The cigar lounge


Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
Nice to see the Nat Sherman Epoca getting noticed in the CigarDojo awards for 2014. Smoked several of them (Prince, Admiral) this year and they were surprisingly more than I expected for an $8-$9 cigar.

Personally I am wanting to try the Fuente Casa Cuba as I really like Fuente Cigars and have not tried that one.

Ask Mr. Religion

☞☞☞☞Presbyterian (PCA) &#9
Gold Subscriber
Hall of Fame
I rarely experiment with new brands of whiskey. I am quite settled on Single Barrel Jack Daniels.

On the Vodka front, however, I have become very taken with Dan Aykroyd's venture, Crystal Head Vodka.


Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
What is new and tasty to you in the form of whiskey?

It's not new per se but, if you like bourbon try Bookers. It is really good, smooth, uncut straight from the barrel which also means that the alcohol percentage is not static from cask to cask. The bottle I was drinking from was 125 proof and the bottles I saw at costco about a week ago were 127.6 proof so, it is high alcohol. It is really good stuff worth the $50/bottle it fetches. Great for sippin with a cigar for sure.

Nick M

Reconciled by the Cross
Hall of Fame
I forgot to add that I picked up a bottle of Vat 69 blended Scotch and put it in my carry on. I am not picky, so all I can say was it is a blended scotch. I haven't seen it in the US, but that doesn't mean it isn't here.

Nick M

Reconciled by the Cross
Hall of Fame
Anyone familiar with the other Alec Bradley cigars?

Yes. I smoked a Tempest. I enjoyed it. But I will also smoke a Man O War Ruination and an infused from Drew Estate and everything in between.

I did like it. I guess there are cigars that were not so good. But it is often who was keeping the cigar when it wasn't me. You will have to talk to Master Sensei for creative writing. :)

Nick M

Reconciled by the Cross
Hall of Fame
In my amature opinion, red dot Cohiba is just as good as the Cuban variety.

Nick M

Reconciled by the Cross
Hall of Fame
I picked up a bottle of Knob Creek Reserve from a recommendation on the CigarDojo. Oh my. 120 proof. I don't know how the writers can taste those subtleties with something that strong. It even has a strong aroma. I am going to try and sip a double with a stick tonight.


Don't most, if not all, of you who smoke cigars claim to be Christians?

Could you imagine Paul or Peter lighting up a cigar? Could you imagine Jesus smoking a pipe or a cigar? Could you imagine the disciples breaking out some cigars to enjoy at the 'Last Supper'?

Why do you do the things (such as smoking) that show total disregard for the life that God has given you? Are you loving yourself and others, by smoking?


Well-known member
Don't most, if not all, of you who smoke cigars claim to be Christians?

Could you imagine Paul or Peter lighting up a cigar? Could you imagine Jesus smoking a pipe or a cigar? Could you imagine the disciples breaking out some cigars to enjoy at the 'Last Supper'?

Why do you do the things (such as smoking) that show total disregard for the life that God has given you? Are you loving yourself and others, by smoking?

I can quite easily imagine them smoking a cigar or a pipe. They surely drank wine and enjoyed a good celebration. As long as it is done for the enjoyment of great tobacco and in moderation. I smoke 1-2 cigars a month, I do not think that presents much of a health risk to be perfectly honest.

Smoking in the company of friends is to have regard for life. Regard for life is more than the concern for maximizing its duration to the last second, it is also about enjoying the gift of life. You can smoke a cigar and have a drink in a way that gives glory to God.


I can quite easily imagine them smoking a cigar or a pipe. They surely drank wine and enjoyed a good celebration. As long as it is done for the enjoyment of great tobacco and in moderation.

The fact that you can 'quite easily' imagine them smoking shows how twisted your thinking is. You can imagine them (including Jesus) defiling their body - and by extension, their spirit - by intaking a vile, carcinogenic substance into themselves? I suppose you might present me with this verse: 'What goes into someone's mouth does not defile them, but what comes out of their mouth, that is what defiles them.' (Matthew 15:11) Well, if one takes the first part of that verse, 'What goes into someone's mouth...' literally, then why shouldn't the second part be taken literally aswell. Which in that case would mean that air - which comes out of a person's mouth, defiles them. There are those who cling onto Matthew 15:11 to justify their illicit ingestions (such as smoking, and eating pork). But what do those same people have to say about this verse: 'You surely know that your body is a temple where the Holy Spirit lives. The Spirit is in you and is a gift from God. You are no longer your own. God paid a great price for you. So use your body to honor God '(1 Corinthians 6:19-20). How do you think you are honouring God by letting unclean substances enter His temple - in which He dwells; that is if He actually dwells in you, which judging by your words and actions, doesn't seem to be the case. For if He was dwelling in you, you wouldn't be doing the things you are doing, such as smoking.

