ECT The Answer to the Problem of Unanswered Prayer


Well-known member
No, it is not a waste of time.

However, I John 5:14 is one reason some do not get answers, they do not ask according to the will of God simply because they do not know what the will of God is.

We must go the scriptures to find out what God says He will do for us when we pray.

If we ask God for something He does not do, then God will not answer our prayers

First thing we must know to receive anything from God is to know what is available.

The person that taught me that prayed for people that ended up dying inspite of the prayers, but he eventually learned that praying for someone else requires that the someone else has to be a willing recipient because God does not force things on anyone if their free will is not to receive it.

Likewise, we hear of people, "if it is God's will that Bob or Sally get healed" It is always God's will that people be healthy, III John 2

That doubt or ignorance about God's will prevents people from believing to receive.

Likewise we must not let self condemnation into our minds and hearts. Romans 8:1

Our sins have been paid for, God in Christ made us "good enough" we are worthy to receive God's blessings.

I John 3:20-22

We want to focus our lives on learning and doing those things that are pleasing in God's sight. As we do this, we grow in our confidence that God is both able and willing to answer our requests


Well-known member
The Answer to the Problem of Unanswered Prayer

Fact is one's prays will not be answered if one pray for something which he cannot have. It is not a free for all. Fact is, one is in-firmed and one must be guided even into what 'to pray for'.

Jesus confirmed that because of our infirmities we would not know what to pray for, say and do. However the Spirit of Jesus knows and can help. And he who searches his own heart or spirit can come to know precisely what the Spirit of Jesus has in mind for him to pray for, say and do.

Then when one prays for that, one's prays will be answered.

Fact is, what the Spirit of Jesus has in mind for each person to pray for, say and do is a perfect amalgam of 1.) the ideas, beliefs, interests, needs, desires and aspirations that is the fabric of that person's heart or spirit and 2.) the real time will of God. (absolutely nothing is compromised)

This is what one must pray for, if one wants one's prays to be answered.

Indeed one must search one's own heart or spirit to know precisely what the Spirit of Jesus has in mind for one to pray for, say and do, then pray for only that, then one's prays will be answered.


New member
No, you are wrong !!!

As I said there are some being done with qualified witnesses to them, however, they are not being done in your average brick and mortar church.

Fair enough?

examples? evidence?
no, there is not miracles being performed today, and no prays answered.


New member
No, it is not a waste of time.

However, I John 5:14 is one reason some do not get answers, they do not ask according to the will of God simply because they do not know what the will of God is.

We must go the scriptures to find out what God says He will do for us when we pray.

If we ask God for something He does not do, then God will not answer our prayers

First thing we must know to receive anything from God is to know what is available.

The person that taught me that prayed for people that ended up dying inspite of the prayers, but he eventually learned that praying for someone else requires that the someone else has to be a willing recipient because God does not force things on anyone if their free will is not to receive it.

Likewise, we hear of people, "if it is God's will that Bob or Sally get healed" It is always God's will that people be healthy, III John 2

That doubt or ignorance about God's will prevents people from believing to receive.

apparently, at least for you, one of the reasons for prays not being answered is because asking not in the will of God. it sound like a good excuse.
do you know of any case, one at least, in wich a Christian did ask in God will and get his pray answered. one case please of an answered pray.


New member

Fact is one's prays will not be answered if one pray for something which he cannot have. It is not a free for all. Fact is, one is in-firmed and one must be guided even into what 'to pray for'.

Jesus confirmed that because of our infirmities we would not know what to pray for, say and do. However the Spirit of Jesus knows and can help. And he who searches his own heart or spirit can come to know precisely what the Spirit of Jesus has in mind for him to pray for, say and do.

Then when one prays for that, one's prays will be answered.
Fact is, what the Spirit of Jesus has in mind for each person to pray for, say and do is a perfect amalgam of 1.) the ideas, beliefs, interests, needs, desires and aspirations that is the fabric of that person's heart or spirit and 2.) the real time will of God. (absolutely nothing is compromised)

This is what one must pray for, if one wants one's prays to be answered.

Indeed one must search one's own heart or spirit to know precisely what the Spirit of Jesus has in mind for one to pray for, say and do, then pray for only that, then one's prays will be answered.

an example of an answered pray???


New member
an example of an answered pray???

Hello Oscar,

First in answer to the OP, Jesus Himself shows us not only how to pray but how to accept the answer to those prayers when in the garden HE says: if possible take this cup away, but THY will be done...'

As for an example of an answered prayer... have a look at my avatar... the little boy in the chair is in that picture thanks to answered prayer. (to God be Glory and Honour! For ever an ever ! Amen!)



New member
Hello Oscar,

First in answer to the OP, Jesus Himself shows us not only how to pray but how to accept the answer to those prayers when in the garden HE says: if possible take this cup away, but THY will be done...'

