it is very simple: have YOU any real life example of a prayer being actually answered? do YOU?
You need to talk to Meshak.
Send her a message in PM.
it is very simple: have YOU any real life example of a prayer being actually answered? do YOU?
you are absolutely correct: I cal YOU a liar.
you shall go across your country healing every single healt problem.
I am use to deal with christians pretending to cure desieses
When we pray, we can pray in the church gatherings and public places to be seen by others and have our reward and recognition from other people (Matthew 6:5).
When we pray, we can do it in secret. Then, we have the promise that God the Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward it openly (Matthew 6:6).
The whole counsel of God in the Bible contains much instruction on prayer.
Of course, one of the most general and applicable prayer promises in the Bible is:
Ask and it will be given to you. Seek and you will find. Knock and the door will be opened to you. (Matthew 7:7)
This is because you have an unclean heart and your denial of the truth is the only way you can fulfill satans will for you
It must really suck to be you
When we pray, we can pray in the church gatherings and public places to be seen by others and have our reward and recognition from other people (Matthew 6:5).
When we pray, we can do it in secret. Then, we have the promise that God the Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward it openly (Matthew 6:6).
The whole counsel of God in the Bible contains much instruction on prayer.
Then the reason you have NONE prayer answered is because of me?
Then the reason you have NONE prayer answered is because of me?
I know respected elders in different churches who are witnesses of prayers coming from me being answered by God with miracles....... sometimes for their family members sometimes with their close friends
Just last week I was cured of lung cancer that I already posted above proven through multiple X-Rays and after a friend prayed for me but without any medical intervention.
Furthermore I reported your false accusations and have offered to send my medical records to knight that prove me telling the truth, and you to be the dirty dog lying false accuser that you are.
. but The Holy Spirit prays for oscar. for all of us
I agree, and we are to bless those who curse us.
Something that is not natural to do,however, praying for those who spitefully abuse us is a by product of the same agape love our Father had for us while we were yet sinners......... and may well be the reason why we are the ones they abuse. After all if we do not pray for them who will?
I will include Oscar in my prayers
do you have any specific example of a pray actually being answered to you, that you can share with us?
We are not to bless those who speak against what is plainly revealed in the written word of God intended for our son-ship in Him; our agape road journey Home. That means you.
I know respected elders in different churches who are witnesses of prayers coming from me being answered by God with miracles....... sometimes for their family members sometimes with their close friends
Just last week I was cured of lung cancer that I already posted above proven through multiple X-Rays and after a friend prayed for me but without any medical intervention.
Furthermore I reported your false accusations and have offered to send my medical records to knight that prove me telling the truth, and you to be the dirty dog lying false accuser that you are.
Praise God ! Prayer Works. it is proven everyday. there is Proof in The Bible ! - oscar refuses to find that in The Bible. but The Holy Spirit prays for oscar. for all of us
I will include Oscar in my prayers
Like what?
Asking God for help for others and then God giving that responsibility to me?
Or praying for someone who was injured in a fire in a different state and then meeting that person 40 + years later and finding out that worse things than fire can happen to a person?
We are not to bless those who speak against what is plainly revealed in the written word of God intended for our son-ship in Him; our agape road journey Home. That means you.