His creatures conscious, alive, in a state of eternal torment and despair. All of your loved ones, who have died (..perhaps your grandparents, your parents, one or more of your children..), that didn't convert to your brand of Christianity, are now being tortured in hell, abandoned by God in that horrible state, forever and ever. That's "good news"?

The so called "good news", is supposedly that, you can save your own skin, and to hell with everyone else (...shrugs his shoulders, "oh well, they all went to hell") . Forced by threat of eternal torture in hell, you are coerced, terrorized to worship, what amounts to a tyrant. A "God" that is a heavenly despot and psychopath. He demands that you and I forgive our enemies, pray for those who persecute us, but for some reason, he's not held to the same standard. He casts all of his "enemies", the vast majority of humanity into hell, where they will be tortured forever. Churchianity's definition of "good news" is quite odd. It's version of God, is an affront to His good character. That's not God, that's perhaps the devil you're worshiping.

We who are born from above, in this aeon/age,by giving our allegiance to the true living God and His son, will reign with Christ, over the nations. His royal family, is now being gathered, drawn out from all of the nations. Not everyone, who isn't a Christian, in this age, will suffer the second death. True Christians, don't really die, even the first death. They were born from above, hence will awake above, in heaven, with Christ, after bodily death. We have past form death to life. Most of humanity, unlike the genuine Christian, will suffer the 1st death. Only the extremely wicked, will perish forever, in the second death. Those that are not consumed by the fire of YHWH's presence, in the second death, will comprise the nations, we will reign over, govern, under the authority of almighty God.


The real "Good News" gospel, is that, by one man, the 1st Adam, we are consigned to corruption and eternal death, but through the second Adam, our Lord Jesus Christ, humanity is now freed from corruption and eternal death. The fear of death and loss, that leads to much selfish behavior, corruption, and eventually eternal death/destruction, is now remedied and eventually conquered by Christ. Most of humanity, is not going to perish, forever, in the second death, but they will live in the kingdom of the one who they bowed before and confessed to be KING.. If you are truly a disciple of Jesus Christ, you will reign with him over the nations. You are a member of His royal family.

You are the temple of God, a holy priesthood and you will dwell forever, above, in the heavenly mansion, prepared for you, by your King and savior. Now, you are the first fruits of the new creation, commissioned by your King, to spread this good news, to all the nations.

Robert Pate

Well-known member
Greetings again Robert,

When Philip preached the gospel to the Samaritans and it states that they believed his message concerning the things of the Kingdom and Name, there is no mention that small or even older children were baptised, only men and women. Certainly some aspects of the gospel can be understood by children, and the gospel can be understood by those with childlike, teachable dispositions, but the evidence seems to indicate that the overall message is meant for those more mature than children. This is a truism, but it does not express or explain the teaching of the Gospel. For example the Gospel of Christ is the theme and substance of the Letter to the Romans.

Kind regards

It is religious people that like to make the Gospel complicated. We are saved by simple child like faith in Christ and his Gospel.

Robert Pate

Well-known member
The so called "good news" gospel of Churchianity, sectarian Christendom, is that God sent His Son to die for humanity, but only a very few people will actually be saved, from the eternal torments of hell. Not everyone will hear this so called "good news", and everyone that hears this warped definition for "good news", may not appreciate it or find themselves convinced, especially if it's a person born and raised in a non-Christian culture, like Saudi Arabia for example or Japan. Placing your trust, entrusting your life, to a God, that keeps His creatures conscious, alive, in a state of eternal torment and despair. All of your loved ones, who have died (..perhaps your grandparents, your parents, one or more of your children..), that didn't convert to your brand of Christianity, are now being tortured in hell, abandoned by God in that horrible state, forever and ever. That's "good news"?

The so called "good news", is supposedly that, you can save your own skin, and to hell with everyone else (...shrugs his shoulders, "oh well, they all went to hell") . Forced by threat of eternal torture in hell, you are coerced, terrorized to worship, what amounts to a tyrant. A "God" that is a heavenly despot and psychopath. He demands that you and I forgive our enemies, pray for those who persecute us, but for some reason, he's not held to the same standard. He casts all of his "enemies", the vast majority of humanity into hell, where they will be tortured forever. Churchianity's definition of "good news" is quite odd. It's version of God, is an affront to His good character. That's not God, that's perhaps the devil you're worshiping.

We who are born from above, in this aeon/age,by giving our allegiance to the true living God and His son, will reign with Christ, over the nations. His royal family, is now being gathered, drawn out from all of the nations. Not everyone, who isn't a Christian, in this age, will suffer the second death. True Christians, don't really die, even the first death. They were born from above, hence will awake above, in heaven, with Christ, after bodily death. We have past form death to life. Most of humanity, unlike the genuine Christian, will suffer the 1st death. Only the extremely wicked, will perish forever, in the second death. Those that are not consumed by the fire of YHWH's presence, in the second death, will comprise the nations, we will reign over, govern, under the authority of almighty God.


