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Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
You might like to provide evidence for that claim, or else accept the following:

Before we understand science, it is natural to believe that God created the universe. But now science offers a more convincing explanation. What I meant by ‘we would know the mind of God’ is, we would know everything that God would know, if there were a God, which there isn’t. I’m an atheist.”

-Stephen Hawking

I think you don't mind that other people suffer, whether it be burning in sulfur or having to read scripture.


Hey Stuu, you remind me of a scenario where two guys were in a boat and the boat sank. Neither one of these guys knows how to swim. However, One guy has a 'Life preserver' around his body, while the other guy has nothing, yet, refuses a 'life preserver' from the other guy. The guy without the 'life preserver' continues to deride, ridicule and mock the guy with the 'life preserver' while he's going down for the last time. The guy without the 'life preserver', is you. The 'life preserver' is the Gospel and the guy who wades to shore safely is a Christian sharing the Gospel.


New member
Well, 'Old GM' has a problem with having to read IGNORANCE displayed by someone who lacks any formidable intelligence, viable discernment, and normally, instinctual common sense. And, that's what I have to suffer with everytime one of YOU comes on my threads.
Was it your steel trap mind that allowed you to dismiss Stephen Hawking's carefully thought-out conclusions in just four minutes following my first quote of his? You might set aside the time some day to share with us the brilliant sequence of logical steps that formed the perfect counter-argument, yet to be published.

We all wait patiently.



New member
Hey Stuu, you remind me of a scenario where two guys were in a boat and the boat sank. Neither one of these guys knows how to swim. However, One guy has a 'Life preserver' around his body, while the other guy has nothing, yet, refuses a 'life preserver' from the other guy. The guy without the 'life preserver' continues to deride, ridicule and mock the guy with the 'life preserver' while he's going down for the last time. The guy without the 'life preserver', is you. The 'life preserver' is the Gospel and the guy who wades to shore safely is a Christian sharing the Gospel.
I think that 'life preserver' is stopping the blood getting to your head.



New member
Hopefully, and, I really mean it, Steven Hawking came to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ before he passed away. Nobody desires to see another human being have to suffer throughout eternity, especially, when it can be easily avoided by; hearing the Gospel and choosing to place all one's faith in the Lord Jesus Christ and His death and resurrection on the cross.

Stephen Hawking, if he never had a thought about believing in God, will not suffer in a hell-fire---a thought propagated by sadistic people. If Jesus doesn't resurrect him, he will simply never wake up. It will be as if he was asleep, forever. That is what "the fire prepared for the Devil and his angels" is, and also the Lake of Fire of Revelation. Anyone can see that if they really look at Revelation 20:14. It says that death and "hell" are hurled INTO the Lake of Fire. How does "hell" get to be hurled into itself? Obviously this Scripture means more than what people like yourself, GM, teach. Death is hurled into the Lake of Fire. How is death "hurled" or "thrown" or "cast?" Can you physically throw "death" anywhere? Of course not! Neither can you throw "hell."

There is a deeper meaning there. Since no one can literally CAST death or hell in any manner, it simply means that those two things are GONE completely, forever. No more death, and no more "hell," that is, the grave (as my King James Bible says in the margin notes).

Can someone explain to me how you can "hurl" or "cast" death?


New member
Gen-O, are you a Mormon too? I mean, KingdomRose is a Mormon, yet, you agree with him/her?

You are not really with it, GM! All this time and you haven't realized that I am one of Jehovah's Witnesses? You used to call me a cultist and say every kind of mean thing about me because I am a JW. And you have forgotten??? That's comical! I am NOT a Mormon and never would think of such a ridiculous thing.


New member
Stephen Hawking?


Steven Hawking died today. He was a very famous modern Physicist. He was known to be extremely intelligent, except, for one thing, he died an atheist and therefore, is, at this moment in time, suffering in Hell. Hell is a place where the people who died without Christ, will be a resident until they are brought before, God the Father, during the time of the 'Final Judgement.'

way 2 go

Well-known member
"The dead are conscious of NOTHING." (Ecclesiastes 9:5)
you can't even quote it right

the point is "they (the dead) have no more share in all that is done under the sun."

Ecc 9:5 For the living know that they will die, but the dead know nothing, and they have no more reward, for the memory of them is forgotten.
Ecc 9:6 Their love and their hate and their envy have already perished, and forever they have no more share in all that is done under the sun.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
You are not really with it, GM! All this time and you haven't realized that I am one of Jehovah's Witnesses? You used to call me a cultist and say every kind of mean thing about me because I am a JW. And you have forgotten??? That's comical! I am NOT a Mormon and never would think of such a ridiculous thing.

It looks like the JOKE is on YOU. After all, the JWs are a CULT, too.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Stephen Hawking, if he never had a thought about believing in God, will not suffer in a hell-fire---a thought propagated by sadistic people. If Jesus doesn't resurrect him, he will simply never wake up. It will be as if he was asleep, forever. That is what "the fire prepared for the Devil and his angels" is, and also the Lake of Fire of Revelation. Anyone can see that if they really look at Revelation 20:14. It says that death and "hell" are hurled INTO the Lake of Fire. How does "hell" get to be hurled into itself? Obviously this Scripture means more than what people like yourself, GM, teach. Death is hurled into the Lake of Fire. How is death "hurled" or "thrown" or "cast?" Can you physically throw "death" anywhere? Of course not! Neither can you throw "hell."

There is a deeper meaning there. Since no one can literally CAST death or hell in any manner, it simply means that those two things are GONE completely, forever. No more death, and no more "hell," that is, the grave (as my King James Bible says in the margin notes).

Can someone explain to me how you can "hurl" or "cast" death?

Well, you learned all of that 'False doctrine' from the JW Cult, now see where that gets ya?

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Was it your steel trap mind that allowed you to dismiss Stephen Hawking's carefully thought-out conclusions in just four minutes following my first quote of his? You might set aside the time some day to share with us the brilliant sequence of logical steps that formed the perfect counter-argument, yet to be published.

We all wait patiently.


Keep waiting, silently, there might just be another Bus along at any moment.
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