the church


New member
I understand your not seeing the truth after being taught all the lies you hold dearly as truth. (See how that works?)

True, but I do NOT bow before IDOLS nor do I ray to Mary or any dead folks, which would make me an idolater.

See how that works ?


New member
Jesus said," I am the way the truth and the life and no man comes to the Father but by me". Jesus never mentioned needing Mary, a pope, or a priest other than Himself.
How odd, then, that Jesus himself appointed and ordained the apostles (men) to guide and teach his Church in his own name and by his very authority (Mt. 16:18-19/Is, 22:22; Mt. 20:18-20; Lk. 10:16; Ac. 16:4; ), establishing a hierarchical governmental structure (made up of human beings) in his Church which has remained right down to our own day. God has always worked his divine purposes through human agents and agencies, and primarily through Christ's one historic Catholic Church. This fact is demonstrated on every page of the New Testament. So much, then, for your above entirely irrational---not to mention unbiblical---claim.

Gaudium de veritate,



New member
Jesus nor any prophet or Apostle ever QUOTED FROM ANY Deuterocanonical BOOK. Nice lie but no sale.
You're simply wrong [SOURCE] [SOURCE].

Also, there are canonical Old Testament books accepted by all Protestants as divinely inspired which Jesus and the apostles never quote. Should we, then, throw out those particular Old Testament books as well? Didn't think so. Thus, your "argument" above simply falls flat. "Quotation" does not equal "canonicity." :nono:

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
the church teaches:

By the way, I DID vote for Romney AND McCain.
I was not going to let you somehow justify you letting Hillary win by dragging my voting record into a thread about YOU not voting for Trump. If Hillary wins it will be because of petty snotty Republicans who are butt-hurt over the way he talks. If the shoe fits wear it


The simple historical fact is that the seven Deuterocanonical books were in the "Bible" used and quoted by Jesus Christ, the apostles, and the early Christian Church (that is, the Septuagint). Why, then, would the Holy Spirit supposedly "remove" them? Post your proof now.

(Wait for it...)
Already did and theomatics already denied by unrengerates as predicted by God. Breathed by God means just that. The extras are not breathed according to scientific facts recently discovered by ivan panin. Go ahead deny them


Already answered---and decisively corrected---in Post #3013 above.
Does everyone realize that Roman Catholics don't even believe themselves. They cherry pick the verse "whatever you bind on earth" to prove the supremacy of the Roman bishop, yet they don't even believe that "whatever" He binds is binding. They limit "whatever" to "only when he speaks ex cathedra on faith & morals."


Does everyone realize that Roman Catholics don't even believe themselves. They cherry pick the verse "whatever you bind on earth" to prove the supremacy of the Roman bishop, yet they don't even believe that "whatever" He binds is binding. They limit "whatever" to "only when he speaks ex cathedra on faith & morals."
Wow. You really devastated Catholics with that barb.

If only Protestants were ever guilty of explaining away plain Scripture as figurative and not literal . . . . :think:


Not that I concede your point, mind you, which I don't. But let's say you're right---you as a Protestant are more guilty of this than the Catholic Church is, and by a wide, wide margin. Orders of magnitude.


"This is My Body . . . . This is My Blood."-The Lord

"Figurative, not literal"-you

'Just for starters, if you really want to go down this road.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
"This is My Body . . . . This is My Blood."-The Lord

"Figurative, not literal"-you

'Just for starters, if you really want to go down this road.

You-all is figurative, maybe literal


Sane people, who study. survey the book-the assumption, default is literal.


Now-take your seat. Thank you, student drone.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
Yeah, and? The Matthew 16 Church=the Acts 2 Church=the Ephesians 5 Church. Those are all One Church.

Made up. The body of Christ, the church, in this dispensation, is part of the mystery-kept secret. There is more than one group of called out ones, in the book. You "blend" them, not studying the details, distinguishing them.

Now-I remind you-take your seat.


Well-known member
The trick is to not take God literally when it's of personal gain to do so, or when doing so would cause problems. That way, you can make God say pretty much whatever you want Him to say. It's a very easy way to tame God.

"Oh, every promise in the Book is mine..."