my goal is for you to be enlighted. that is why a made those retorics question to which i know very well the answers.
Your goal is Enlightenment in Christ? This tell me that your perception is that you are not yet enlightened in Christ. Is my assessment correct?
The KJV N.T. tells of (reveals) the path to enlightenment in Christ.
Enlightenment in Christ is a state of being. It is to be like Jesus.
Enlightenment is Christ is not linked to the KJV N.T. other than the KJV N.T. contains the instruction or information about enlightenment in Christ and the path to enlightenment in Christ.
With respect to enlightenment in Christ, the KJV N.T. is a record, according to Jesus, of the skills or actualization one must acquire. Then Jesus makes further physically written revelations to those who have acquired the required skill or actualization. Jesus confirms to them, to who and where they must go in order get All Truth. All Truth is the basis of Enlightenment in Christ.
Enlightenment in Christ relies on and draws from, something much more profound and not at all physical. It relies on and draws directly from Jesus who is currently alive and living in heaven and clad only in His Spirit body (like an angel in heaven).
A first step to enlightenment in Christ requires one to detect and discern Jesus in His Spirit body, as Paul did. This is an intuitive/spiritual actualization. This is the first capability that one must have.
When Jesus was a man on earth he had a physical human body and everyone was able to detect him.
Now Jesus has only His Spirit body. He is harder to detect. Now humans must look to things that are not seen (i.e. not physical) in order to detect Jesus. In this presentation Jesus is referred to as the Spirit of Jesus/Spirit of Truth. Spiritual things (like the Spirit of Jesus) must be detected and discerned spiritually (i.e. through the intuitive faculties our own individual spirits).
Enlightenment in Christ had nothing to do with Jesus the man on earth or physically written books (like the KJV N.T.) or physically spoken words (like the things which Jesus delivered in physically spoken words). It has every thing to do with intuitively discerning things privately, individually and directly from the Spirit of Jesus, through one own heart or spirit.
Enlightenment in Christ relies on one one's own intuitive/spiritual actualization which in turn enable one to get All Truth from the Spirit of Truth which is Jesus in His Spirit body. All Truth is the basis of enlightenment in Christ.
Intuitions are the faculties of one's spirit body or inward man. You should know that each person has a physical body, (also called a natural man) and a spirit body (also called an inward man). You are familiar with the faculties of our physical body. Our spirit body also have faculties. These are intuitions.
This gives rise to the next important question, which is, where are you in the scheme of things. This will decide where you must start. This will decide at which point you will enter the journey to enlightenment in Christ.
Are you intuitively/spiritually aware/actualized? In the KJV N.T. this is described as being 'born again'.
Or do you need and want the path (as prescribed in the KJV N.T.) through which you can become intuitively/spiritually aware/actualized?
If you cannot intuit things then we must address you as one who is not yet intuitively/spiritually actualized. We must go even further back, in the KJV N.T. to the prescribed techniques for becoming intuitively/spiritually actualized. This a also well laid out in the KJV N.T.
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