ECT The Answer to the Problem of Unanswered Prayer


Well-known member
You are confirming that nobody has his prais answered. That the only pray that it is answered is the pray for forgiviness and for bread.
According to you, every other pray, except for forgiviness and bread, will never be answered.

You and me do agree on that no pray (except that for forgiveness and bread) are being answered. God does not answer any other pray and it is a futil effort to try to found answered prays.

does not matter how much we pray, we will get nothig
but bread and forgiviness.

Yes. that is the status of 'the dead' until he or she becomes spiritually aware and can and do adopt another system which Jesus has reiterated for spiritually aware people.

The Lord's pray is for use by 'the dead'.

Those who are not spiritually aware are called the dead. They are the fallen. They are not considered much by Jesus and God.

They can get nothing more than their daily bread, forgiveness for their sin and help to not succumb to temptations, from God. That is the only things that they can get from God, through their prays. There is no other provision for them, as far as Jesus and God is concerned.

Most spiritually unaware people (the dead) ignore this guidance and instruction from Jesus and God and go on to get all kinds of things from Satan. They literally sell their souls to Satan (i.e. the current dominating physically/intellectually oriented status-quo). In effect they turn away from Jesus and God.

The circumstance of the 'the dead' is quite severe as follows. I can explain further if you get what I am saying, even if you do not share the view which is absolutely and literally supported by revelations in the KJV N.T.

They turn away from Jesus and God when they are alive and embrace Satan. However the irony is that, when they die they are buried with their dead physical bodies in the earth waiting for the day of the lord Jesus when Jesus will come an rise them out of the earth. It is so ironic. Jesus has not come after 2000 odd years. He is not likely to retuning to help people who have ignore and relegated His request and embraced Satan, while they live on earth. Some of these people are already in the earth (with Hades) for 2000 years. Many other have followed and are there for shorter period. They are all likely to remain in the earth for all eternity.

In effect they have sacrificed (or chosen to have) one life time of material pleasures and material things which Satan gave them in exchange for eternity inside earth which is hell. Some of them have accumulated and hoarded far more than they need while they lived and when they died they simply left it all behind to be buried with their dead physical bodies in the earth (hell) for what might just be all eternity. They were never bothered to become spiritually aware and in Christ. This path required serious sacrifice and they simply were not prepared to make that sacrifice and they did not make that sacrifice. More precisely this path required them to sacrifice every thing (except their daily bread, forgiveness of sin and guidance away for temptations) and seek only to become spiritually aware and 'in Christ'.

which they also accumulated and left on earth when they die.
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New member
Yes. that is the status of 'the dead' until he or she becomes spiritually aware and can and do adopt another system which Jesus has reiterated for spiritually aware people.

And those spiritually aware will have theirs prays answered? Do you have any - at least one - example of the real life when a spiritually aware have recieve what he prayed for?

Totton Linnet

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An aeroplane is still an aeroplane even on the ground.

And my answer is me I have had answers to prayer, many.

Now certain things must happen in order to get that plane up and flying, if they do not happen then it will remain on the ground.

When I read the OP I saw a lot of faith, what I did NOT see was grace.

Now we poor grace believers get panned because we say in the matter of salvation FIRST must come grace, before we can believe God must do a work in our heart. That other Christians [the majority] find a maddening doctrine. "no, no they cry, but we must first have faith"

Yet this is what we believe. And what we believe in the matter of salvation is also the key to all the other gifts and blessings that attend salvation.

First must come the grace in our hearts, then with the grace will come faith to believe. And all must accord with the scriptures. THAT my friends is God's modus operandi, His MO, His usual way of working. Now God is of course sovereign, He may decide to change His MO in some circumstances...but WE cannot order God to change His ordained way of working.


It is so because God is very mindful that we have fallen natures, oh yes....we have this awful tending to idolatory, it is not just RCs who are idolatorous.. I saw in the OP how much faith was reposed in the ordinances...the anointing of oil by the elders yes and even in prayer, no doubt there wa laying on of hands. All ended in failure. My friends those ordinances may fail...but God never fails.

Is believing in the ordinances, even believing in scripture the same a believing in God? don't take me amiss, I believe in those ordinances, I believe in prayer and above all I believe in scripture. We are not seeking new methods or new ways.

But BEFORE all these things must come grace, specific grace, grace for this or for that particular need and that grace must come directly from God and application to God for that grace must be made.

You SEE how God wrought deliverance for Israel by various means in the OT and soon after the people made idols of those different means. This is the great danger.

