Swine Sausage - Sin?


Active member
If Jesus ate pork, some Pharisee would have noticed that and accused Him.
His disciples never ate pork. Notice their revulsion when a net of unclean animals came down and Peter was told to "kill and eat" them in Acts 10:13.

I am more interested in what the Gentile churches like Corinth were told to eat. "Beans" and veggies only? Clean animals and veggies only? Animals sacrificed to idols? Anything their conscience allows?

I lean towards that the Gentile churches were given an Old Testament Lite version of dietary laws, as summarised in Acts 15:20
20 But that we write unto them, that they abstain from pollutions of idols, and from fornication, and from things strangled, and from blood.

However I do believe they were given 1050 more important NT laws like "let the sun not go down upon your wrath". The Pharisees majored in the minors, but I believe Christians were told to major in the majors, and what they ate was a minor. If they had to cut out pork and eat beef, that was not a biggie either.

The Gentiles were told to first stop doing the most heinous sins that they were committing at that time. These Gentiles were starting to attend synagogue and would hear the rest of the Torah and laws at synagogue.


Well-known member
The Gentiles were told to first stop doing the most heinous sins that they were committing at that time. These Gentiles were starting to attend synagogue and would hear the rest of the Torah and laws at synagogue.

Achduke - I am not sure whether these new Corinthian Christians attended at the synagogue, or in their living rooms churches. If they were uncircumcised, would they have been allowed into synagogue?

But do you, from reading the NT believe they were encouraged to keep all 613 OT commands, many of which applied to the sanctuary? We are not even taught these 613 in any church I know of today. What do you mean by "rest of the Torah and laws"?


Active member
Achduke - I am not sure whether these new Corinthian Christians attended at the synagogue, or in their living rooms churches. If they were uncircumcised, would they have been allowed into synagogue?

But do you, from reading the NT believe they were encouraged to keep all 613 OT commands, many of which applied to the sanctuary? We are not even taught these 613 in any church I know of today. What do you mean by "rest of the Torah and laws"?

Acts 13:42 And when the Jews were gone out of the synagogue, the Gentiles besought that these words might be preached to them the next sabbath.

The Gentiles who are now circumcised in the heart that attended synagogue would have heard the weekly Torah that the Jews would have preached.

Many Hebraic teachers do teach the commandments. Not all of the 613 commandments apply to everyone. Some are for Priests, Others are gender specific. Many of them will not even apply since there is no sacrifices nor a physical temple. Christ gave at least 70 commandments. It any case you cannot completely follow the commandments without the Holy Spirit.


New member
But do you, from reading the NT believe they were encouraged to keep all 613 OT commands, many of which applied to the sanctuary? We are not even taught these 613 in any church I know of today.
Most denominations do not even teach the 10 commandments.


Literal lunatic
Already explained why I do not believe fish are living souls, (aside from the fact that even Rashi teaches basically the same concerning the fish blood exemption from the blood prohibition) and my reasoning is because I do not believe the Father created one living soul simply to be devoured by another greater and more powerful living soul. The great sea creatures are certainly called living souls. So by your reasoning Elohim would have made one kind of living soul, (fish, as you say) simply as "food" to be devoured by another more powerful living soul, (taniynim gadolim, as the scripture says in Genesis 1:21). And this theoretical problem gets much worse when you come to realize that taniynim is also used for monsters, dragons, Leviathan, (Psalm 74:13-14) the crocodile-dragon of the rod of Ahron, (Exodus 7:10) the Nile crocodile-dragons of the rods of the sorcerers of Pharaoh, (Exodus 7:12) and is also used in symbolism for Pharaoh himself, (Ezekiel 29:3, Ezekiel 32:2). In addition Leviathan is also called the crooked serpent, (Isaiah 27:1) which means that now you have implied that Elohim made living souls, (fish, symbolizing the great congregation) to be devoured by Nile crocodiles, dragons, and Leviathan the crooked serpent. Thus your analogy of fish symbolizing the great congregation raises a red flag to me, (which is probably a true analogy but think bigger fish, great fish, as in the 153 "great fish" in John 21:11 which, by the way, are not eaten in that passage) because you have now implied that we are created as food to be devoured by dragons, crocodiles, and Leviathan the crooked serpent. Should the typology not conclude the opposite or will you be okay with the outcome of your reasoning if it be true? :chuckle:

PS ~ Also whales, dolphins, porpoises, and some of the greater sea creatures with skins rather than scales actually come up to the surface for air, (breath of life and, thus, living souls) while the lesser fish that swarm in schools do not because they breathe water. The small fish are simply raw life, (HSN#2416 chay).

