ECT The Answer to the Problem of Unanswered Prayer


Well-known member
hey guru, do you follow that path ?

I have no problem telling you my path. I have repeatedly confirm that in many of my posts and threads.

The path which I follow is the one prescribed by Jesus for spiritually aware people. click the little arrow in this box, for the details

This ETC thread is about prays. It is about what is confirmed about prays in the KJV N.T.

Therefore the first thing that must be done is to search the KJV N.T. and post those revelations which mention pray.

1.) Jesus himself prayed to God the Father.

2.) Jesus left very precise and specific instructions on how those who are not given to know the mysteries of God's kingdom of heaven must pray.

3.) Jesus left very specific instruction how those who are given to know the mysteries of God's kingdom of heaven must pray.

These revelations from Jesus confirm that there are only specific things that one can pray to God to get.

On an ECT forum your conclusions and ideas cannot contradict these revelations in the KJV N.T.

Seem that most of you are making up your own ideas which are opposed to these revelations in the KJV N.T. and you are also seeking to pass them off as Christian ideals.

In effect, if one want God to answer their prays, there are just two ways that one can pray, depending on whether one is in Christ or not yet in Christ.

One who prays for any things other that what Jesus has indicated can also have their prays answered, however it will not be answered by God but by Satan, operating parallel to God.

. . . really, there is no Maths in it.
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Well-known member
Jesus never said you can only pray for this or that and nothing else. guru got no iq q

Matthew 6:9-13King James Version (KJV)

9 After this manner therefore pray ye: Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name.

10 Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven.

11 Give us this day our daily bread.

12 And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors.

13 And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil: For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever. Amen.

"Amen" is added here to make it absolutely clear that nothing must be added or taken away. This pray can be and must be render as is in order to get it answered by God.

In Romans: 8 verse: 26 Jesus confirmed very clearly that human have infirmities and do not know what to pay for. Therefore Jesus in the Lord's pray Jesus would have laid out specifically and exactly what one must pray for.

Patrick Jane you are like the very great majority of the billion who are called to Christianity, you distort and deny the KJV N.T. and misled yourself and others and therefore err and are not chosen. One who claims to be Christian and simultaneously distort and deny the revelations in KJV N.T. is a false prophet who came in Jesus' name.


New member

I have long answer yes to your questions.

So here is the last repeat: Yes I do have examples. (five words, no blah blah blah)

A guy called J... prayed to God for his daily bread and he got it.

I know of a man called A.... who prayed for the things pertaining to his individual mission in the body of Christ and he got it.

The names are withheld to protect the privacy of those people.

Billons people have theyr bread every day. I never pray for may bread and always have it. Why dont you tell "J" to pray for oxigen every day, see if God provide him air with oxigen as answer.

I wonder how "A" got his things for the misión. Probably asked the congregation to pray for... and the congregation give him the things.

Any REAL example!


New member

Now you stop your blah blah blah repetition of the same question and state what is your point.

You said that God has not answered the prays of anyone. . . . it this your final position?

This would mean that God has not answered the prays of even those who prayed the Lord's pray, literally, as it was given to be recited by Jesus.

Is this what you are trying to prove? Are you trying to prove that God and Jesus are false? Are you trying to prove that Jesus and God are mocked? What exactly is your point.

My point is the OPs that are not mine. The point is that God actually DOES answer our prayers. And I have few examples on my own life. Some of them which would sound like an invention. But God DOES answer prayers and it is a real fact of life.
BUT. As the OPs proposes, all the promesses of Jesús made in the Gospels are not for us, but for Israel, and not for today, but for when the Kingdom came. They are not in forcé.
THEN. When we gather to pray at church or home, we can not mention those promesses and can not expect them to work. A Pastor encouraging the brothers with those promesses is creating false hopes and expectations. Which probably will need for explanations later, when nothing hapes. And the worst is that it is saying to the brothers: "you are a bad Christian"


Well-known member
Billons people have theyr bread every day. I never pray for may bread and always have it. Why dont you tell "J" to pray for oxigen every day, see if God provide him air with oxigen as answer.

I wonder how "A" got his things for the misión. Probably asked the congregation to pray for... and the congregation give him the things.

Any REAL example!

I did not ask and I am not asking you how you know that God does not answer anyone's prays. Although that seems to me to be a 'half baked' theory.

I simply take your statement to mean that God does not answer your prays and the prays of the people you know and interviewed. And I leave the rest of your claim alone.

I cannot take you seriously. Especially since you are denying Jesus. I honor Jesus before you.

I am simply confirming that the person in my example told me that he simply prayed the Lord's pray exactly as prescribe by Jesus.

'A' repeats the Lord's pray literally, silently and privately when most things are settled and still. He prays late at night and very early in the morning.

Since I believe Jesus and not you, it is clear that this person 'A' got his daily bread from God. If he had added any thing else to that pray, then a debate can arise about who fulfilled his prays. However since he prayed exactly as Jesus prescribed then it must be that he got his daily bread from God. For Jesus and God are not mocked. Indeed if Jesus instructed that one pray to God by simply repeating that pray and one prays that pray, as is with out changing and/or adding any thing, then when one gets his daily bread, one can be absolutely sure that it is God who granted him his daily bread.

