the church


New member
You Catholics are cognitively dissident about what your leader has historically been called or proclaimed themselves as through history.They have made their selves commensurate to God, issued that they are unblemished like Mary, and that to reject them is to reject the most Holy.That's a bunch of historical madness that caused nothing but trouble, but pretend I'm talking about the Trinity and detract from the reality of what I'm saying.It make you seem so honest.
You reject the Incarnation and Trinity, then? Yes or no?

God's Truth

New member
There is no excuse for not obeying God.

The Catholics do worship statues. They bow to them, and incense them.

"But God, the statues are of Jesus and Mary...."

"But God, we are pretending that we are bowing to Mary, the woman who gave birth to Jesus."

"But God, we are bowing to a statue of a really good priest, a priest who loved you."

How many ways can you make an excuse for not obeying God?

"But God, when our pope wears long flowing robes, what else should he do, for he is representing YOU. Shouldn't he dress really nice?"

"But God, our pope takes the seat of most importance because YOU are most important."

"But God, we worship Mary because she brought Jesus into this world."

LEAN NOT on YOUR own understanding!

In all your ways obey Him!

There is no if, and, or But about it.

Obey God's Word.