Please describe. Do you mean the high Sabbath that starts on Aviv 15th?
Yes. (Leviticus 23:6 NKJV)
The last day of the feast is also a Sabbath. (Leviticus 23:8 NKJV)
Please describe. Do you mean the high Sabbath that starts on Aviv 15th?
Did you know that the seven day Feast of Passover begins with a Sabbath?
Yes. (Leviticus 23:6 NKJV)
The last day of the feast is also a Sabbath. (Leviticus 23:8 NKJV)
....aren't moths poisonous or something? :think:
Barny ain't in my Bible so I don't care what he wrote.
How do believe the first month is found?
Technically the feast of the Passover is one day, the feast of Unleavened Bread is seven days...
The 15th day of the first month is on the full moon after the spring equinox.
Yes but does the 1st day have to be after the equinox also?
What if we go by scripture?In the first month, on the fourteenth day of the month, you shall observe the Passover, a feast of seven days; unleavened bread shall be eaten. (Ezekiel 45:21 NKJV)
No, just the full moon has to be after the equinox.
I was going by Scripture, that is, Torah, (which Ezekiel is not) but if you want use Ezekiel to challenge Torah then perhaps you should at least check with a rendering done by some who actually walked it and lived it:
Barnabas implies nearly the same thing, that is, that we should not partake of the nature of the unclean animals. And that truly is what the teachings are more about because we already have a primary commandment in the Ten Words which commands us "Thou shalt not murder-kill", (PERIOD). The commandment says nothing about only pertaining to killing human beings but rather not to murder-kill, period. There are no stipulations given concerning what can and what cannot be killed so when it comes to the physical it logically includes any living soul. And the primary commandment from the Ten is surely not just "supernal" but includes the physical meaning of murder and killing. But "to eat" in the spiritual world implies consuming testimony and doctrine, (just as the brethren that "consumed" the testimony of Cornelius when Peter brought it back and shared it with all). Perhaps this is why Yeshua likens the fowls of the air, (predatory) to the wicked one, the devil, and the Satan, in the three accounts of the Parable of the Sower? The unclean fowls of the air represent the wicked one, the Devil, and the Satan, because of their natures as Barnabas also says. However, I never said anything about strangling, (it is spiritual-supernal in meaning because literal blood is already covered in the Acts 15 statement, for example the swine which were "choked-strangled" in the sea, and in like manner "Asmodeus the worst of demons" was chased back to Egypt and strangled there by Raphael in the NJB version of the book of Tobit). I did however say that I do not believe fish with scales that swarm in schools are living souls, (and therefore were added to the diet of Noah in Genesis 9:2-3). This is why I already suggested to PJ, since all of this can become so complicated, that he should just eat whatever meats that he reads of Yeshua eating in the Gospel accounts, and how can he go wrong with that? But then as soon as you say something like that everyone starts trying to prove that Yeshua ate the same kinds of living creatures that they themselves like to eat. Ah well, guess I'm just ramblin, twinkle twinkle little star, how I wonder who you are; flashing tip, spotless blade, sparkling in the midday sun, Raiphan, Remphan, Rhompha. :crackup:
The dietary restrictions were not made for health purposes.
If that were true then why would God want the Jews healthy and the church sick?
The purpose of the dietary restrictions were to keep Israel separate from the Gentiles. Even their food couldn't be the same.
we should eat only beans and bean derivatives. God gave us beans
Esau thought they was worth his birthright. :juggle:
Is that what it was ? a bowl of beans
Yes it can be complicated.
The life of the body is the blood.
Soul and body are separate things.
A school of fish is made up of individual living souls.
However, together they strive as one spirit and one mind.
But get this, they each open their mouths to feed at different times.
As creatures they are an analogy of the great congregation.
This is why they are considered clean.
Not because they are not living souls.