An aeroplane is still an aeroplane even on the ground.
And my answer is me I have had answers to prayer, many.
Now certain things must happen in order to get that plane up and flying, if they do not happen then it will remain on the ground.
When I read the OP I saw a lot of faith, what I did NOT see was grace.
Now we poor grace believers get panned because we say in the matter of salvation FIRST must come grace, before we can believe God must do a work in our heart. That other Christians [the majority] find a maddening doctrine. "no, no they cry, but we must first have faith"
Yet this is what we believe. And what we believe in the matter of salvation is also the key to all the other gifts and blessings that attend salvation.
First must come the grace in our hearts, then with the grace will come faith to believe. And all must accord with the scriptures. THAT my friends is God's modus operandi, His MO, His usual way of working. Now God is of course sovereign, He may decide to change His MO in some circumstances...but WE cannot order God to change His ordained way of working.
It is so because God is very mindful that we have fallen natures, oh yes....we have this awful tending to idolatory, it is not just RCs who are idolatorous.. I saw in the OP how much faith was reposed in the ordinances...the anointing of oil by the elders yes and even in prayer, no doubt there wa laying on of hands. All ended in failure. My friends those ordinances may fail...but God never fails.
Is believing in the ordinances, even believing in scripture the same a believing in God? don't take me amiss, I believe in those ordinances, I believe in prayer and above all I believe in scripture. We are not seeking new methods or new ways.
But BEFORE all these things must come grace, specific grace, grace for this or for that particular need and that grace must come directly from God and application to God for that grace must be made.
You SEE how God wrought deliverance for Israel by various means in the OT and soon after the people made idols of those different means. This is the great danger.
Unless you become like unto little children you by no means enter the kingdom of God, see He says little children, children up to a certain age are ENTIRELY dependent upon others to provide for them, they are quite helpless to provide for themselves. In many urgent, yes life threatening situations I have discovered this secret with've got to come to the end of human endeavour. You have got to come to that place where you are utterly helpless and without hope.
Then your only help and your only hope will be God Himself. If we can get to that place without trauma, happy are we, if we can BE like unto little children. But I will tell you the truth my dear friends we do not like to be like unto little children.