God's breath is also in the waters.

Romans 8:36 KJV

36 As it is written , For thy sake we are killed all the day long; we are accounted as sheep for the slaughter.
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False Prophet

New member
The ten commandments ended with the new covenant at the cross. X-tian sects that forbid the eating of pork or prophets like Joseph Bates told us we have to keep the Sabbath have departed unto fables.
When you were dead [k]in your transgressions and the uncircumcision of your flesh, He made you alive together with Him, having forgiven us all our transgressions, 14 having canceled out the certificate of debt consisting of decrees against us, which was hostile to us; and He has taken it out of the way, having nailed it to the cross. Col 2

Ben Masada

New member
Swine Sausage - Sin?

Parting from the principle that sin is a transgression of the law, to eat anything from the swine is forbidden by a Jewish law. Therefore, only to the Jews it is a sin; a minor sin though but still a sin. (Lev. 11:7,8)

Ben Masada

New member
Swine Sausage - Sin?

The ten commandments ended with the new covenant at the cross. X-tian sects that forbid the eating of pork or prophets like Joseph Bates told us we have to keep the Sabbath have departed unto fables.
When you were dead [k]in your transgressions and the uncircumcision of your flesh, He made you alive together with Him, having forgiven us all our transgressions, 14 having canceled out the certificate of debt consisting of decrees against us, which was hostile to us; and He has taken it out of the way, having nailed it to the cross. Col 2

Who has decided that the death of Jesus on the cross meant the cancelation of the Law when he declared loud and clear that he had not come to abolish the Law? (Mat. 5:17-19) BTW, Paul in Ephes. 2:15 says that the Law was abolished all the same. Hence, Jesus had been the end of the Law. (Rom. 10:4) Why would Paul contradict Jesus so openly? Could this be an explanation of 2 John 2:18,19 that the antichrists would come out of the ranks of Christianity itself?
Not intending to disturb the continuity in such important issues of the day, but something comes to mind.

For any Jew or those of you who haven't gotten to Paul's letters yet, is turkey sausage a sin? You don't have any pork in it, but doesn't it seem that making something to be like the unclean thing, as closely as possible, is quite suspect? For instance, would a statue of Baal, made from modern composite materials, be alright to bow down to? I was also thinking how I've known Adventists that love veggie burgers and could not quite figure out how meat is evil while, at the same time, they wanting to eat something as much like meat as possible.

Also, as to the idea of minor sin, was the partaking of Adam and Eve of the forbidden fruit a minor sin, then? (Seems that little snack had some real impact, moving forward, no?) If minor, how many sausage links are the equivalent of a lie, or an act of theft? Ten, twenty? Is murder a whole ham hock?

Sorry. Maybe I'm always just trying to figure out what people are even talking about around here, in terms of theology.

Ben Masada

New member
Swine Sausage - Sin?

Not intending to disturb the continuity in such important issues of the day, but something comes to mind.

For any Jew or those of you who haven't gotten to Paul's letters yet, is turkey sausage a sin? You don't have any pork in it, but doesn't it seem that making something to be like the unclean thing, as closely as possible, is quite suspect? For instance, would a statue of Baal, made from modern composite materials, be alright to bow down to? I was also thinking how I've known Adventists that love veggie burgers and could not quite figure out how meat is evil while, at the same time, they wanting to eat something as much like meat as possible.

Also, as to the idea of minor sin, was the partaking of Adam and Eve of the forbidden fruit a minor sin, then? (Seems that little snack had some real impact, moving forward, no?) If minor, how many sausage links are the equivalent of a lie, or an act of theft? Ten, twenty? Is murder a whole ham hock?

Sorry. Maybe I'm always just trying to figure out what people are even talking about around here, in terms of theology.

No, turkey sausage is not unclean in itself. Therefore, not a sin to eat of it.


