test the spirit


Well-known member
I won't be dividing up GOD.

You don't get to divide God...but you could try rightly dividing the word which tells us that God is Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. One TRIUNE GOD. "LET US make man in OUR image". :chew:

And what didn't make sense about me saying that it seems that your main deciding factor for crying wolf is that the supposed perpetrator believes faith without works isn't actual faith that saves because we are told we will know those who are of GOD but there works yet you profess that no works are to be done what so ever seemingly.

1. The "main deciding factor" concerning Meshak is she denies the deity of the Lord Jesus Christ.

2. She rejects the Gospel of Grace, which is not of ourselves...not of works. Eph. 2:8-9

3. IN YELLOW ABOVE.....That's a lie. I say what the Bible says. God has ordained that those who are saved by grace through faith shall walk in good works. Those "good works" are not done through our own efforts (WHICH IS WHY WE DON'T BOAST). Even when people accuse us of willfully sinning, we laugh, we don't boast. We laugh because we know IT IS GOD that does the work in and through us. In fact, we laugh that God is even able to do such good works through us. (Much like Sarah laughed when she heard God would give her a son in her old age.).

Eph. 2:10 For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them.

But then at times you will admit that works are actually of GOD and to HIS glory....it is rather contradictory to me which is why I would like to get to the bottom of it....

I hope this helps you get to the "bottom of it". :)


Get your armor ready!
Hall of Fame
The wolves we're talking about wear sheep's clothing....pretending to believe the Truth when they really believe and preach UNTRUTH. People can read what they write and may fall for these lies. Which is why we have to expose them for what they really are.

These idiots think the way to world peace is to respect any and all doctrine, as long as you are "nice" about it.
It's a form of the emergent church movement where the main goal is living peaceably and being tolerant of others no matter what their doctrine.

What the idiots do not realize is that not all 'peace' a good peace.
What they are asking for ..... peace ..... is what the world will get, but it will not be a good peace.

Daniel 8:25 KJV
(25) And through his policy also he shall cause craft to prosper in his hand; and he shall magnify himself in his heart, and by peace shall destroy many: he shall also stand up against the Prince of princes; but he shall be broken without hand.

Trading truth for peace ain't gonna work out well.


Well-known member

These idiots think the way to world peace is to respect any and all doctrine, as long as you are "nice" about it.
It's a form of the emergent church movement where the main goal is living peaceably and being tolerant of others no matter what their doctrine.

What the idiots do not realize is that not all 'peace' a good peace.
What they are asking for ..... peace ..... is what the world will get, but it will not be a good peace.

Daniel 8:25 KJV
(25) And through his policy also he shall cause craft to prosper in his hand; and he shall magnify himself in his heart, and by peace shall destroy many: he shall also stand up against the Prince of princes; but he shall be broken without hand.

Trading truth for peace ain't gonna work out well.

Right you are. It doesn't even work on here, because it just exposed the hypocrites for what they are.


Get your armor ready!
Hall of Fame
No....she isn't against St. Paul.
Yes, she is.
She will not trust the words the risen Lord Jesus Christ gave to Paul.
She only trusts the words of Jesus while He walked the earth, and will disregard any revelation given to Paul that differs from what Jesus taught while He walked the earth.
She does just as unbelieving Israel did to their prophets ...... not trust the one GOD sends with a new message.


Get your armor ready!
Hall of Fame
She lies so easily, too. They all do. They reject the Truth at every turn.
Meshak fibs all the time.
I can't even count all the times she has accused some of being Calvinist that were not, or Catholic that were not, or trinity believer that were not, or military supporter that were not, etc. etc. etc.
She pays about as much attention to what folks here actually say as she does scripture, which is very little.


Well-known member
Yes, she is.
She will not trust the words the risen Lord Jesus Christ gave to Paul.
She only trusts the words of Jesus while He walked the earth, and will disregard any revelation given to Paul that differs from what Jesus taught while He walked the earth.
She does just as unbelieving Israel did to their prophets ...... not trust the one GOD sends with a new message.

That's a telling sign of those who think they must work for their salvation. It's as though they don't believe our Lord taught anything at all after He rose from the dead. :nono:


Get your armor ready!
Hall of Fame
Right you are. It doesn't even work on here, because it just exposed the hypocrites for what they are.

Jesus said His followers were not of the world.
But these loons want to sing "We are the World".
Ever listen to the actual words of that song?
It's kinda sickening to listen to that cosmic new age crap about everyone being one with the universe and that we can be our own saviors of all.

God's Truth

New member
God does not obey for us. That is ludicrous. There are not two different gospels. Jesus didn't give Paul another gospel to where not obeying is the secret rest. lol

Paul says we are all always working, whether good or bad.

We have to do good to get saved and to stay saved.

God's Truth

New member
Paul says we are always busy doing something; we are always working at something.

Romans 6:16 PAUL says, "...whether you are slaves to sin, which leads to death, or to obedience, which leads to righteousness..."