Unless you become like unto little children you by no means enter the kingdom of God, see He says little children, children up to a certain age are ENTIRELY dependent upon others to provide for them, they are quite helpless to provide for themselves. In many urgent, yes life threatening situations I have discovered this secret with've got to come to the end of human endeavour. You have got to come to that place where you are utterly helpless and without hope.

Then your only help and your only hope will be God Himself. If we can get to that place without trauma, happy are we, if we can BE like unto little children. But I will tell you the truth my dear friends we do not like to be like unto little children.
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Well-known member
And those spiritually aware will have theirs prays answered? Do you have any - at least one - example of the real life when a spiritually aware have recieve what he prayed for?

At all times one must be informed by Jesus about what one should pray for from God. And at all times one gets what one pray to God answered if what they pray for is precisely what they were told to pray for by Jesus. It is never that any human can simply pray for just anything that they want.

The spiritually aware are the 'born again'. This means that they are aware of their own hearts or spirit. Then they can search their hearts or spirits and achieve live communion with Jesus in His Spirit.

From this live communion with Jesus in His Spirit through each of their own hearts or spirit, each of them comes to know precisely what the Spirit of Jesus has in mind for each of them to know, pray for, say and do. This is how Jesus knows one and one is known to Jesus.

Then when each of them pray for those things which the Spirit of Jesus has in mind for each of them to pray for as discerned in the above manner, they get those specific things. These are the only things for which they can pray, as given by Jesus and God. If they pray for anything else and they get them, these come only from Satan.

It is only on the basis of this spirit of each human to Spirit of Jesus communion and when one is led by the Spirit of Jesus as discerned in the above manner that one knows Jesus and one is known to Jesus and only this enables Jesus to confess one to God.

I have laid out the path as literally confirmed in the KJV N.T. The very great majority of the billion called to Christianity seems to abandon what Jesus and God precisely prescribes, as laid out in the KJV N.T. as the path to salvation and deliverance. Jesus has confirmed that the path and gate are very very narrow and the walk is very straight and sacrificial. Many are called but few actually adopt the path as prescribed. The very great majority abandon the authentic path with Jesus prescribed and make up and take, their own comfortable path. They therefore err and are not chosen.

I have laid out the path as literally confirmed in the KJV N.T. I suspect that you will (in the usual manner) also not recognize this path and will also deny and blaspheme this path.

I have also clearly confirmed what the KJV N.T. reveals with respect to prays and what pray will be answered by God. If you deny these things it can only be that you want to project and uphold your own ideas which denies and blaspheme the written KJV N.T.
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Totton Linnet

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Silver Subscriber
I have been sick, coughing blood and tumours on the lungs accompanied by radical weightloss.

But while I was reading Corinthians I read "let those who have wives be as though they had none. And those who weep as though they wept not, and those who rejoice as though they rejoiced not and those who buy as though they possessed not"

God spoke to me through that word...what does it have to do with healing? but God was telling me through that scripture "let her who ails be as though she ailed not"

THAT'S the grace, it came through scripture, it told me everything I was to do....nothing. I was to carry on as normal. But I continued to monitor with cat scan.

The tumours first grew larger, the coughed blood thicker, then all stopped, all disappeared. I soon put weight back on and that was 4 years ago.

But when I was 16 I was crazy. I kept "stepping out in faith" leaving jobs and home, everything to follow the Lord. I do not advise anyone to do these things. All that happened was 3 times I found myself without anywhere to sleep, no job, no money..hungry.

That is the faith before grace way

Now we are not supposed to be foolished, God does not bless folly. Butg in every one of those crisis [and they are just as real as sickness, poverty will kill] I reached that point of utter helplessness, complete failure....THAT is when if we cry to God He can show us [even in the most dire situations] what to do.

THAT'S the grace before faith way. I could tell many more stories.


Well-known member
I have been sick, coughing blood and tumours on the lungs accompanied by radical weightloss.

But while I was reading Corinthians I read "let those who have wives be as though they had none. And those who weep as though they wept not, and those who rejoice as though they rejoiced not and those who buy as though they possessed not"

God spoke to me through that word...what does it have to do with healing? but God was telling me through that scripture "let her who ails be as though she ailed not"

THAT'S the grace, it came through scripture, it told me everything I was to do....nothing. I was to carry on as normal. But I continued to monitor with cat scan.

The tumours first grew larger, the coughed blood thicker, then all stopped, all disappeared. I soon put weight back on and that was 4 years ago.

But when I was 16 I was crazy. I kept "stepping out in faith" leaving jobs and home, everything to follow the Lord. I do not advise anyone to do these things. All that happened was 3 times I found myself without anywhere to sleep, no job, no money..hungry.