It is indeed difficult to not be influenced by any church that is so close to your residence. You seem to be over compensating to that far extent of denying and blaspheming Jesus. Do not pull down Jesus because you perceive that everyone who you know is corrupting the KJV N.T.

It is confirmed that at every event there are the few who are in righteousness with Jesus and therefor in righteousness with God and therefore so get their daily bread from God.
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New member
You are making of JESUS our Lord and Savour a delivery-boy. Pick up the pone, ask, and will be at your door in 60 minutes guarantee.
You moking of Jesús and are making of the (house of) Pray a market. "Came to my church where you will get from God all you ask for" (and leave the tithe wile you are here)


Well-known member
hello gurucam, i like your writings, how can i follow your posts or whatever ?

Thank you. I suspect that you are one of the few who like my writing.

It is my blessing to share the company of one who likes my writing.

I guest you can search my profile and get to my posts and threads and read them.

I will seek to reply to your posts, once I am aware of them.

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Well-known member
You are making of JESUS our Lord and Savour a delivery-boy. Pick up the pone, ask, and will be at your door in 60 minutes guarantee.
You moking of Jesús and are making of the (house of) Pray a market. "Came to my church where you will get from God all you ask for" (and leave the tithe wile you are here)

On earth in a human physical body Jesus was the son of man. In this presentation he was a physical delivery boy and/or a physical messenger of God. In this format he could not be a Savior.

In spirit heaven, Jesus is in only His Spirit body and in this format He is the son of God. Also in this format He is a Spirit servant to man and God and He is Savior.

Those who do not actually know Jesus in His Spirit (as Paul did) cannot be and are not saved and delivered.
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New member
When I wish pizza I phone and a delivery service bring it to my door. When you want something you pray and Jesús do it for you. You are making of Jesús a delivery service of your requests.


Well-known member
When I wish pizza I phone and a delivery service bring it to my door. When you want something you pray and Jesús do it for you. You are making of Jesús a delivery service of your requests.

He that will be chief among you, shall be servant to all.


Well-known member
When I wish pizza I phone and a delivery service bring it to my door. When you want something you pray and Jesús do it for you. You are making of Jesús a delivery service of your requests.

Jesus is not only a delivery child. He is also a servant.

Galatians 4 verse: 4 KJV N.T. - Now I say, That the heir, as long as he is a child (of God), differeth nothing from a servant (Jesus), though he be lord of all;

Oh, unfortunate and demented one who will save you? You deny and blaspheme Jesus and God at every turn and falsely call yourself Christian, indeed who will save thee?

You clearly do not know the KJV N.T. Yet you perceive yourself to be a teacher of the KJV N.T. of sought. You are inevitably a false prophet who came in Jesus' name.

The point is that God actually DOES answer our prayers. And I have few examples on my own life.

Not your prays, not likely. Clearly someone else answered your prays, not God.
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Well-known member
When I wish pizza I phone and a delivery service bring it to my door.

So now you have a 'door'? For sure God do not give deniers and blasphemers of Jesus and the KJV N.T. a door. That 'door' must come from Satan. He rewards those who deny Jesus and blaspheme the KJV N.T..

At any event, the only tangible/physical thing that God gives to unaware humans is their daily bread.

So there you have it, you are what you are, by your own confession.

Time to wake up and smell the aroma of truth, before too late will be your cry.
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Well-known member
You say that is Satan gicing me thing. Tell me when did you ever give anything at all?

I am not saying that Satan is giving you things.

I am saying that, based on revelations in the KJV N.T. your prays seems to be answered by Satan and not God.

Yes, many things that I use and eat on earth comes from Satan.

An important thing about prays is that one may, through prays, ask God for anything, however one must make it absolute clear in one's pray requests to God that His (God's) will must not ever be overridden.

I can only guest that many people pray to God for things which they eventually get from Satan and not from God.

I would not venture, like you, to say that God does not answer any prays. How would anyone know that but God?

I can venture to say only that those who pray to God according to Jesus precise instructions, their prays will be answered by God.

However if one does not stay within the parameters of Jesus' pray instructions, one's pray request, if answered, will be answered by Satan.


New member
oscar if want proof before you believe, join the club

if "the club" is to became a real Christian, I am since 1972.
if "proof" refers to proof of you having prayers answered, it is you who has to share your experinces with all of us.


New member
Billons people have theyr bread every day. I never pray for may bread and always have it. Why dont you tell "J" to pray for oxigen every day, see if God provide him air with oxigen as answer.

Any REAL example!

This is a perfect example of why you remain ignorant concerning the things of God.

"Our daily bread," has nothing to do with our physical food

The only bread we get from above is our spiritual food that transforms us from what we were when first born to what we can become in Christ.

If you would throw out all of your false doctrines out of your heart and begin to learn the truth you too would begin to see responces to your prayers.

2 Chronicles 16:9 For the eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to shew himself strong in the behalf of them whose heart is perfect toward him. Herein thou hast done foolishly: therefore from henceforth thou shalt have wars.
