No, the Lord Jesus Christ is righteous by virtue of the fact that He is the only begotten Son of God, having His own righteous nature. He was not righteous because of His perfect law-keeping; Neh, His righteousness was intrinsic to who He is.
Do you deny that the Lord Jesus' righteousness was established by His keeping the law perfectly?
If it is Christ's righteousness which is imputed to the believer then surely we would read that somewhere in the Scriptures.
Perhaps you know of such a verse?
Besides that, the Scriptures will be searched in vain for anyone saying that Adam's sin was imputed to anyone.
In fact, the Scriptures reveal the LORD will not impute one person's act of sin and its penalty to another person. Let us look at the following passage:
"The word of the LORD came unto me again, saying, What mean ye, that ye use this proverb concerning the land of Israel, saying, The fathers have eaten sour grapes, and the children's teeth are set on edge?" (Ezek.18:1-2).
Charles Dyer wrote that
"God asked Ezekiel about a proverb being circulated. This proverb--The Fathers eat sour grapes, and the children's teeth are set on edge--must have been well known in Israel because Jeremiah also quoted it (cf. Jer. 31:29-30). the proverb's point was that children were suffering because of their parents' sins...So these people were blaming God for punishing them unjustly (cf. Ezek. 18:25). God saw that this proverb had to be refuted...Blaming others for their misfortunes, the people were denying their own guilt. This was wrong because every individual is personally responsible to God...Those who are guilty will receive their own deserved punishment" (Charles H. Dyer, "Ezekiel," in
The Bible Knowledge Commentary; Old Testament, 1260).
Later we read the LORD's conclusion about this matter:
"The soul that sinneth, it shall die. The son shall not bear the iniquity of the father, neither shall the father bear the iniquity of the son" (Ezek.18:20).
According to the proponents of Original Sin all of Adam's sons bore the sin of their father Adam.
There are other places in the Bible where this truth is revealed:
"The fathers shall not be put to death for the children, neither shall the children be put to death for the fathers: every man shall be put to death for his own sin" (Deut.24:16).
"But he slew not their children, but did as it is written in the law in the book of Moses, where the LORD commanded, saying, The fathers shall not die for the children, neither shall the children die for the fathers, but every man shall die for his own sin" (2 Chron.25:4).
Those who support the idea of Original Sin insist that Adam's death and guilt have been imputed to all his children!