New member
You don't get to divide God...but you could try rightly dividing the word which tells us that God is Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. One TRIUNE GOD. "LET US make man in OUR image". :chew:

1. The "main deciding factor" concerning Meshak is she denies the deity of the Lord Jesus Christ.

2. She rejects the Gospel of Grace, which is not of ourselves...not of works. Eph. 2:8-9

3. IN YELLOW ABOVE.....That's a lie. I say what the Bible says. God has ordained that those who are saved by grace through faith shall walk in good works. Those "good works" are not done through our own efforts (WHICH IS WHY WE DON'T BOAST). Even when people accuse us of willfully sinning, we laugh, we don't boast. We laugh because we know IT IS GOD that does the work in and through us. In fact, we laugh that God is even able to do such good works through us. (Much like Sarah laughed when she heard God would give her a son in her old age.).

Eph. 2:10 For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them.

I hope this helps you get to the "bottom of it". :)
It did except the part where you said I lied about you.

I said it seems like you are wholly against works at times and it does. That is no lie.

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New member

These idiots think the way to world peace is to respect any and all doctrine, as long as you are "nice" about it.
It's a form of the emergent church movement where the main goal is living peaceably and being tolerant of others no matter what their doctrine.

What the idiots do not realize is that not all 'peace' a good peace.
What they are asking for ..... peace ..... is what the world will get, but it will not be a good peace.

Daniel 8:25 KJV
(25) And through his policy also he shall cause craft to prosper in his hand; and he shall magnify himself in his heart, and by peace shall destroy many: he shall also stand up against the Prince of princes; but he shall be broken without hand.

Trading truth for peace ain't gonna work out well.
What moron would "accept any and all doctrine?

That s a gross misrepresentation and attempted defamation of character.

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New member
Yes, she is.
She will not trust the words the risen Lord Jesus Christ gave to Paul.
She only trusts the words of Jesus while He walked the earth, and will disregard any revelation given to Paul that differs from what Jesus taught while He walked the earth.
She does just as unbelieving Israel did to their prophets ...... not trust the one GOD sends with a new message.
"She only trusts the words of Jesus while He walked the earth, and will disregard any revelation given to Paul that differs from what Jesus taught while He walked the earth."

News flash!!!!!

Jesus and St. Paul told us to do just that.....yet you hold it against her and Mark her a dangerous wolf because she attempts to abide by the command of the Lord and the will of GOD.

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Well-known member
Yes, she is.
She will not trust the words the risen Lord Jesus Christ gave to Paul.
She only trusts the words of Jesus while He walked the earth, and will disregard any revelation given to Paul that differs from what Jesus taught while He walked the earth.
She does just as unbelieving Israel did to their prophets ...... not trust the one GOD sends with a new message.

The message came through Christ Jesus and Paul carried on preaching the same message. There is only one way, and Christ Jesus is the way, the truth and the life. As Paul said, follow me as I follow Christ. If Paul wasn't following Christ in the way Christ taught, then he said we are not to follow him. But he was, he was following the teachings of Jesus and living by them and bringing the gospel to everyone he met, as Paul said, not me but Christ in me. And Christ in Paul would have been preaching the same gospel the same message as Jesus did when he walked the earth, there's no different gospel or different teachings. Paul didn't have a new message, he had the same message as Jesus Christ and that starts with repentance.

By the way, we should always trust in the words of the Lord Jesus when he walked the earth, because they are the truth.


Well-known member
You, Marhig, Meshak, and God's UNtruth....you all slander both. Don't act so shocked. You've all been told more than once, and you all fight against the truth for all you're worth. (Which is not much, I'm sad to say.)

Those who slander the Lord's gospel, are those who say they know God but don't live by his will.

And told by who? You? You who doesn't teach the truth? There's no way I'd believe what you say, you don't follow the teachings of Jesus and only follow Paul. That's not right. We are to follow Jesus not Paul! Paul preached the gospel to bring us to Christ not to follow Paul.

And you shouldn't act so proud and look down on others, that's a work of the flesh and a horrible one at that.


Well-known member
I understand that just fine.

I guess I just don't see what it is you think she is lying about...I know you are against works and boasting, but the Lord preached the same things as St. Paul to me. Does it really make one a wolf to believe in Christ, only differently from some others?

Very many trinitarians ses to understand the subsidiary nature of Christ to GOD almighty. Are they wolves because they don't believe the same things as others.

What is the deciding factor for you to claim a wolf is among the flock? You said slandering our Lord....I do not do that....I do believe works to be a product of faith though....is that the dividing line?

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All the true flock follow the true shepherd, and they hear his voice, and my shepherd is Jesus Christ, and I believe his word and the gospel he preached and I follow him. The wolves are those who teach another way and don't live by the will of God and tear at the sheep for speaking the truth.

So the deciding factor that shows a wolf up from among the flock, are those who go against the teachings of Jesus saying that his teachings are not for them, and they are those who don't live by God's will.

Jesus is the way, the truth and the life, and he is the way to the father, no one gets to the father except through him.

And yes, we show our faith by our works :)

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Those who slander the Lord's gospel, are those who say they know God but don't live by his will.

And told by who? You? You who doesn't teach the truth? There's no way I'd believe what you say, you don't follow the teachings of Jesus and only follow Paul. That's not right. We are to follow Jesus not Paul! Paul preached the gospel to bring us to Christ not to follow Paul.

And you shouldn't act so proud and look down on others, that's a work of the flesh and a horrible one at that.

Those in the Body of Christ have heard the Gospel that was given to the Apostle Paul by the Ascended Lord Jesus Christ and have placed ALL their faith in Christ as their Savior. Paul was given the task to spread the Gospel of Grace, mercy, forgiveness and eternal life, through faith in Christ.