The cigar lounge

Nick M

Reconciled by the Cross
Hall of Fame
I take it you were taken (in your time machine) to 1st-century Israel,

The reason it isn't funny is you are trying to mock a post that was mocking.

Prove that is immoral to smoke. Go on. I can prove all things immoral with the Bible and logic. Your turn.


I needn't prove anything to you. Read my above posts, and you will find the answers.

Bright Raven

Well-known member
Hall of Fame
I think the only place this holds any credence is here;

1 Corinthians 6:19-20 Modern English Version (MEV)

19 What? Do you not know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God, and that you are not your own?

20 You were bought with a price. Therefore glorify God in your body and in your spirit, which are God’s.

It is the toughest habit I ever had to break. Just saying, I guess if you were suppose to smoke you would have a chimney sticking out of your ear. :chuckle:

Nathon Detroit

Don't most, if not all, of you who smoke cigars claim to be Christians?

Could you imagine Paul or Peter lighting up a cigar? Could you imagine Jesus smoking a pipe or a cigar? Could you imagine the disciples breaking out some cigars to enjoy at the 'Last Supper'?

Why do you do the things (such as smoking) that show total disregard for the life that God has given you? Are you loving yourself and others, by smoking?
I can't imagine Jesus or Paul eating an ice cream Sunday either. Yet if they felt like eating one.... they would.


I can't imagine Jesus or Paul eating an ice cream Sunday either. Yet if they felt like eating one.... they would.

I can't imagine Jesus or Paul ever feeling like putting something so unhealthy as an ice-cream sundae into their bodies.

Nathon Detroit

I can't imagine Jesus or Paul ever feeling like putting something so unhealthy as an ice-cream sundae into their bodies.
That's because you are a legalist and you have a distorted opinion as to what constitutes "healthy".

Nick M

Reconciled by the Cross
Hall of Fame
And God said, “See, I have given you every herb that yields seed which is on the face of all the earth,

He shall bring it to Aaron’s sons, the priests, one of whom shall take from it his handful of fine flour and oil with all the frankincense. And the priest shall burn it as a memorial on the altar, an offering made by fire, a sweet aroma to the Lord.

Nick M

Reconciled by the Cross
Hall of Fame
That's like saying, 'I stab myself in the arm 1-2 times a month. I don't think it presents much of a health risk.' Isn't stabbing one-self in the arm comparable, in damage and harm, to smoking?

Not even close. It is as phony as the cigarette commercials about shards of glass. If you put shards of glass in your throat you could die on the spot if you bleed to death.

If I come and stab you in the arm, you will die shortly from bleeding to death without immediate medical attention.

Smoking a cigar does not make people fall over and need medical attention. You are outside Christ. You are a phony and a fraud and going to hell. You have a political agenda, so just get it out of the way before I rebuke you sharply.

Ask Mr. Religion

☞☞☞☞Presbyterian (PCA) &#9
Gold Subscriber
Hall of Fame
We are allowed to enjoy all things that are not expressly prohibited by scripture. Where those liberties can become a snare to others or ourselves, or where they can bring discredit upon the church, then we should carefully evaluate whether our liberty honors God.

Spurgeon: I'll quit cigars if it becomes excessive.

Parishioner: What's excessive?

Spurgeon: Two cigars at a time.



M. A. Williams

New member
Precisely what the others have said. It's a matter of excess that becomes the issue, just as it is with drinking. Drinking in itself is not sinful, drunkenness is.

The parallel could be drawn with anything, even healthy food, that too much of most things can be detrimental to your health.

The Word is not against cigars. If you choose not to partake in it then that's your prerogative.

Either way, back to the topic... I've always wanted to try cigars or pipes purely because the variety and depth is incredibly intriguing.

Where would you recommend someone begin if they wanted to try a few out?

Nick M

Reconciled by the Cross
Hall of Fame
Where would you recommend someone begin if they wanted to try a few out?

Go to a cigar store that has a small lounge and talk to them. Try something somebody recommends. They are not going to suggest a double maduro to start.

Nathon Detroit

Cancer's a natural consequence.
That's a fair response.

But I don't think anyone here is talking about the health risks. The poster in question was claiming you cannot be a Christian if you smoke cigars.

So.... while you have a great retort it's out of context.

Nick M

Reconciled by the Cross
Hall of Fame
Cancer's a natural consequence.

Of not being able to deliver oxygen into the cell? Care to explain the process? You shouldn't just regurgitate all the lies your father the devil whispers in your ear. You don't even know what cancer is. Of course you should by now, I just told you. Cancer and heart disease have gone up as smoking has gone down.

Another idiot heathen shows his hand.


That's a fair response.

But I don't think anyone here is talking about the health risks. The poster in question was claiming you cannot be a Christian if you smoke cigars.

So.... while you have a great retort it's out of context.

Perhaps, as I'd just finished your post #946


Of not being able to deliver oxygen into the cell? Care to explain the process? You shouldn't just regurgitate all the lies your father the devil whispers in your ear. You don't even know what cancer is. Of course you should by now, I just told you. Cancer and heart disease have gone up as smoking has gone down.

Another idiot heathen shows his hand.

Any enlightening opinions regarding emphysema? :grave:


Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
Cancer's a natural consequence.

Of what? some of the healthiest living people get cancer...why is that?
I guess that would conclude that cancer is the consequence of so-called healthy living also. Doesn't compute....Cancer doesn't play favorites, in fact less people get lung cancer from smoking than those exposed to asbestos. Basically just living is crap shoot for cancer anybody is a candidate.


Of what? some of the healthiest living people get cancer...why is that?
I guess that would conclude that cancer is the consequence of so-called healthy living also. Doesn't compute....Cancer doesn't play favorites, in fact less people get lung cancer from smoking than those exposed to asbestos. Basically just living is crap shoot for cancer anybody is a candidate.
