ECT The Answer to the Problem of Unanswered Prayer


New member
Hi Oscar,

The doctors said he wouldn't live past 2. He will be 11 in January (God willing).


When the doctor told you that he wouldnt live past 2... did you quit any medical treat, did you stop giving him any medicine? at that point... did you ONLY pray for him without any other care?

It sound like one normal case in wich a person has low chanses to survive, but did survive within that small % of persons surviving. Non christians have millons of similar cases.


New member

One cannot pray for just anything and expect to get it. If your pray request is for something which come from or is urged from, your physical side, you cannot reach God with those ideas and requests.

Humans... blah blah blah

I did ask you for any example of answered pray, I you respond with an explanation of why prays are not answered.

Again: any real life example of an answered pray?


New member
To sum up.

God's word gives us instructions on what we can pray for, that is, what God is willing and able to do for us.

When we ignore those instructions or wrongly read those instructions there is no reason for us to expect results from God.

The two examples I gave, the parts of those prayers that failed and the parts of those prayers that yielded successes are easily separated by accurate knowledge of God's instructions.

Where I pray and made request according to the will of God, God answered and most generously. Where I pray according to my ignorant and self willed and self centered desires God could not answer for He lays clear boundaries about what He is able and willing to do and not do

AGAIN: any real life example of a pray being made in the correct basis and being actually answered?


New member
You are saying that you pray for a specific person. Is that person always converted? I really doubt it.
I pray for many non-specific people through praying for specific people. I pray that farmers be converted, so that the harvest is bountiful !

And, so far, as best I can tell, God has said Yes 1 hundred percent of the time !



New member
I pray for many non-specific people through praying for specific people. I pray that farmers be converted, so that the harvest is bountiful !

And, so far, as best I can tell, God has said Yes 1 hundred percent of the time !


Stop writing in this thread, take the telephone book and star praying for each one. Very son - if what you are saying is truth - all your tow, and all your country will be saved, converted to Christ.

But sincerelly I dont believe you. Prove it and search for the telephone book of Montevideo - Uruguay; I want to see ALL my city converted to the Lord thanks to your pray.

Or are you blufing?


New member
Stop writing in this thread, take the telephone book and star praying for each one. Very son - if what you are saying is truth - all your tow, and all your country will be saved, converted to Christ.

But sincerelly I dont believe you. Prove it and search for the telephone book of Montevideo - Uruguay; I want to see ALL my city converted to the Lord thanks to your pray.

Or are you blufing?
I personally know exactly zero people from Uruguay so that's a no-go.

From where you're from, when a seed is sown, does the harvest come the next day ?


New member
I personally know exactly zero people from Uruguay so that's a no-go.

From where you're from, when a seed is sown, does the harvest come the next day ?

OK. then you are blufing. nobody is being converted because of your pray. Thanks.


Well-known member
billons people do. billons people that never pray to God for bread.

Granted the Lord's pray is not for everyone.

However, clearly Jesus found that some people have to pray for their daily bread.

In fact those people can pray only for their daily bread, forgiveness and guidance.

This is confirmed in the following:

Matthew 6:9-13New International Version (NIV)

Jesus instructed: “This, then, is how you should pray:

“‘Our Father in heaven,
hallowed be your name,
your kingdom come,
your will be done,
on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us today our daily bread.
And forgive us our debts,
as we also have forgiven our debtors.
And lead us not into temptation
but deliver us from the evil one.

Jesus instruction is very specific here. Those people can pray only for 'our daily bread', 'forgive us our debts' and 'lead us not into temptation but deliver us from the evil one'

If they pray for other things and they get it, then it cannot be God answering their prays. (You do know that Satan can give people things as well).

For those people, God is limited to: 'giving them their daily bread', 'forgiving them their debts' and 'leading them not into temptation but delivering them from the evil one'

Do you know of a pray in the KJV N.T. in which one can ask God for other things?

Are you suggesting that people can pray for other things? I know of no such other revelation in the KJV N.T.

That pray is directed for use by the unaware and they are not entitled to anything else from God. The KJV N.T. confirms no other way to pray through which one can ask for other things.

Are you trying to imply that there is another way to pray by which one can ask for other things? Are you making up you own scriptures?