The real "Good News" gospel, is that, by one man, the 1st Adam, we are consigned to corruption and eternal death, but through the second Adam, our Lord Jesus Christ, humanity is now freed from corruption and eternal death. The fear of death and loss, that leads to much selfish behavior, corruption, and eventually eternal death/destruction, is now remedied and eventually conquered by Christ. Most of humanity, is not going to perish, forever, in the second death, but they will live in the kingdom of the one who they bowed before and confessed to be KING.. If you are truly a disciple of Jesus Christ, you will reign with him over the nations. You are a member of His royal family.

You are the temple of God, a holy priesthood and you will dwell forever, above, in the heavenly mansion, prepared for you, by your King and savior. Now, you are the first fruits of the new creation, commissioned by your King, to spread this good news, to all the nations.

No one will be saved that does not believe and receive him as their savior, John 1:12.


Well-known member
Greetings again Robert and Greetings RealityJerk,
It is religious people that like to make the Gospel complicated. We are saved by simple child like faith in Christ and his Gospel.
I suppose that you include Jesus, Peter, Philip and Paul amongst these religious people because they taught more than you seem willing to admit, and if they taught more it seems that they expected their hearers to understand.
We who are born from above, in this aeon/age,by giving our allegiance to the true living God and His son, will reign with Christ, over the nations. His royal family, is now being gathered, drawn out from all of the nations. Not everyone, who isn't a Christian, in this age, will suffer the second death. True Christians, don't really die, even the first death. They were born from above, hence will awake above, in heaven, with Christ, after bodily death. We have past form death to life. Most of humanity, unlike the genuine Christian, will suffer the 1st death. Only the extremely wicked, will perish forever, in the second death. Those that are not consumed by the fire of YHWH's presence, in the second death, will comprise the nations, we will reign over, govern, under the authority of almighty God.
I also believe that the unfaithful simply die and return to dust. I agree with most of the above except that I believe that the faithful await the return of Jesus to raise the dead from the graves, and then Jesus and the faithful will rule over the nations with Jesus as the King-Priest upon the throne of David in Jerusalem Acts 3:19-21, Isaiah 2:1-5, Zechariah 14. I believe that this is part of the Gospel that the Apostles preached Acts 8:5,12.

Kind regards

Robert Pate

Well-known member
Greetings again Robert and Greetings RealityJerk, I suppose that you include Jesus, Peter, Philip and Paul amongst these religious people because they taught more than you seem willing to admit, and if they taught more it seems that they expected their hearers to understand.I also believe that the unfaithful simply die and return to dust. I agree with most of the above except that I believe that the faithful await the return of Jesus to raise the dead from the graves, and then Jesus and the faithful will rule over the nations with Jesus as the King-Priest upon the throne of David in Jerusalem Acts 3:19-21, Isaiah 2:1-5, Zechariah 14. I believe that this is part of the Gospel that the Apostles preached Acts 8:5,12.

Kind regards

The Gospel is a simple message. 2 Corinthians 11:3. If it was not simple little children would not be able to hear and understand it. Faith in Christ is a natural occurrence that happens in the lives of those that believe in Jesus.


Well-known member
The truth of the scriptures is that Jesus has atoned for the sins of the whole world, 1 John 2:2 and in doing so has reconciled the whole world unto God, 2 Corinthians 5:19.

Most likely 1 John 2:2 and 2 Cor. 5:19 does not apply to you.

You don't even believe the Blood of Christ saved them it was shed for!


New member
You teach that sinners Christ atoned for are still lost!

You have a Catholic understanding of the atonement where Christ is seen as dying for individual sins and sinners. Christ was one man with an incarnated body where fallen humanity was united with his perfect Divinity. He made one offering for sin for all people and all time. Paul's analogy of the two Adam's is the absolute clearest way of seeing the atonement. Adam's one sin was passed down to every son and dauther after him in the form of a fallen nature. Christ's perfect atonement is passed down to every son and daughter of Adam in the form of a spiritual nature. These two natures battle for the supremacy in every human being aka the flesh vs. the spirit. Even unconverted people have a conscience where God speaks to them and actively leads them to repentance. It's not a zap from out of the blue as your twisted gospel portrays it.


Well-known member
Greetings again Robert,
The Gospel is a simple message. 2 Corinthians 11:3. If it was not simple little children would not be able to hear and understand it. Faith in Christ is a natural occurrence that happens in the lives of those that believe in Jesus.
Yes I agree it is simple when taught in its clarity and purity. But even when you briefly quoted a few Scriptures, for example Galatians 2:20 there was evidence of a divergence between your understanding and how I understand the Scriptures and the teaching of Christ and the Apostles. We both choose our environment, for example 20 years of Verdict, and are subconsciously influenced by this environment, even though we may claim that we only listen to the simplicity and purity of the Gospel, and ONLY the Gospel.

Kind regards


New member
The truth is that, your book amounts to nothing but a collection of human opinions. Some of them align with God's will and contribute, are conducive for, life. Others are not conducive at all for life, whether life in this world or in the great beyond. You need to be a wife money changer, in order to distinguish between the authentic and counterfeit currency. The only way to have an eye for truth and falsehood, to decipher the truth, from the chaos, is to be a genuine disciple of God's Son, our King and Lord. You must have the spirit of YHWH, dwelling and operating within you. The reality, what is real, must make its home within your being, your inner-man, inner-woman.

