ECT The core of the argument between Christians and MAD.

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Well-known member
Peter preached a murder indictment to all the house of Israel.

So did Paul, who was one of the murderers...

He did not glory in the cross.

He preached repentance, and self denial, and the taking up of one's own cross daily, and following Christ... THAT is HOW one Glorifies God Who ASCENDED the Cross...

He preached it as a shame.

Which it is for the world, but not for Christians who are not OF this world...

And did you notice, Peter did NOT preach "that Christ died for our sins"?!

Show even once where he DENIED that Christ died for the remission of our sins...



Well-known member
There is more than one gospel in the Bible! The Lord (while on earth) and the 12 preached the gospel of the kingdom for 3 years yet it did not include the fact that Christ died for our sins. That's two gospels right there!

The Kingdom of Heaven is here and now upon this earth...

Paul agrees...

Peter agrees...



Well-known member
Show us Peter saying anything other than the good news of what Judas preached, while the Lord Jesus Christ was on earth, for 3 or so years.

You cannot prove that Peter teaches anything different from what Judas preached re. this "gospel"/good news...........You cannot show EVEN ONE PASSAGE where Peter teaches ANY contrary doctrine to what Judas preached, or the other 10, while the Lord Jesus Christ was on earth.


Let's all SEE what ya GOT re. your saint Judas.So it is time to put up.

So there.

That dodge won't work, John... At least Heir put up a list of passages with explanations that were THOUGHT to be irreconciliable differences... Which were not...

You have to show it from contrasting passages, how Paul's Gospel contradicts Peter's Gospel...

And this you CANNOT do...


Nick M

Reconciled by the Cross
Hall of Fame
The Kingdom of Heaven is here and now upon this earth...

Ephesians 2

1And you He made alive, who were dead in trespasses and sins, 2 in which you once walked according to the course of this world, according to the prince of the power of the air, the spirit who now works in the sons of disobedience


Well-known member
You need to purchase a Bible! Preferably; King James or The New
King James (My preference)

Would a Majority Text of the Greek Bible be OK??

then, sit down and pray to God the
Father that, He will have the Holy Spirit give you knowledge and
wisdom for what you're about to read?

That is how I begin every reading of Holy Writ...

Every day and every night...

Start with Romans through
Philemon. (The writings of the Apostle Paul) It is "Paul's Gospel
that will teach you about the Grace Message and the "Dispensation
of Grace!"[/quote]

These are not Gospels, but are instead Pastoral Epistles addressed to particular Churches which Paul established and which have particular, and not necessarily universal, pastoral needs...

Let me repeat: These Pauline Epistles, including Hebrews, are addressing particular pastoral needs in specific worship communities...

What is common among them is the WEANING of the Faithful from the Jews persecuting Christ and their Jewish customary Laws, which cannot give Salvation... THAT was the BIG issue of that time, and it was addressed by Peter and Paul and James and ALL the Jewish Christian Elders in the Council at Jerusalem...

The closest thing that Paul wrote to being a Gospel is his Epistle to the Hebrews... And this work you deny being written by Paul... Yet Paul himself wrote that he became ALL things to ALL, tat he might save SOME...

Anything I say to you, won't be received by you because,
you've been indoctrinated by your "Eastern Orthodox religion" and
that's all you know! Purchase the Bible, and go from there!!

The Gospels are Four, and the Epistles are More...

You are trying to turn the Epistles of Paul into the Gospel of Jesus Christ, which they are not. They are addressing specific problems arising in specific Churches, and the general issue of the Jewishness of Christianity - To wit: "Does one have to become a Jew in order to become a Christian?" Paul wrote against this idea that the circumcision parties proclaimed, and Paul's view prevailed when James ruled in the Council at Jerusalem...

THAT is the historical and Biblical record...

The Eastern Orthodox Christian Faith has been teaching it for 2000 years, and preserved the Greek Texts in MANUAL printing until you received, finally, your very own copies in printed and translated formats AFTER the invention of the printing presses one thousand five hundred years AFTER the Incarnation of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ...



Well-known member
Show us where your saint Judas did not preach:

"Hey, everyone!!!! Good news!!! The master is going to die for our buried...rise again the third day!!!! Believe this good news to be saved/justified!! Well, I gotta go, as my stock broker told me to buy a little silver, as the charts suggest a bull market in silver................"

The topic is Peter and Paul's teachings, and do they contradict?...

You are navel-gazing into Judas and having dreams of silver investing...

Staying on topic is a good thing...



Well-known member
So, you are "nice" to wolves? Not me.

Can you dig it, wolfie?

Your fangs are exposing themselves dripping their poison, John...

Sheep have nothing to fear from you wolves...

But the wolves like you HAVE TO attack the sheep...


Sheep don't attack...

Wolves do...

Sheep just speak the Truth...

IF you are attacking, as you say you are, then you are the Wolf...



Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Your fangs are exposing themselves dripping their poison, John...

Sheep have nothing to fear from you wolves...

But the wolves like you HAVE TO attack the sheep...


Sheep don't attack...

Wolves do...

Sheep just speak the Truth...

IF you are attacking, as you say you are, then you are the Wolf...


the sheep are protected by the shepherd as long as they stay within the fold


Well-known member
we call names,
marking/exposing/identifying ...

Peekaboo......we see you...

Looking down your snout you see only another meal...

Wolves attack...

You are attacking...

Sheep do not...

We witness the Truth...

To witness is to martyr...

It is DEMONS who hurl accusations...

Dia Bolos... By means of hurling...

The game is up, John...

Your juvenile attack mode won't work here...

But your prayers for me might...

Will YOU pray for ME?

Or do you NOT believe Paul?

I am praying for YOU, John...



TOL Subscriber
the sheep are protected by the shepherd as long as they stay within the fold

It is the responsibility and role of all shepherds, to keep the sheep within the fold.

The sheep are easily lured astray, but the shepherds' rod and staff keep them in safety.

I believe the rod and staff signify the Holy Scriptures. Psalm 23


Well-known member


The Kingdom of Heaven is here and now upon this earth, and indeed, some shall not taste of death before seeing it come in Power...

Repent and be Baptized...
The Kingdom of Heaven is AT HAND!

That's Gospel!

Do you REALLY THINK that Paul did not preach repentance and Baptism?



Well-known member
Ephesians 2

1And you He made alive, who were dead in trespasses and sins, 2 in which you once walked according to the course of this world, according to the prince of the power of the air, the spirit who now works in the sons of disobedience

Walking upon this earth, Paul was not OF this world...

Holy, in Greek, means un-worldly, did you know?

a - gios

a - privative...

gios - as in Geology...



Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Tell me, if you were certain of your salvation this very moment, would you run out and begin a sinning spree? Or would you attempt to live out your pardon in gratitude and share the abundance of that with your fellow man?

I expect a man who loves God to resemble a man who loves God, just as I expect him to fail in that from time to time and so, thank God, grace.

you are making my argument

those who think they are saved should be happy
I would not expect them to
neg rep
call others awful names
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