the church


Member of the 10 year club on TOL!!
Hall of Fame
In fact, NO sect is best. Rather, Christ's one historic Catholic Church is best, since Jesus himself founded it as his Body and endowed it with his very own power and authority (Mt. 16:18-19/Is. 22:22; Mt. 28:18-20; Lk. 10:16; Ac. 15:2; 16:4; 2 Thess. 3:4; 1 Tim. 3:15; 1 Jn. 4:6). All of the non-Catholic sects are merely man-made imposters that falsely wear the label of "church," and teach the bare opinions of men.
The RCC is just another man made sect. You have never managed to prove otherwise.


New member
The RCC is just another man made sect. You have never managed to prove otherwise.
Sure I have, in some detail. The fact that you can't seem to mentally grasp it changes nothing whatsoever.

Here's an entire book-length treatment of the subject:


J. Papandreas, HANDED DOWN: The Catholic Faith of the Early Christians (Catholic Answers Press, 2015) [click]​

Actually do your homework for once.

I can give you an entire book list just on the fact that the Catholic Church is that one historic Church founded by Jesus Christ himself. But you don't really care, and wouldn't bother to consider the available evidence, since your rejection of Christ's Church really has nothing whatsoever to do with evidence or proof. It's simply that you're fundamentally dishonest and disingenuous when it comes to Christ's Church (which you naively and ignorantly abandoned in your youthful immaturity), and now simply cannot bring yourself to admit your prideful error due to that very same ignorance and immaturity that still guides your worldview. As you like.

Gaudium de veritate,



Member of the 10 year club on TOL!!
Hall of Fame
Sure I have, in some detail. The fact that you can't seem to mentally grasp it changes nothing whatsoever.

Here's an entire book-length treatment of the subject:

I can give you an entire book list just on the fact that the Catholic Church is that one historic Church founded by Jesus Christ himself. But you don't really care, and wouldn't bother to consider the available evidence, since your rejection of Christ's Church really has nothing whatsoever to do with evidence or proof. It's simply that you're fundamentally dishonest and disingenuous when it comes to Christ's Church (which you naively and ignorantly abandoned in your youthful immaturity), and now simply cannot bring yourself to admit your prideful error due to that very ignorance and immaturity that still guides your worldview. As you like.

Gaudium de veritate,

You have posted lots of links, but you, not your links, have proven that the RCC is all that you claim. Sorry, but you never proven that' Christ's promise to be with those gathered in His name only applies to Roman Catholics.


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New member
what do the keys do?

Jesus said to Peter: "I will give you the keys of the Kingdom of the heavens, and whatever you may bind on earth will be the thing bound in the heavens, and whatever you may loose on earth will be the thing loosed in the Heavens." (Matt.16:19) The use of the word "keys" in Jesus' statement to Peter indicated that Peter would have the privilege of initiating a program of instruction that would open up special opportunities with respect to the Kingdom of the heavens.

Peter was different from the hypocritical religious leaders of that time....he clearly used divinely provided knowledge to help people to "enter into the Kingdom," notably on three occasions.

(1) Pentecost, 33 A.D. (Acts 2:1-41)

(2) Samaritans (Acts 8:14-17)

(3) Gentiles (Acts 10:1-48; 15:7-9)

Peter was used to unlock to the people mentioned above, the opportunity to become members of the Christian congregation.


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New member
the argument here is that we need the church to guide us

Tell me, where has your church guided the world for the last two millennia? Why does the world get worse and worse? Why have morals plummeted to unprecedented lows? Why do millions starve to death each year, while popes and other Vatican hierarchy dwell in the midst of gold and satin? What has your church really done for the world? Has it even taught the people about God's coming Kingdom which is mentioned in the Our Father? I asked a priest once what the Kingdom is and he said, "I don't know.":idunno:


New member
the church exposes wolves in sheep's clothing

It has exposed itsself.....its conduct finally was noticed by someone! By the time the 1990s rolled around, somebody finally had the presence of mind to turn a spotlight on what the RCC was doing about pedophile priests---nothing. It has snowballed since then.


New member
Sure I have, in some detail. The fact that you can't seem to mentally grasp it changes nothing whatsoever.

Here's an entire book-length treatment of the subject:

Actually do your homework for once.

I can give you an entire book list just on the fact that the Catholic Church is that one historic Church founded by Jesus Christ himself. But you don't really care, and wouldn't bother to consider the available evidence, since your rejection of Christ's Church really has nothing whatsoever to do with evidence or proof. It's simply that you're fundamentally dishonest and disingenuous when it comes to Christ's Church (which you naively and ignorantly abandoned in your youthful immaturity), and now simply cannot bring yourself to admit your prideful error due to that very same ignorance and immaturity that still guides your worldview. As you like.

Gaudium de veritate,


Baloney of the highest order. If you would read material not adulterated by the RCC's hogwash, you could get a true view of what it is. Tell us what the RCC says about the Crusades, the Inquisition, and popes like Rodrigo Borgia. There is much more! Just tell us about those few things.