I smoke 1-2 cigars a month, I do not think that presents much of a health risk to be perfectly honest.

That's like saying, 'I stab myself in the arm 1-2 times a month. I don't think it presents much of a health risk.' Isn't stabbing one-self in the arm comparable, in damage and harm, to smoking?

Smoking in the company of friends is to have regard for life.

You're making an objective statement there. Who says that 'smoking in the company of friends is to have regard for life'?

Regard for life is more than the concern for maximizing its duration to the last second, it is also about enjoying the gift of life.

One enjoys the gift of life, not by recklessly and carelessly damaging one's own body; but by taking care of it and making good, responsible decisions that promote its well-being.

You can smoke a cigar and have a drink in a way that gives glory to God

How do you know that you are giving glory to God, by doing such a thing? How do you know that He doesn't detest what you are doing?


Well-known member
Man.0 said:
The fact that you can 'quite easily' imagine them smoking shows how twisted your thinking is. You can imagine them (including Jesus) defiling their body - and by extension, their spirit - by intaking a vile, carcinogenic substance into themselves?

And that you cannot imagine it is simply an argument from incredulity. I cannot say that I'm terribly concerned about being judged by you with regards to whether "He dwells in me" or not. I was not aware that God had made you the judge of mankind, I must have missed the memo.

That's like saying, 'I stab myself in the arm 1-2 times a month. I don't think it presents much of a health risk.' Isn't stabbing one-self in the arm comparable, in damage and harm, to smoking?

They are not even remotely comparable. Do you seriously think that smoking a single cigar one evening is comparable to stabbing yourself in the arm? Then you are simply delusional.

You're making an objective statement there. Who says that 'smoking in the company of friends is to have regard for life'?

I do not think you know what objective statement means. Why would it matter who said it? The definition of objective means that it doesn't matter who said it, it should be a public statement that every reasonable person should be able to agree with.

I did however not claim that it was an objective fact. Enjoying a fine cigar in the company of friends is to have regard for life, it celebrates life by being a communal activity of merriment.

One enjoys the gift of life, not by recklessly and carelessly damaging one's own body; but by taking care of it and making good, responsible decisions that promote its well-being.

You puritans are such utter bores. I think your boredom is a far worse offense to life than enjoying a cigar or drink in moderation. You have not in any way established that how I live my life damages my body in a reckless and careless fashion. Let us examin your judgment of me and the others here. What do you really know about our physical conditions?

How do you know that you are giving glory to God, by doing such a thing? How do you know that He doesn't detest what you are doing?

Because it is not primarily about what you do, it is about the spirit in which you do it.

I'm normally not a big H. L. Mencken fan, he still has the most accurate description of puritans:

"Puritanism: The haunting fear that someone, somewhere, may be happy."

Nick M

Reconciled by the Cross
Hall of Fame
Could you imagine Paul or Peter lighting up a cigar? Could you imagine Jesus smoking a pipe or a cigar? Could you imagine the disciples breaking out some cigars to enjoy at the 'Last Supper'?

Yes actually. I take it you have never invited to a Passover celebration.


And that you cannot imagine it is simply an argument from incredulity.

My imagination is quite capable of picturing it; but not without a degree of uncomfortability being felt. I can bring myself to objectively imagine the disciples sitting around having a puff of a cigar; but such a picture is rather disgusting, and immediately disagrees with what I know to be right. Quite simply, it offends that which I know is true.

I cannot say that I'm terribly concerned about being judged by you with regards to whether "He dwells in me" or not. I was not aware that God had made you the judge of mankind, I must have missed the memo.

Let me ask you then, instead of 'judging'. Does He dwell in you or not, Selaphiel?

And by the way, should I not judge you? Doesn't the bible say to judge righteous judgment (John 7:24)?

They are not even remotely comparable. Do you seriously think that smoking a single cigar one evening is comparable to stabbing yourself in the arm?

Yes, I do. Do you not know what toxic smoke does to the body?

And I speak as an ex-smoker who has tried cigars, cigarettes, bongs, and pipes. I quit because there is a very real chance that one of those toxic inhalations could very well be my last. I quit because it didn't agree with my God-given conscience. Is yours seared so badly that you can't even recognise that smoking is objectively wrong?

' Now the Spirit explicitly says that in later times some will depart from the faith, paying attention to deceitful spirits and the teachings of demons, through the hypocrisy of liars whose consciences are seared. ' (1 Timothy 4:1-2)

Do you seriously think that smoking does no harm to the body? Then perhaps newborn babies should be nurtured with a cigar in their mouth, instead of a mother's milk; being that cigar-smoking is so 'good' for the body... isn't it?

If you wish to destroy your life, through physical damage and spiritual sin, then so be it. Don't say you haven't been warned, and advised. You justify and rationalise to yourself that smoking is legitamely fine and perfectly okay; so that you can cling onto your sin, which (whether you know it or not) is destroying you. Justify yourself all you want, but God knows your heart.

