test the spirit


No....she isn't against St. Paul. She was at a point where she misunderstood him.....like so so very many who claim he cut works out altogether.....its understandable....I obviously happens.

The truth is that our Lord told us to do good and good isn't attempting to cast fear into any believer; especially not unjustifiable fear of a little lady who promotes peace and faith in Christ Jesus and GOD almighty.

Does she not believe in the judgement or something?

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Nope, pops. I don't misunderstand him. I just don't put Paul on a pedestal like most of you do. He is Jesus' servant just like the rest of faithful other apostles.
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Since no one seem to have much idea what "test the spirit" is, I would like to explain my perspectives.

First of all, we should seek to show fruit of sprit, love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness and self control.

I have to take a break.

I will be back for more.


Well-known member
She's a little old lady that promotes peace and who is against violence.....
Wooooowww.....stay away from that big bad wolf......fear tactics have been employed by man for some time now.....but who would be scared of little ole her?

It just doesn't make sense to act like there is a threat where there is none. Maybe I missed where Christ promoted persecution of peacable little old ladies.....

Sure, let's just let all you false teachers come on here and spew your ungodly views, and we'll just sit back and listen to your howls. All the while allowing you to slander the Lord Jesus Christ and His Gospel of Grace.

Ain't gonna happen, pops, so save your snarls for those who are already in your pack.


Well-known member
No....she isn't against St. Paul. She was at a point where she misunderstood him.....like so so very many who claim he cut works out altogether.....its understandable....I obviously happens.

The truth is that our Lord told us to do good and good isn't attempting to cast fear into any believer; especially not unjustifiable fear of a little lady who promotes peace and faith in Christ Jesus and GOD almighty.

Does she not believe in the judgement or something?

She doesn't believe Jesus Christ is God come in the flesh. That's what all of you have in common. You deny the Deity of our Lord Jesus Christ. Which is why you all reject the Gospel of Grace. Those denials go hand in hand.


New member
Sure, let's just let all you false teachers come on here and spew your ungodly views, and we'll just sit back and listen to your howls. All the while allowing you to slander the Lord Jesus Christ and His Gospel of Grace.

Ain't gonna happen, pops, so save your snarls for those who are already in your pack.
Who is slandering the Lord or the gospel?

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Well-known member
Since no one seem to have much idea what "test the spirit" is, I would like to explain my perspectives.

First of all, we should seek to show fruit of sprit, love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness and self control.

I have to take a break.

I will be back for more.

Tam had the correct answer, but you reject it, I see. :think:


Well-known member
Hello, Meshak.

The word for "test" or "try" in that verse (depending on the English translation you use) means to allow the spirit to speak (listen carefully to what is said) and then examine and scrutinize what was said to see if it is from GOD or not.

A really good example of how to do that is the same way scripture says the Bereans did it ------ by listening carefully and then studying the scriptures daily to see if those things that were said are true.

Acts 17:11 KJV
(11) These were more noble than those in Thessalonica, in that they received the word with all readiness of mind, and searched the scriptures daily, whether those things were so.

Here it is..... :thumb:


New member
She doesn't believe Jesus Christ is God come in the flesh. That's what all of you have in common. You deny the Deity of our Lord Jesus Christ. Which is why you all reject the Gospel of Grace. Those denials go hand in hand.
I deny no such thing. Actually you brought such back into perspective for me.... thank you......

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New member
You, Marhig, Meshak, and God's UNtruth....you all slander both. Don't act so shocked. You've all been told more than once, and you all fight against the truth for all you're worth. (Which is not much, I'm sad to say.)
I'm not shocked; what else could be expected? Is it not written that we will be hated for Christ's sake?

As if you telling it makes it truth....

GT seems to literally equate Jesus to GOD as do you so how is she slandering the Lord.

Your whole issue is actually works it seems to me.

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Well-known member
No, just that people generally consider wolves dangerous.....why be so vile to one who isn't even a danger?

The wolves we're talking about wear sheep's clothing....pretending to believe the Truth when they really believe and preach UNTRUTH. People can read what they write and may fall for these lies. Which is why we have to expose them for what they really are.


New member
The wolves we're talking about wear sheep's clothing....pretending to believe the Truth when they really believe and preach UNTRUTH. People can read what they write and may fall for these lies. Which is why we have to expose them for what they really are.
I understand that just fine.

I guess I just don't see what it is you think she is lying about...I know you are against works and boasting, but the Lord preached the same things as St. Paul to me. Does it really make one a wolf to believe in Christ, only differently from some others?

Very many trinitarians ses to understand the subsidiary nature of Christ to GOD almighty. Are they wolves because they don't believe the same things as others.

What is the deciding factor for you to claim a wolf is among the flock? You said slandering our Lord....I do not do that....I do believe works to be a product of faith though....is that the dividing line?

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Well-known member
I'm not shocked; what else could be expected? Is it not written that we will be hated for Christ's sake?

Who hates you? And why do you assume that was written to you?

As if you telling it makes it truth....

Uh Oh....is that your mask I see slipping?

GT seems to literally equate Jesus to GOD as do you so how is she slandering the Lord.

She teaches error....Claiming the Father is the Son, for instance. The list is long.
Plus, she doesn't believe the Gospel of Grace.

Your whole issue is actually works it seems to me.

That doesn't make sense....it seems to me.


New member
What do you mean "through" Christ Jesus the Messiah?

Do you believe He created all things before He became flesh and dwelt among us?
Of course.....all creation is said to have been created through Christ. Which I personally interpret as the Spirit of GOD without a human body, or before being changed to a man or becoming like unto man, when speaking of before the Word dwelled among us.

First and last right?

First born, first fruits ,last judge...all is subsisted through Christ/ the Spirit.

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Well-known member
Of course.....all creation is said to have been created through Christ. Which I personally interpret as the Spirit of GOD without a human body, or before being changed to a man or becoming like unto man, when speaking of before the Word dwelled among us.

First and last right?

First born, first fruits ,last judge...all is subsisted through Christ/ the Spirit.

Christ is NOT the Spirit. :sigh:


New member
Christ is NOT the Spirit. :sigh:
I won't be dividing up GOD.

And what didn't make sense about me saying that it seems that your main deciding factor for crying wolf is that the supposed perpetrator believes faith without works isn't actual faith that saves because we are told we will know those who are of GOD but there works yet you profess that no works are to be done what so ever seemingly.

But then at times you will admit that works are actually of GOD and to HIS glory....it is rather contradictory to me which is why I would like to get to the bottom of it....

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