That is the faith before grace way

Now we are not supposed to be foolished, God does not bless folly. Butg in every one of those crisis [and they are just as real as sickness, poverty will kill] I reached that point of utter helplessness, complete failure....THAT is when if we cry to God He can show us [even in the most dire situations] what to do.

THAT'S the grace before faith way. I could tell many more stories.

Jesus and God have absolutely no regard for physical life.

They confirm that those who are devoted to or interested in or accepting to, saving their physical life will loose their eternal life.

Peter was identified by Jesus to be Satan because he savored human life above doing the will of God. Doing the will of God preserves eternal life.

I am not judging you in any way. I am simply quoting the words of Jesus.

Based on the above revelations from the KJV N.T., please confirm why you perceive that your remission is from God?

Fact is physical death can be is a far better thing than having a physical life on earth. Why do you perceive that your physical remission is a blessing from God?

Is it not possible that God had better things in store for you in spirit heaven, if your had just died?

According to Jesus as recorded in the KJV N.T., the ideas of preserving and lengthening human physical life is a Satanic idea.

Even if your healing was spiritual (as you seem to perceive it to be) you must note:

Matthews: 7 KJV N.T.
22 Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works?
23. And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.

Fact is Satan also heals in miraculous and spiritual ways. How do you know that your healing is not from Satan? . . . just a question.

Finally you said, 'grace before faith'. There can be no grace before faith. Faith is first then comes grace.

But when I was 16 I was crazy. I kept "stepping out in faith" leaving jobs and home, everything to follow the Lord. I do not advise anyone to do these things. All that happened was 3 times I found myself without anywhere to sleep, no job, no money..hungry.
Why do you perceive that the above experience is not desirable? Why do you believe that that is stepping out of faith?

Finding yourself 'leaving jobs and home, everything to follow the Lord' and finding your self 'without anywhere to sleep, no job, no money..hungry' seems to be the essential path to stepping into faith. It is at this point you pray as you ought to pray. You are put into a circumstance where you are urged to pray properly. That is you are urged and required, to pray for only your daily bread, forgiveness of sins and guidance from temptation and nothing more. Your dire circumstance was your God given opportunity. A gift from God, it seems. My biological father would confirm that at night time, Jesus slept under 'shop galleries' i.e. on the open narrow walk ways in front of shops on streets. Meaning that Jesus did not have access to houses or hotels or fine dining, etc.. All Jesus ever sought was his daily bread.

The question is did you simply pray only for your daily bread, forgiveness of sins and guidance from temptation and nothing more and settled for just that? If not you have fallen back into your Satanic ways.

However: Are you now guided into what you know, pray for, say and do, only by precisely what the Spirit of Jesus has in mind for you to know, pray for, say and do, as discerned within your own heart or spirit? If you are, then the healing of your physical body and the saving of your physical life was worth the while. You are 'in Christ'.

You were given a golden opportunity and you embraced it and ran to ultimate success.

However know that this success results only if you are now guided into what you know, pray for, say and do, only by precisely what the Spirit of Jesus has in mind for you to know, pray for, say and do, as discerned within your own heart or spirit.

The question is have you reached here?
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New member

At all times one must be informed by Jesus about what one should pray for from God. And at all times one gets what one pray to God answered if what they pray for is precisely what they were told to pray for by Jesus. It is never that any human can simply pray for just anything that they want.

The spiritually aware are the 'born again'. This means blah blah blah

Do you have any example of a informed Christian to have one prayer answered?
Do you have any example of a spirituly aware to have one prayer answered?
Do you have any example of a born again to have a prayer answered?

It seems to me all is pure blah blah blah.


New member
I have been sick, coughing blood and tumours on the lungs accompanied by radical weightloss.

But while I was reading Corinthians I read "let those who have wives be as though they had none. And those who weep as though they wept not, and those who rejoice as though they rejoiced not and those who buy as though they possessed not"

God spoke to me through that word...what does it have to do with healing? but God was telling me through that scripture "let her who ails be as though she ailed not"

THAT'S the grace, it came through scripture, it told me everything I was to do....nothing. I was to carry on as normal. But I continued to monitor with cat scan.

The tumours first grew larger, the coughed blood thicker, then all stopped, all disappeared. I soon put weight back on and that was 4 years ago.

But when I was 16 I was crazy. I kept "stepping out in faith" leaving jobs and home, everything to follow the Lord. I do not advise anyone to do these things. All that happened was 3 times I found myself without anywhere to sleep, no job, no money..hungry.

That is the faith before grace way

Now we are not supposed to be foolished, God does not bless folly. Butg in every one of those crisis [and they are just as real as sickness, poverty will kill] I reached that point of utter helplessness, complete failure....THAT is when if we cry to God He can show us [even in the most dire situations] what to do.