Christianity isn't a book religion, like Judaism and Islam. It's a faith that, relies only on having a relationship with THE REALITY. The one who IS. YHWH - Yahweh. The One True Living God. The Infinite Eternal Reality. That which establishes order in chaos, finds the light in the darkness. The embodies of this divine order and ideal, the archetype and blueprint of our human nature, is CHRIST. Jesus Christ. He is true, he exists, he is alive and he dwells within those who hate their chaos, their evil, repenting of it and entrusting themselves to Him. Entrusting their lives to The Way, The Truth and The Life. Jesus is THE WORD, not a book comprised of paper and ink.

A person, not a book full of man written impressions and opinions. Some of those impressions, opinions are good, inspired by divinity, some of them are not. The book is profitable, to those who are born from above, disciples of Jesus Christ. Those who are not disciples, destroy themselves, by relying on paper and ink. If God's perfect will and word, is filtered through an imperfect, broken, flawed source, then you must test it, in the spirit. There is no such thing, as an "inerrant book", written and copied by flawed men. Doesn't exist. Even if you had a supposed "inerrant book", your interpretation wouldn't be "inerrant", perfect, flawless, because you and I, are imperfect, flawed, broken. We are not infallible.

You either have it and know you have, or you don't. You either have God and His Son, or you don't. You know it and those who are truly born from above, "born again", do not rely on books, to empower their faith and relationship with God, in His Son Jesus Christ. We already know, we know that we know, that Jesus is real. Signs and wonders aside, creative miracles, the casting out of demons, seeing angry demons, sent by the devil, because you're actually dangerous to his evil work, as a genuine disciple and member of Christ's royal family..All of this, is but a outward manifestation of a genuine relationship, a real knowing, of The Way, The Truth And The Life. The Living Eternal Word.

You either have it, or you don't. If you have it, your faith, relationship with God, doesn't hinge upon paper and ink, man written scripture, it relies on THE REALITY itself. You experience, interaction, with REALITY, With God, within your inner-man. You will know the truth and this truth, will set you free. Free, from fear, cowardice, stupidity, evil, bad destructive thoughts and behavior. Stinking thinking, stinking behavior. You will know what holiness is, and what your God expects from you. You are a member of the bride of Christ, of His royal family. You will reign with Him, from above, in the human mansion of divine glory and spirit. That realm above, prepared for those who die with Christ in the place of the skull, Golgotha.

You must die, in the place of the skull, on the cross, with Christ. Die to this corrupt, broken, world and life, in order to rise with him, a new creation. This is holiness, being set apart, right. Righteousness is, being set apart right, for what is TRUE and REAL. Actualizing your fullest potential as a human being, that which God originally envisioned for you. Becoming one with God and His Eternal, Living Word. Joining His divine family, through adoption. You will be, in Christ, deified, by the one true, living God.

As a piece of iron, in the fire, absorbs the nature of fire, so you will be, in the presence of GOD, your heavenly father. That eternal infinite source, that is a consuming fire. Forever ascending and pursuing His Face and His Glory,is your destiny. First you must die, lay down your life, at the cross, in the place of the skull. It's not enough to stand before the cross, you must be crucified with him. Die. Then you will truly live. Count your life here as nothing. Nothing but Christ. Pledge your allegiance to Christ, by dying with Him on the cross, then you will rise with Him, a new creation. You will receive the deposit, of His presence, and you will know that HE IS.

It doesn't rely on books, paper and ink. All of your citing and quoting passages from this book, you call "The Bible", only serves to distract you from God's actual, living, dynamic presence. You must rely on the spirit of God, the Holy Spirit, not a book / "sack full of answers". There's no faith there. The point of certainty, is you. You will meet God, at the place of the skull, golgotha. Inside of you. That is the only point of certainty, in this mortal, temporal, physical world. YOU, are the only point of absolute certainty, for YOU. And that is where YOU are going to have an encounter with GOD. You and GOD, at the place of absolute certainty. The absolute truth, subjectively, within your human experience, consciousness, interacting with you. Dwelling with you.

You are the temple of God, the holy of hollies is within YOU. The absolute point of certainty, within your human experience, is not me, it's not him or her, it's not a book, it's you with God. If you have it, you have it and you can identify those who have it and don't have it. There's a resonance, between the children of God. They can identify who is who. They can see, what is authentic and counterfeit currency. They identify the genuine currency and divide from the counterfeit.

A sack full of questions, that's all this world will hand you. A stinking sack, full of questions. You can hang that over your shoulder. That's everything. Every-Thing. All things, outside of you, are subject to, scrutiny, questioning, doubt, corruption...The truth and perfection, all of the answers, are with you and your God. Your God within you. That's the hope of glory, of salvation. There is no such thing as an inerrant something, outside of your experience with God.

Sack full of questions, that's all you'll ever have in this world. Get use to it and get brave. Find some courage, because you need. Heaven is for the brave. There aren't any wimps up there.


New member
"wife money changer" = wise money changer.

You should allow people to edit their posts. Typos are common, when you're writing a large post.