the church


New member
Baloney of the highest order. If you would read material not adulterated by the RCC's hogwash...
Yes, KR would much rather we read material adulterated by Jehovah's Witness hogwash.

Tell us what the RCC says about the Crusades, the Inquisition, and popes like Rodrigo Borgia. There is much more! Just tell us about those few things.
Message me and I'll be happy to provide you with all the information you like.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
the church guides us
-there are many dangerous beliefs out there
-Jesus is not God
-we don't have free will
-it doesn't matter what we do
-the church does not teach this


New member
One of my main issues is with the RCC's allowance of art, buildings, gold, etc... its like they are trying to build heaven on earth. BUT, the scriptures are very plain that we are groaning on this earth, waiting for our home, eternal in the heavens. And that we are a religion of good conscience and not of sight.

I also look at how Christians are directed to give, and giving for the construction of anything is not mentioned even once in the New Testament.. we are to give to one another to help with peoples physical needs.

So how does one justify such carnal and anti-christian things that the RCC has integrated into its home made religion in the name of a God that wants nothing to do with them?... the answer is that you cannot.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
One of my main issues is with the RCC's allowance of art, buildings, gold, etc... its like they are trying to build heaven on earth. BUT, the scriptures are very plain that we are groaning on this earth, waiting for our home, eternal in the heavens. And that we are a religion of good conscience and not of sight.

I also look at how Christians are directed to give, and giving for the construction of anything is not mentioned even once in the New Testament.. we are to give to one another to help with peoples physical needs.

So how does one justify such carnal and anti-christian things that the RCC has integrated into its home made religion in the name of a God that wants nothing to do with them?... the answer is that you cannot.

no one does more
the church has
more schools
more hospitals
more charities
more missions
more churches
in more countries
no one does more


New member
no one does more
the church has
more schools
more hospitals
more charities
more missions
more churches
in more countries
no one does more

And none of those are consistent with the biblical mandate as to what we are to do with our donated money.

Where does scripture tell us to build schools? hospitals? Missions? Churches?

It doesn't...

And this is just evidence of how we have 'incorporated' Christianity and why Christians are so horrible these days. Instead of doing what scripture tells us to do, we are content with hiring others to do it for us (which is oh so wrong).

What you are prideful of... I find abominable.

Right Divider

Body part
no one does more
the church has
more schools
more hospitals
more charities
more missions
more churches
in more countries
no one does more
You forgot a few:
more false doctrine
more child abuse
more pagan symbology
more redundant repeated robotic over-and-over ad-nauseam "prayers"
more rules and regulations
more religious deceit


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Because community service, helping people from your church and your community, helping with food pantry's... taking care of widows and orphans in your church.. personally. Should be what defines you as a Christian.

we do all that
-plus schools
-plus hospitals
-plus missions


what do the scriptures tell you to do?
The Scripture tells us to CHURCH, if church was a verb. So the Scripture tells us to DO church. And the Catholic Church has been doing Church since the Apostolic era.

Some people forget that John 14:26 was said by the Lord to His Apostles-in-training, and not to everybody. They didn't write it all down (Jn21:27). They did tell their successors though; the bishops of the Church. The Magisterium.


New member
The Scripture tells us to CHURCH, if church was a verb. So the Scripture tells us to DO church. And the Catholic Church has been doing Church since the Apostolic era.

Some people forget that John 14:26 was said by the Lord to His Apostles-in-training, and not to everybody. They didn't write it all down (Jn21:27). They did tell their successors though; the bishops of the Church. The Magisterium.

Scripture tells us to meet together.. in homes... it doesn't tell us to church.

//true story.

Also, the apostles were no different from any other Christians at the time... they ALL received the Holy Spirit. As a matter of fact, they witnessed people receive the Holy Spirit without baptism and it confused the heck out of them.