As for an example of an answered prayer... have a look at my avatar... the little boy in the chair is in that picture thanks to answered prayer. (to God be Glory and Honour! For ever an ever ! Amen!)


in wich way, that little boy is an answered prayer?


Well-known member
apparently, at least for you, one of the reasons for prays not being answered is because asking not in the will of God. it sound like a good excuse.
do you know of any case, one at least, in wich a Christian did ask in God will and get his pray answered. one case please of an answered pray.

It is reasonable and rational

Asking for Chinese food in an Italian restaurant is not reasonable, nor rational.

Indeed, there have been times that I have asked God for something that He does not do, and therefore have not received what I asked for.

However, the times that I have thanked Him for what He does do, and have believed, He has delivered and usually far beyond my expectations.

God is faithful to His word.

When we take Him at His word, we never need be disappointed.

An answered prayer?

I met someone I wanted to meet. Someone I cared about. Turns out we grew up far apart from each other, but ending up meeting in spite of that. She moved back to Wisconsin, I moved to Wisconsin.

We met, I thought we would get married, but but that part of my prayer is not something God decides. Marriage is about two people choosing for themselves. God does not force people to do anything, He gave people free will.

Another prayer, I prayed for two sisters who were burned in a fire. I prayed they would be emotionally Ok and physically well. I met one of them, you would not have known she had been burned. She had some anger issues, but from what she told me, her father was a very angry man. It was not the fire that caused her anger issues. I was very blessed to have met her to see the results, about 40 years after that fire, that my prayers were answered.

God is love, He knows how to heal hearts when they want it.


New member
you meeting that person you was expecting to marry, but didnt marry you is a very common, usual, and everyday story with no God involved in it.

people overcoming accidents and situation as fires, even when loosing all, loosing family or being badly injured; it is not an extraordinary story at all, not a story of a prayer answered by God

you are bringing stories that could hapens perfectly to people that dont pray, that not even trust in God.

in both cases, if you never meet that person, or if the sisters in the fire didnt recover... in both cases you would have a good excuse for God not answering your prayer.


New member
you mean you pray for souls, but condemn the saints as being goats???

Not at all. I condemn you as being a goat, Goat. :angrymob:



Well-known member
an example of an answered pray???

One cannot pray for just anything and expect to get it. If your pray request is for something which come from or is urged from, your physical side, you cannot reach God with those ideas and requests.

Humans can reach God only with respect to the ideas, beliefs, interests, needs, desires and aspirations of one's own heart or spirit. And when one is led by the Spirit of Jesus, God grants one absolute expression and fulfillment of these. I must add that the ideas, beliefs, interests, needs, desires and aspirations of one's own heart or spirit do give rise to ideas, beliefs, interests, needs, desires and aspirations in the physical material world. Only these physical/material ideas, beliefs, interests, needs, desires and aspirations are recognized and served by God. The ideas, beliefs, interests, needs, desires and aspirations which God honors and enables are the ones which originate in and are seated in one's own spirit.

Those ideas, beliefs, interests, needs, desires and aspirations which arise and are sustained, only from one's current contact with the physical material world and one's physical side are not known to or recognized by, God. Any pray or other requests that are based on these will not be entertained by God. They simply cannot reach God.

If you are not aware of your own spirit, you cannot be aware of the ideas, beliefs, interests, needs, desires and aspirations which are the fabric of your heart or spirit. This means that you are 'the dead'. The spiritually dead. You cannot qualify for God given freedom, liberty and justification to express and fulfill your true free will which is expressed as the ideas, beliefs, interests, needs, desires and aspirations of your own heart or spirit. You have to be 'born again' (i.e. become aware of your own heart or spirit) in order to qualify for this right of passage.

If you are not aware of (i.e. not in communion with) your own heart or spirit then all that God provides for you and your likes is, (simply and only) your basic daily bread, forgiveness of your sins and guidance so that you might sin less. As an unaware person, you cannot and will not have any kind of glamorous life, unless it come through Satan, i.e. by selling your soul to Satan. Satan are people who are only intellectually/physically oriented and not at all spiritually/intuitively oriented. God intent for you and all other unaware people is a very modest and simple unmarried life, that is totally and completely devoted to becoming spiritually aware and then 'in Christ'. There is absolutely no sense in unaware people having any other life.

If the unaware woman wants a child she must adopt a child who was brought forth by those 'in Christ'. In fact if the unaware woman wants a child of her own, she must be impregnated by one who is 'in Christ' even if she chose thereafter to marry an unaware person, like herself. One 'in Christ' is a child of God. Being impregnated by a child of God will ensure that the child who she brings forth is a child of God and not a child of the flesh (i.e. an unaware child). This is similar to the event of Jesus' procreation surrounding Mother Mary. A child of God is one 'in Christ' and the procreative act of such a one can and do bring forth (to earth) children of God from heaven.

