Stuu, Unfortunately for you, when it comes to a 'War of words,' you are stymied by your total lack of imagination when it comes to witty banter and the ability to articulate, not even, a minuscule amount of literary fortitude. Your attempt to sound as if you're, somehow, in the upper echelon of the intelligentsia, is, remarkably ineffectual and uninspiring. It appears, the harder you TRY the less you accomplish? That, of course, is not a good sign. In fact, it reveals you as a person who tries to establish credibility while at the same time, defending the indefensible. I'm not without empathy regarding other people's shortcomings, which permits me to show a certain amount of patience when it comes to someone with an opposite opinion, then my own. I find people who readily use 'name calling' as a FIRST resort to be the worst kind of bore. In fact, if one's ONLY 'verbal/written, weapon of choice' is, name-calling, they've already lost the debate.