Well-known member
Who has decided that the death of Jesus on the cross meant the cancelation of the Law when he declared loud and clear that he had not come to abolish the Law? (Mat. 5:17-19) BTW, Paul in Ephes. 2:15 says that the Law was abolished all the same. Hence, Jesus had been the end of the Law. (Rom. 10:4) Why would Paul contradict Jesus so openly? Could this be an explanation of 2 John 2:18,19 that the antichrists would come out of the ranks of Christianity itself?

You are putting words in the mouth of Paul by twisting the meanings of his words. Ephesians 2:15 speaks of ordinances which kept Gentiles out by a "wall of separation" and the tearing down of that wall in the doctrines of the body-temple of Messiah, (not the abolishing of the whole Law). The reason you do not fully understand this, like most, is because you do not fully understand the concepts concerning the body temple of a man. By the Testimony of Yeshua, the Prophets, and the Torah, every man has an house, (which is no more our own when we come to Messiah) and you now have both inner and outer courts, the most holy, the secondary holy place, and the outer bounds-profane-commons, (the flesh, Romans 7:14-25). As for Romans 10:4 it employs "telos" which means "the point aimed at" and is not the same as eschatos:

Romans 10:4
4. For Messiah is the telos-point aimed at of the law for righteousness to every one that believes.

Your version of telos would corrupt the meanings of other important statements. Luke, being a companion of Paul, employs telos in a similar way in the following statement:

Luke 22:37
37. For I say unto you, that this that is written must yet be accomplished in me, "And he was reckoned among the transgressors", for the things concerning me have an telos-end.

You have apparently bitten into modern Pauline Christian doctrine hook, line, and sinker, (apparently so that you can justify rejecting Paul). The above cannot mean "end" as in "abolished" or "done away with" because Messiah was raised from the dead and lives evermore as Kohen Gadol. Your understanding of the word therefore causes contradictions and is not in agreement with how it is employed by either Yeshua or Paul.


New member
Not intending to disturb the continuity in such important issues of the day, but something comes to mind.

For any Jew or those of you who haven't gotten to Paul's letters yet, is turkey sausage a sin?

There is no sin in eating a ground turkey patty seasoned with sage.

I also sprinkle cayenne on my turkey patties.


Well-known member
Acts 13:42 And when the Jews were gone out of the synagogue, the Gentiles besought that these words might be preached to them the next sabbath.

The Gentiles who are now circumcised in the heart that attended synagogue would have heard the weekly Torah that the Jews would have preached.

Many Hebraic teachers do teach the commandments. Not all of the 613 commandments apply to everyone. Some are for Priests, Others are gender specific. Many of them will not even apply since there is no sacrifices nor a physical temple. Christ gave at least 70 commandments. It any case you cannot completely follow the commandments without the Holy Spirit.

I will admit to confusion as to which OT commands to keep.
The best way I have resolved this for myself is to keep the ones which Christ definitely kept. I do this because where I feel confused about "the word" (meaning the Bible), I just have to look at "the Word" or Jesus as a living interpretation of that word.

For instance, I don't see Jesus sacrificing any animal, and so I don't.


Well-known member
I will admit to confusion as to which OT commands to keep.
The best way I have resolved this for myself is to keep the ones which Christ definitely kept. I do this because where I feel confused about "the word" (meaning the Bible), I just have to look at "the Word" or Jesus as a living interpretation of that word.

For instance, I don't see Jesus sacrificing any animal, and so I don't.


Ben Masada

New member
Swine Sausage - sin?

Swine Sausage - sin?

You are putting words in the mouth of Paul by twisting the meanings of his words. Ephesians 2:15 speaks of ordinances which kept Gentiles out by a "wall of separation" and the tearing down of that wall in the doctrines of the body-temple of Messiah, (not the abolishing of the whole Law).

Tell me Daqq, is the Decalogue a sum of ten ordinances or not? If that's not enough, let me prove otherwise that Paul meant the Decalogue. Read Rom. 7:1-7. That's an allegory of Paul about the widow who got freedom from the Law with the death of her husband. And Paul mean with that allegory our freedom of the Law with the death of Jesus. If you don't believe, read verse 7 and tell me where is it written "Thou shall not covet" if not in the Decalogue?