do you have any specific example of a pray actually being answered to you, that you can share with us?
People tell you they do and you respond by calling them liars and fake.
My ministry has a history of miracles but when I needed one who did I call?
I called a friend who teaches what I wrote in my book and he got his bible class together along with some members of a ministry we were together in years ago within the federal prison system. Originally he was my teacher but as time went on he realized the anointing on me was the same as on him and one other person that he knew who had been called to a higher level of worship than the normal status quo.
Long story short I was diagnosed through X-rays of my shoulders taken because of a kiteboarding injury starting late last spring that revealed both of the upper thirds of my lungs were filled with cancer........ not just a few tumors but were each one large mass of cancer. Edit: I smoked cigarets albeit mostly out in my garage for over 40 years and only quit 18 months ago. I also smoked a lot of pot for close to thirty years and am considered by the medical profession to be a high risk for lung cancer
The confirmation Xray was just taken just this past monday (Dec 29) and on tuesday I woke up under a death sentence
I called my friend who is the only man in the world I could trust to pray for me and lay hands on me if necessary.
It rattled him just as it had rattled me and I told him the only thing I could pray that morning was "Father, somehow let this be to your glory but no matter what please do not let me waver because I thank you and praise you for all of the mercies and knowledge you have shared with me."
When I went in to see the specialist assigned to me on tuesday I made it clear that either God would heal me or I would die, I would not accept any form of treatment, after all how I could after seeing so many miracles from my own prayers being answered. IMO, if God was allowing this to happen to me then so be it.
The new doctor in charge did not disagree with the opinions of the radiology staff and doctors and the conclusion of the orthopedic personal who stumbled on my cancer while looking for the cause of pinched nerves in my neck and back more or less said, "you have something much more important to address" as the VA only has so much money and none to waste on those whom they cannot help.
On Tuesday after I had prayed the little I did and putting my trust in my friend to lift my situation up before God, I agreed to the doctors request for one more set of dedicated pictures of the whole of both lungs that came back completely cancer free......... Praise the Lord !!!
Everybody felt so bad before then because I am way more active and look much healthier than others many years younger (I am about to turn 64 and there are some other issues surrounding this case that are becoming known so I am limited for now as revealing everything)
All of the doctors from the three departments involved agree that two X rays with a lengthy time in between them both reveal advanced cancer in both of my lungs but the final picture taken after the prayers made prove something they cannot explain how it has happened because both of my lungs are now cancer free.
Now we have hospital personal who prior to this did not believe in miracles telling others what they witnessed happing to me
When the rest of the church learns to worship in spirit and in truth, they too will see signs and wonders
For that matter when a ministry is not witnessing miracles, 99 times out of 100 because of the sin of false doctrines (such as raptures and two future resurrections 1000 years apart) being taught by said ministry