To sum up.
God's word gives us instructions on what we can pray for, that is, what God is willing and able to do for us.
When we ignore those instructions or wrongly read those instructions there is no reason for us to expect results from God.
The two examples I gave, the parts of those prayers that failed and the parts of those prayers that yielded successes are easily separated by accurate knowledge of God's instructions.
Where I pray and made request according to the will of God, God answered and most generously. Where I pray according to my ignorant and self willed and self centered desires God could not answer for He lays clear boundaries about what He is able and willing to do and not do
as an additional note, you might consider that in God's word, some of the miraculous healings that took place required that the recipient do something that was literally impossible to do in order to receive the healing, that is the recipient of the gift of healing had to do something impossible to receive the healing.
Mark 3:1-5 Jesus told the man with the withered hand to stretch forth his hand. That was impossible, his hand was withered. That hand was not healed first then he stretched it out. Note that the man stretched forth his hand, then
as he stretched it out it was healed
Likewise with Acts 3, Peter and John told the lame man to get up. They helped but getting up was impossible, the man was lame in both feet. The man believed, this is indicated by that he got up.
The woman who touche the hem of Jesus garment, it is impossible for a hem of a garment to be the source of a healing, but she believed the impossible and received. One should note that in that Eastern culture, the hem of a man of God's garment was considered to have healing power, which, of course, is impossible, unless the power of God is involved as it was in Jesus the anointed.
The blind man who Jesus told to go wash in the pool, the man was blind, how is he supposed to find that pool, the record does not indicate that Jesus led him there. the blind man may have asked someone else for help, the record does not indicate how he found that pool, maybe it was close, maybe it was not. But to tell a blind man to go and wash in a pool is from a five senses point of view, ludicrous, the man is blind, why not heal the man of blindness then he can go wash the mud out of his eyes
God expects the recipient to believe whenever and wherever possible
There are those who are incapable of believing for themselves, children (Mark 9) where the father was required to believe for the healing of his child, dead people and some forms of mental derangement.
When a person is willing to believe the promise of God then acts on that promise of God then results happen
Until then, there is no reason to expect results