'And He told them: “You are the ones who justify yourselves in the sight of others, but God knows your hearts. For what is highly admired by people is revolting in God’s sight.' (Luke 16:15)

Here's a quote from an article on 'Obedience' (from a certain website), which is pertinent to this matter:

'Though the Bible covers many things specifically, it does not say a word about smoking, for example. If a man cannot reasonably conclude smoking to be harmful and therefore wrong, there is no hope for him. That man is stupid and is to be left to his chosen destructions. (I speak not of the one who wants to quit and cannot, but of the one who thinks there is no problem in smoking.)... Smoking kills you and all those who breathe in your second-hand smoke. You are guilty of breaking the commandment which says, “You shall not kill.” By bringing lung disease, heart disease, and cancer on yourself or others, you create cost for the taxpayer, your neighbor, and everyone in society. You are, therefore, guilty of breaking the commandment which says, “You shall not steal.” You also break the law that says, “Honor your father and your mother.” After all, do they want you to die? Do you think they enjoy watching you suffer and perhaps pre-decease them? In fact, every one of the Ten Commandments is broken by the smoker. The person who says, “It’s my business if I want to smoke,” is a damned fool.'


Then you are simply delusional.

What objective basis do you have for calling me delusional? Isn't the basis your own subjective opinion, which holds no weight in an objective sense?

The definition of objective means that it doesn't matter who said it, it should be a public statement that every reasonable person should be able to agree with.

Do you realise that you have just provided your own subjective definition for the word 'objective'? The irony!

Originally Posted by Selaphiel
Regard for life is more than the concern for maximizing its duration to the last second, it is also about enjoying the gift of life.
I did however not claim that it was an objective fact.

You did claim it as an objective fact, by wording it as an impersonal statement. If it was merely your personal opinion, you should have used 'I think regard for life is...' or 'I feel...' or a similar phrase.

You puritans are such utter bores.

I'm a Puritan am I? I'm 'a member of a group of English Protestants of the late 16th and 17th centuries who regarded the Reformation of the Church under Elizabeth I as incomplete and sought to simplify and regulate forms of worship'?

I think your boredom is a far worse offense to life than enjoying a cigar

I'd rather choose 'boredom' - than engaging in sin which kills and destroys a person - both physically and spiritually.

You have not in any way established that how I live my life damages my body in a reckless and careless fashion.

If you cannot establish that by yourself - and you need someone to show and demonstrate that for you - then, what can be done for you?

Because it is not primarily about what you do, it is about the spirit in which you do it.

You say that 'it is about the spirit in which you do it.' Selaphiel, is the spirit in which you do it pure and unselfish and godly? Just because outwardly you may be focused on God while smoking, doesn't mean that your inner spirit/motive is godly. Weren't the Baal worshippers focused on God (or rather, their conception of Him) while cutting themselves? (See 1 Kings 18). God knows your heart, Selaphiel. You can fool others and fool yourself, but you can't fool Him.

According to the website, Charles Spurgeon once said 'I intend to smoke a good cigar to the glory of God before I go to bed to-night'. No doubt you echo his sentiments each time you have one of your evening smokes. 'I'm sanctifying this cigar, and giving glory to God', you might say. Tell me, how can you sanctify something that is unclean in itself? Aren't we told by God to stay away from, and not touch, that which is unclean (both physically and figuratively):

'Therefore go out from their midst, and be separate from them, says the Lord, and touch no unclean thing; then I will welcome you' (2 Corinthians 6:17).

How can you deem a substance to be good for the body, when said substance is not naturally meant to be consumed by it? Doesn't the negative effects (despite its 'good' effects) of consuming it show that it's not meant for consumption? Tell me, what are the negative effects of consuming natural, unaltered things, like broccoli or water?

Doesn't the fact that tobacco has to be artificially manufactured (through the process of curing) before consumption show that it is not even meant for consumption? Why is it, that you deem tobacco as being fit, and even beneficial, for consumption?

I'm normally not a big H. L. Mencken fan, he still has the most accurate description of puritans:

"Puritanism: The haunting fear that someone, somewhere, may be happy."

If happiness equates to committing sin, I'd rather be the saddest, most sorrowful person. And doesn't the bible say that Jesus Himself 'is despised and rejected of men; a man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief' (Isaiah 53:3) ? How happy does that sound? Is being happy the point, and meaning, of life? It seems that you live for carnal pleasure, and if you do not stop, said pleasure will kill you.


Yes actually. I take it you have never invited to a Passover celebration.

I take it you were taken (in your time machine) to 1st-century Israel, and invited by the disciples to a Passover (which they actually discontinued the celebration of), and at this Passover they were all puffing on cigars? Yes?