the church


New member
The Catholic church needs to:

1) Get rid of the idea of a Pope.
2) Get rid of the idols.
3) Get rid of the Priesthood/Nuns and have Pastors.
4) Adopt the "True Gospel."
5) Get rid of confession.
6) Get rid of the false doctrine of purgatory.
7) Stop reading prepared prayers off a sheet of paper.
8) Stop the water baptism of babies.
9) Encourage your members to read/study the Bible.
10) Etc.
The opinions of your chosen recently-invented, man-made non-Catholic sect are noted. :yawn:


New member
Only a fool could look at Revelation and not know that the Catholic Church is the seat of he Antichrist. It is plain as day, black and white, clear as crystal, and one is without excuse in having seen it thinking otherwise.
The interpretive opinions of your preferred recently-invented, man-made non-Catholic sect are noted.


Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
the church
-never has
-never will have
-an official view of the apocalypse
-if anything
-the church promotes a spiritual view
-the church has always encouraged the study of the apocalypse
-you will never hear the church accuse islam of being the second beast
-that is my job

If the Catholic church were the "true church" they'd be preaching the "Grace Gospel" that was preached by the Apostle Paul. After all, Paul received the Gospel for today from the ascended Christ Himself.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Catholics certainly do not "worship idols." Indeed, the Catechism of the Catholic Church condemns idolatry in no uncertain terms. Sorry for your confusion.

Why not take all of the statues out of the church then? Do you not pray to them? Why are they necessary? Do you not pray to your saints and Mary the Mother of Jesus?