You asked:"I did ask you for any example of answered pray, I you respond with an explanation of why prays are not answered."

"Again: any real life example of an answered pray?"

I replied: I have my daily bread every day.

Clearly the only possible answer to your questions is the one I gave.

I gave you the only possible real life example of an answered pray. It is: "I have my daily bread every day." under Jesus instruction, a pray to God could and would grant nothing else.
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New member
Now we understand why nobody can provide an example of an answered pray.

What churches do: to have praying meetings and praying for everybody need ; is not what God will answer, and have never answer.


Well-known member
Now we understand why nobody can provide an example of an answered pray.

What churches do: to have praying meetings and praying for everybody need ; is not what God will answer, and have never answer.

But some one did. Some one answered: I have my daily bread every day and that most definitely can be an answered pray.

In fact that is an absolutely legitimate pray request and its fulfillment is almost routinely granted by those who make the pray request.

I agree that any thing else that one gets cannot be from pray to God. For under the pray which Jesus prescribed one can get only one's daily bread.

Therefore those churches which offers pray to God for other things are actually Satanic churches.

Fact is from the spiritually dead, God will not answer any other pray request (apart from their pray request for their daily bread).
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New member
Hello Oscar,

When the doctor told you that he wouldnt live past 2... did you quit any medical treat, did you stop giving him any medicine? at that point... did you ONLY pray for him without any other care?

He received no medical treatment, because there was no treatment for him. Further the only medical procedure that some of the doctors insisted was the only thing that might extend his lifespan, was refused because it also might have killed him.

It sound like one normal case in wich a person has low chanses to survive, but did survive within that small % of persons surviving. Non christians have millons of similar cases.

Oscar, I didn't post an answer to your OP to prove anything to you, or to argue about it with you. I posted in the hope that it would bolster your faith that our Father, does indeed hear our prayers (even when we don't like the answer).
You are free to accept it as an answer to your OP or not. It makes no difference to me; I know who it is that I have to thank every day for the gift of my son.


p.s. if you have any further questions about my boy I'd appreciate it if it was done through PM. thank you.


New member
Hello Oscar,

He received no medical treatment, because there was no treatment for him. Further the only medical procedure that some of the doctors insisted was the only thing that might extend his lifespan, was refused because it also might have killed him.

Oscar, I didn't post an answer to your OP to prove anything to you, or to argue about it with you. I posted in the hope that it would bolster your faith that our Father, does indeed hear our prayers (even when we don't like the answer).
You are free to accept it as an answer to your OP or not. It makes no difference to me; I know who it is that I have to thank every day for the gift of my son.


p.s. if you have any further questions about my boy I'd appreciate it if it was done through PM. thank you.

I understand how much you love your boy and how gratefull you are with God. My daughter is a doctor and doctors know the own limitation that they actually con not cure but to remove the obstacles for a cure. It is the self body or God who does the cure.

Unfortunatelly, experiences as yours, which are same as that of many non-christians never praying, lead to misinterpretation. I can asure you that many sincere christians with deep pray life have seen theirs boys die suffering horribly despite all the pray.

pray does nothing to do with the cure of your boy and the dead of other boys.

I hope you can grew up on your faith and understand the actual meaning of pray and its real effect.


New member
examples? evidence?
no, there is not miracles being performed today, and no prays answered.

If you want to take the time to read my book that appears in my signature below there are miracles recorded within that I am personally associated with. Witnesses include friends of the person(s) receiving the miracle and/or medical personal, EMP persons or in one case a doctor in charge of a Hospice unit.

You do not sound to be the type to take someones word, however, if you care to challenge the validity of what I am saying there is a way to do that providing you represent a recognized publication or investigatory service for hire. Anything short of either of these means you will need to be able to cover a lot of expenses up front for traveling to interviews that will be video taped

The good news is I give the book away for free


New member
I live at 150 meter from a church know for the hundred miracles they perform every week. I dont need to read your book. It seems that there is few very special christians who can perform (incoquing God) great miracles. Otherwise, there is few christians that fake miracles to desieve the public.

I dont need an iluminated and super-spiritual Christian with a special anointment of the Holy Spirit. I request a simple and regular Christian that in at least one time did pray to God and did have an answer.