Mocking You
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are you conducting an interview ? -atrol:
I'm attempting to learn about MAD.
are you conducting an interview ? -atrol:
Isn't it strange that Paul never even ONCE refers to believers as sheep in his epistles?There is only one flock of sheep that belong to the Master, and Jesus Christ is the true and good Shepherd, but He has anointed many of His servants to be under-shepherds of His own.
See John 21:15-17
Isn't it strange that Paul never even ONCE refers to believers as sheep in his epistles?
Paul also never even ONCE refers to the Lord Jesus Christ as a shepherd.
Isn't that weird?
Isn't it strange that Paul never even ONCE refers to believers as sheep in his epistles?
Paul also never even ONCE refers to the Lord Jesus Christ as a shepherd.
Isn't that weird?
Well, that particular phrase was not mentioned in Acts 2, it is true. However, John the Baptist proclaimed, “Behold, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world!" I'm sure that was brought up amongst the apostles and was known to them.
Isn't it a lousy debate tactic to make an argument from silence?
that doesn't sound happy
It is very dangerous and usually leads to serious errors.
Especially if only one Apostle is read totally apart from from the full message provided in accordance with the witness of all the other Apostles.
No, the death, burial, resurrection, was hid from the 12. One more time:
John 1 KJV
29 The next day John seeth Jesus coming unto him, and saith, Behold the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world
This verse has NADA to do with a sin offering-it was a reference to carrying away our griefs, burdens-NADA to do with dying for our sins.
John the Baptist had no clue that the Lord Jesus Christ would die for our sins.
As others have been shown, on TOL, for years, chapter and verse, no one knew at that time that Christ was going to be put to death. The 11 were clueless. John the Baptist was clueless, witness his puzzlement that he was in prison, and his message to the Lord. "What the heck is happening?".
The "bearing of the sin of the world" is not a reference to, a prophecy, pointing to Calvary, but a revelation of what the Lord Jesus Christ was during His earthly ministry. "taketh away"-taking up and carrying burdens, not a "sacrificial" term here.
His earthly ministry-sin bearer, in the sense of taking up and carrying burdens-his groans and tears at the grave of his friend Lazarus....He took up and bore the burden of human sin; not, during His earthly life as to guilt(that was not until Calvary), but as to sufferings and sorrows it brought upon all of mankind:
Is. 53:7 KJV
He was oppressed, and he was afflicted, yet he opened not his mouth: he is brought as a lamb to the slaughter, and as a sheep before her shearers is dumb, so he openeth not his mouth.
No sacrificial language is intended here, as slaughter merely means "shambles," as it foretold of the Christ's earthly life of "humbling Himself", and suffering.
This is why I am careful whom I ask to pray for me.
That's your best shot/volley, sport? Tell me that you have more than a slew of cliches, and stock stumpers, and psycho babble, and emotional pleas/ramblings/pinings............
You showed me, little one. Weighty.
Did the clown, in a clown outfit, our hero, address my rebuttal, to his "argument?" Nope.
Show us Peter saying anything other than the good news of what Judas preached, while the Lord Jesus Christ was on earth, for 3 or so years.
You cannot prove that Peter teaches anything different from what Judas preached re. this "gospel"/good news...........You cannot show EVEN ONE PASSAGE where Peter teaches ANY contrary doctrine to what Judas preached, or the other 10, while the Lord Jesus Christ was on earth.
Let's all SEE what ya GOT re. your saint Judas.So it is time to put up.
I thought so.
Does your saint Judas, and the gospel he was told to preach, contradict the same good news, Peter was told to preach, while the Lord Jesus Christ was on earth?
Let's go, sport.
That is a very unusual interpretation.
John's mother Elizabeth knew Jesus was going to be the Messiah. Couldn't she tell John this?
Actually, the words are: “Are you the one who is to come, or should we expect someone else?”, but, yes, they were clueless about Jesus' need to die. Even after he told them several times they still didn't believe it.
OK, that is an interesting distinction worthy of consideration.
I guess we'll have to disagree about this verse's meaning.
Let's go, sport.
Staying on topic is a good thing...
Judas is not on topic...
Nor are you...
Nope. I stay on topic, i.e., , your satanic "argument," i.e., only one piece of good news in the bible-"SAME Gospel." You made it up. You thus have your saint Judas preaching the good news/gospel of 1 Cor. 15:1-4 KJV, clueless one. That is satanic. Face you....seared, defiled conscience, and all.
Walking upon this earth, Paul was not OF this world...
No one, not even the Lord Jesus Christ, prior to the death/burial/resurrection, preached the good news of 1 Cor. 15:1-4 KJV, prior to its occurrence.