This is the short answer:

If one is unaware and one prays, all that God will ever grant is one's daily bread, forgiveness for transgressions and guidance. If one is spiritually aware and in Christ, God will grant one absolute support, freedom, liberty and justification to express and fulfill all the ideas, beliefs, interests, needs, desires and aspirations of one's own hearts or spirits.

The KJV N.T. confirms that, two kinds of provisions are made by God. These relate to the two kinds of people on earth, as follows:

1.) One set are the unaware or spiritually unaware. They are those who are not given by God to know the mysteries of God's kingdom of heaven. They get only the basics, i.e. their daily bread, forgiveness for transgressions and guidance.

2.) The other set are the spiritually aware. They are given by God to know the mysteries of God's kingdom of heaven. When they are led by the Spirit of Truth/Spirit of Jesus (as discerned within each of their own hearts of spirit), each of them has God given freedom, liberty and justification to express and fulfill all the ideas, beliefs, interests, needs, desires and aspirations of each of their own hearts or spirits. There is no fixed thing which God grants under this system. Each person gets what is in his own heart or spirit, even if these things go against all currently prevailing social, moral and religious ideals and laws. The Spirit of Jesus simply organizes things so that all things works for the good of all who are in this system. They are all in Christ and in the body of Christ.

To get the support of God, one's request from God must conform to one of these two provision which God has made, depending on whether one is unaware or spiritually aware.

More optional reading:

The unaware is very limited in what he or she can pray for and actually get. The unaware are instructed to use the Lord's pray.

And the Lord's pray clearly defines what the unaware can and must pray for and expect to get.

The Lord's pray says:

Matthew 6:9-13King James Version (KJV)

9 After this manner therefore pray ye: Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name.

10 Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven.

11 Give us this day our daily bread.

12 And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors.

13 And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil: For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever. Amen.

Therefore the pray is clear. The unaware can pray only for their daily bread, forgiveness of debts and guidance into right actions. This is the only provision which Jesus and God makes for the unaware.

The unaware cannot have a heavenly life on earth or any where else. God will provide for them only their very basic survival need met.

Their mission in their current life is not to seek or have anything out side of their basic survival needs. They must be one pointedly focused only on becoming first, spiritually aware and then 'in Christ'. This is God's will for the unaware. And this is all that God will facilitate.

If the unaware gets anything more that his basic daily bread, they get it only through Satan.

Spiritually aware people are different. They have the actualized capacity to be led by the Spirit of Jesus. When they are led into all their works by precisely what the Spirit of Jesus has in mind for them to pray for, say and do as discerned within their own hearts or spirit, they are 'in Christ'. Under this system they have God given freedom, liberty and justification to do absolutely any thing and get absolutely any thing that is in their own hearts or spirits. They do not even have to ask by praying.

These defines what God will grant from prays.

As far as revelations in the KJV N.T. goes: Only the unaware can or should pray to God and they can pray for only their daily bread and for forgiveness and guidance. These are the only few things which God will grant them.

On the other hand, those who are spiritually aware and 'in Christ' need not pray. Each of them must search their own individual hearts or spirits to know precisely what the Spirit of Truth/Spirit of Jesus has in mind for each of them to know, say and do. Then, when they are led into all their works by this, all the ideas, beliefs, interests, needs, desires and aspirations of their own hears or spirits will be totally supported by God and perfectly and powerfully granted.
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Well-known member
you meeting that person you was expecting to marry, but didnt marry you is a very common, usual, and everyday story with no God involved in it.

people overcoming accidents and situation as fires, even when loosing all, loosing family or being badly injured; it is not an extraordinary story at all, not a story of a prayer answered by God

you are bringing stories that could hapens perfectly to people that dont pray, that not even trust in God.

in both cases, if you never meet that person, or if the sisters in the fire didnt recover... in both cases you would have a good excuse for God not answering your prayer.

I am sure that it is common, however, my introduction to her was spiritual in nature. I prayed for her at times for the next 38 years, then I met her. I did not know it was her, the one I had been praying for till a few days later. God simply wanted me to pray for her and love her, at that early age, I assumed and very erroneously, that God wanted me to marry her. That was my added interpretation, I added to God's word, for I assumed love meant marriage.

God's love is far more broad than marriage, God taught me that His love is a one way relationship most of the time. Loving someone does not guarantee that that someone will love you back. God does guarantee that his love will always be there for you, and that His love is why we are more than conquerors in every situation. Romans 8:37

John 3:16 not all that God loves loves him back, only a few. God's love is far more reaching than the love that responds back.

That was a lesson that hurt, not because God intended it to hurt but because I added to the word and by doing so expected something I had no right to expect, but was a very valuable lesson indeed.

