test the spirit

Grosnick Marowbe

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"She only trusts the words of Jesus while He walked the earth, and will disregard any revelation given to Paul that differs from what Jesus taught while He walked the earth."

News flash!!!!!

Jesus and St. Paul told us to do just that.....yet you hold it against her and Mark her a dangerous wolf because she attempts to abide by the command of the Lord and the will of GOD.

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You're confused because you don't know how to Rightly Divide the written Word of God. (The Bible)


Well-known member
Those in the Body of Christ have heard the Gospel that was given to the Apostle Paul by the Ascended Lord Jesus Christ and have placed ALL their faith in Christ as their Savior. Paul was given the task to spread the Gospel of Grace, mercy, forgiveness and eternal life, through faith in Christ.

If you had faith in Christ Jesus, then you would believe and follow what he also preached, not only Paul!

Grosnick Marowbe

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Hall of Fame
God does not obey for us. That is ludicrous. There are not two different gospels. Jesus didn't give Paul another gospel to where not obeying is the secret rest. lol

Paul says we are all always working, whether good or bad.

We have to do good to get saved and to stay saved.

You're another one of those confused individuals that don't know how to rightly divide the written Word of God.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
If you had faith in Christ Jesus, then you would believe and follow what he also preached, not only Paul!

You sound like Meshak, she's another very confused person who has rejected the Gospel for today. As a consequence of rejecting Gods ONLY Gospel offered today, you and your ilk are subject to judgement and the Lake of Fire if you continue to try and earn your own way instead of coming to God by way of His Gospel.


Well-known member
You sound like Meshak, she's another very confused person who has rejected the Gospel for today. As a consequence of rejecting Gods ONLY Gospel offered today, you and your ilk are subject to judgement and the Lake of Fire if you continue to try and earn your own way instead of coming to God by way of His Gospel.
There isn't a different gospel for today. There is one gospel, the gospel of God preached by Jesus Christ and his apostles to the Jews and gentiles.

Sorry but I have to go for now.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
There isn't a different gospel for today. There is one gospel, the gospel of God preached by Jesus Christ and his apostles to the Jews and gentiles.

Sorry but I have to go for now.

Then, why does it say in Matthew 15:24 "But he answered and said, I am not sent but unto the lost sheep of the house of Israel."

Matthew 10:5 "These twelve Jesus sent forth, and commanded them, saying, Go not into the way of the Gentiles, and into any city of the Samaritans enter ye not:"

Allow to explain why I believe Christ told His Disciples NOT to go to the Gentiles. The reason was, the Apostle Paul was later met by the Ascended Christ on the Road to Damascus and subsequently Paul was given the Gospel that he was to preach to the Gentiles. Christ during His earthly ministry and His Disciples/Apostles were preaching the Kingdom Message (Gospel) to the lost sheep of the House of Israel. Paul was sent to preach the Gospel of God's Grace to the Gentiles.


New member
You sound like Meshak, she's another very confused person who has rejected the Gospel for today. As a consequence of rejecting Gods ONLY Gospel offered today, you and your ilk are subject to judgement and the Lake of Fire if you continue to try and earn your own way instead of coming to God by way of His Gospel.
Scare tactics

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New member
There are the FAITHERS and the WORKERS. The Workers try to do it the old fashion way; they try to EARN it. On the other hand, there are the FAITHERS and they don't trust in themselves or anything else accept Christ. You, Meshak and your ilk are WORKERS.
Do you not believe faith to be effectual?

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New member
No, just plain truth. People, such as yourself are fearful of talking about the possibility of Hell, the Lake of Fire and judgement. However, these things exist.
I fear no thing, but the consequences of my actions or lack of actions in the sight of GOD.

Fear of GOD is the beginning of faith. What fear do you have of you doesn't even think you will be called to answer for your word and deed in this life?

We can talk about it but you won't like where it leads.

You realize you claim all are damned regardless of actions unless they profess a name with their mouths right?

You realize that Jesus Himself spoke against such and shows what the love of GOD is in actuality like; not being the flapping of the mouthpiece but a life of actual belief and action due to said belief, right?

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Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
I fear no thing, but the consequences of my actions or lack of actions in the sight of GOD.

Fear of GOD is the beginning of faith. What fear do you have of you doesn't even think you will be called to answer for your word and deed in this life?

We can talk about it but you won't like where it leads.

You realize you claim all are damned regardless of actions unless they profess a name with their mouths right?

You realize that Jesus Himself spoke against such and shows what the love of GOD is in actuality like; not being the flapping of the mouthpiece but a life of actual belief and action due to said belief, right?

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Good works/deeds, fruit of the Spirit are created in the believer after they have heard the Gospel and placed all their faith in Christ alone and have been indwelt by the Holy Spirit.


No, just that people generally consider wolves dangerous.....why be so vile to one who isn't even a danger?

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They don't recognize who are Jesus' true followers because they don't seek to have fruit of spirit. So they are actually working against Jesus, literally.


I deny no such thing. Actually you brought such back into perspective for me.... thank you......

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they have warped interpretation because they don't know the true meaning of Christianity.

Jesus wants all His followers to be a godly witness to the world.

We should be seeking to be a godly witnesses in all our conduct, even in the forums.

God's Truth

New member
You're another one of those confused individuals that don't know how to rightly divide the written Word of God.

If God is obeying for you so you don't have to, then how successful is that going?

What an insult to God for anyone to hold God responsible for their lack of obedience.

The Holy Spirit is the HELPER. The Holy Spirit is given to those who believe and fear God and who already try to do right.

The Holy Spirit helps us by the saved having access to God 's love, His Spirit, which lives in the saved by obeying Jesus' words which are Spirit.