THAT'S the grace before faith way. I could tell many more stories.

1 - this is about praying. when did you pray?
2 - did you see the doctors? what they did recomend to you?


Well-known member
Do you have any example of a informed Christian to have one prayer answered?
Do you have any example of a spirituly aware to have one prayer answered?
Do you have any example of a born again to have a prayer answered?

It seems to me all is pure blah blah blah.

I have long answer yes to your questions.

So here is the last repeat: Yes I do have examples. (five words, no blah blah blah)

A guy called J... prayed to God for his daily bread and he got it.

I know of a man called A.... who prayed for the things pertaining to his individual mission in the body of Christ and he got it.

The names are withheld to protect the privacy of those people.

Now you stop your blah blah blah repetition of the same question and state what is your point.

You said that God has not answered the prays of anyone. . . . it this your final position?

This would mean that God has not answered the prays of even those who prayed the Lord's pray, literally, as it was given to be recited by Jesus.

Is this what you are trying to prove? Are you trying to prove that God and Jesus are false? Are you trying to prove that Jesus and God are mocked? What exactly is your point.

patrick jane

guru, those of us that pray give testimony to answered prayer everyday. mostly, we don't boast of it, we thank God with every breath we take


Well-known member
guru, those of us that pray give testimony to answered prayer everyday. mostly, we don't boast of it, we thank God with every breath we take

From your post above, the following point are reasonable claims.

1.) Some of you pray.

2.) Some of you testify that what you pray for you get.

3.) Most of you do not boast that your prays are answered.

4.) Most of you issue words of thanks to God with your every breadth.

5.) You all have assumed that your prays were answered by God and not Satan. (this is the mistake that you are all making)

How do you know that your pray were answered by God and not Satan. What process or how did you come to know that it was God who answered your prays? One has to be careful. At least one must be very interested in knowing whether God or Satan is answering one's pray. Satan is very cunning and the average person uninformed. He ask for any thing that he wants in his pray requests. The average person would pray to God and not at all realize that they are asking for things which God will not grant but which Satan will. Satan is very cunning, at that point Satan can and do simply slip in and answered that person's prays.

To protect one self one must ask only for those things which God intends to grant.

There are precise guide lines laid down by the Lord Jesus with respect to what one can pray for and therefore what God will grant.

The unaware is instructed by Jesus to use the Lord pray, as it. That pray allows one to pray only for one's daily bread, forgiveness of sin and guidance to avoid transgressions.

Therefore God will grant pray request for only those things which are one's daily bread, forgiveness of sin and guidance to avoid transgressions.

Satan do also answer pray requests.

According to the KJV N.T., if one's pray request is for any thing other than one's daily bread, forgiveness of sin and guidance to avoid transgressions and one gets it, then it is Satan who has granted those pray requests . . . not God.

Simply getting the things which one pray for does not mean that God is the one granting those things.

Therefore your testimony can all be correct on all points, with the exception that it was not necessarily God but Satan, who granted your pray request.

patrick jane

it's breath not breadth. Satan grants earthly, wordly, material things and thoughts and feelings. you got em. we all do. you're not in an exclusive club. try praying for something small that has nothing to do with you, but something you will see when it happens. don't put a time limit on it and it can't be selfish. that's only The Lord's Prayer with daily bread, satass only temporarily, seemingly let's things go your way. maybe you be blingin all the days of your life. keep thanking satass, it feels good for awhile. sin feels good for the moment, but once you are aware and hear, we must repent as much as we can on each one of our flaws. it's a lifelong deal. sure you can live and do fine in the eyes of society and the people closest to you but there will always be hole deep inside. sometimes so deep it takes a lifetime to find the hole. we really don't get a lifetime. no such thing

patrick jane

anyway, i'm just offering a way to help people pray. if anyone starts telling you the requirements and the process or way to pray or exactly how you should pray, they are probably well meaning and may speak from the Holy Spirit but some can be judgmental and hinder your spiritual journey. you don't get a bolt of lightning or voice from heaven or some kind of special annointing. i get instantly sceptical when people "hear' God. there's no special way to pray and it does'nt work better if you say it loud or dance and sing, you don't have to go to a "man of " God for healing or a special priest. when 2 or more gather in prayer and agree aloud, in the Spirit in the name of Jesus Christ it will be done. know i misquoted that but that's the sense of it. God knows your thoughts and motives in prayer and behavior and it does'nt take a special level of understanding or awareness or wisdom or self-actualization to pray. God knows your heart and mind and acts accordingly. time means nothing to God