It prepared me for situations like this one. Sharing God's love and truth on a website that is as likely to be mocked as received.

Love is always available, for you can care about anyone at anytime even if they are total strangers to you.

No believer had to pray to have love in their life, they simply have to realize that God loves them now and that as a result of God's love to them, they can love others with God's love.

You do that and prayers according to the will of God get prayed for, believed for and answered.

In both situations, God blessed my life with answered prayers.

But since my prayers were a mixture of both self centered ignorant motivation and God centered loving motivation, the results were likewise mixed.

Both benefited from the righteous fervent prayers according to the will of God, but I was disappointed because I expected more than I had any right to.


Well-known member
I am sure that it is common, however, my introduction to her was spiritual in nature. I prayed for her at times for the next 38 years, then I met her. I did not know it was her, the one I had been praying for till a few days later. God simply wanted me to pray for her and love her, at that early age, I assumed and very erroneously, that God wanted me to marry her. That was my added interpretation, I added to God's word, for I assumed love meant marriage.

God's love is far more broad than marriage, God taught me that His love is a one way relationship most of the time. Loving someone does not guarantee that that someone will love you back. God does guarantee that his love will always be there for you, and that His love is why we are more than conquerors in every situation. Romans 8:37

John 3:16 not all that God loves loves him back, only a few. God's love is far more reaching than the love that responds back.

That was a lesson that hurt, not because God intended it to hurt but because I added to the word and by doing so expected something I had no right to expect, but was a very valuable lesson indeed.

It prepared me for situations like this one. Sharing God's love and truth on a website that is as likely to be mocked as received.

Love is always available, for you can care about anyone at anytime even if they are total strangers to you.

No believer had to pray to have love in their life, they simply have to realize that God loves them now and that as a result of God's love to them, they can love others with God's love.

You do that and prayers according to the will of God get prayed for, believed for and answered.

In both situations, God blessed my life with answered prayers.

But since my prayers were a mixture of both self centered ignorant motivation and God centered loving motivation, the results were likewise mixed.

Both benefited from the righteous fervent prayers according to the will of God, but I was disappointed because I expected more than I had any right to.

To sum up.

God's word gives us instructions on what we can pray for, that is, what God is willing and able to do for us.

When we ignore those instructions or wrongly read those instructions there is no reason for us to expect results from God.

The two examples I gave, the parts of those prayers that failed and the parts of those prayers that yielded successes are easily separated by accurate knowledge of God's instructions.

Where I pray and made request according to the will of God, God answered and most generously. Where I pray according to my ignorant and self willed and self centered desires God could not answer for He lays clear boundaries about what He is able and willing to do and not do


Well-known member
To sum up.

God's word gives us instructions on what we can pray for, that is, what God is willing and able to do for us.

When we ignore those instructions or wrongly read those instructions there is no reason for us to expect results from God.

The two examples I gave, the parts of those prayers that failed and the parts of those prayers that yielded successes are easily separated by accurate knowledge of God's instructions.

Where I pray and made request according to the will of God, God answered and most generously. Where I pray according to my ignorant and self willed and self centered desires God could not answer for He lays clear boundaries about what He is able and willing to do and not do

as an additional note, you might consider that in God's word, some of the miraculous healings that took place required that the recipient do something that was literally impossible to do in order to receive the healing, that is the recipient of the gift of healing had to do something impossible to receive the healing.

Mark 3:1-5 Jesus told the man with the withered hand to stretch forth his hand. That was impossible, his hand was withered. That hand was not healed first then he stretched it out. Note that the man stretched forth his hand, then as he stretched it out it was healed

Likewise with Acts 3, Peter and John told the lame man to get up. They helped but getting up was impossible, the man was lame in both feet. The man believed, this is indicated by that he got up.

The woman who touche the hem of Jesus garment, it is impossible for a hem of a garment to be the source of a healing, but she believed the impossible and received. One should note that in that Eastern culture, the hem of a man of God's garment was considered to have healing power, which, of course, is impossible, unless the power of God is involved as it was in Jesus the anointed.

The blind man who Jesus told to go wash in the pool, the man was blind, how is he supposed to find that pool, the record does not indicate that Jesus led him there. the blind man may have asked someone else for help, the record does not indicate how he found that pool, maybe it was close, maybe it was not. But to tell a blind man to go and wash in a pool is from a five senses point of view, ludicrous, the man is blind, why not heal the man of blindness then he can go wash the mud out of his eyes

God expects the recipient to believe whenever and wherever possible

There are those who are incapable of believing for themselves, children (Mark 9) where the father was required to believe for the healing of his child, dead people and some forms of mental derangement.

When a person is willing to believe the promise of God then acts on that promise of God then results happen

Until then, there is no reason to expect results