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New member
"The question is: is the way the universe began chosen by God for reasons we can't understand, or was it determined by a law of science? I believe the second. If you like, you can call the laws of science 'God', but it wouldn't be a personal God that you could meet, and ask questions."

-Stephen Hawking

God's Truth

New member
"What I have done is to show that it is possible for the way the universe began to be determined by the laws of science. In that case, it would not be necessary to appeal to God to decide how the universe began. This doesn't prove that there is no God, only that God is not necessary."

-Stephen Hawking (as it is spelled)

Oh brother; can you make a planet?

God's Truth

New member
"The question is: is the way the universe began chosen by God for reasons we can't understand, or was it determined by a law of science? I believe the second. If you like, you can call the laws of science 'God', but it wouldn't be a personal God that you could meet, and ask questions."

-Stephen Hawking

So says the man who couldn't walk and talk and who is now dead, while he thinks he can explain away God and explain a world that is going on without him.


New member
Richard Dawkins complains people keep confusing him with Stephen Hawking

Richard Dawkins tweeted:

Many excellent young science graduates would give their all for a job in television. So where did a leading TV company find the “Editorial Producer” who just invited to me “to talk to us about the life and legacy of your colleague Richard Hawkins”?

Now another TV producer wants me to talk about “the death of Professor Hawkins.” I heard Prince Philip make the same mistake when presenting Professor Hawking with a big medal. Once, after a talk at a Lit Fest, the first question I got was “Why aren’t you in your wheelchair?”

So the spelling can matter...


i was talking about stephen hawking , not to be confused with richard dawkins, max planck, aristotle, confucious, or Mister Peabody.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Psalms 14:1: (From the Old Testament of the Bible) states; " To the chief Musician, A Psalm of David. The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God. They are corrupt, they have done abominable works, there is none that doeth good."

So, there you have it, anyone who says there is no God is a fool. Therefore, we must conclude that Steven Hawking and his ilk are fools. Thus, why should any of us accept ANYTHING a fool has to say? That includes a few of you on this thread today. Steven Hawking dead or alive was a fool according to the Word of God.

Grosnick Marowbe

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Hall of Fame
I totally have faith in every word of Scripture, therefore, if anyone on this thread, who says there is no God, I'm obliged to consider them a fool and reject anything they have to say.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Steven Hawking left planet earth a day or so ago. He was considered, by the standards of the world, a genius, however, according to the Bible, Steven Hawking was a fool. Hopefully, he heard the Gospel and placed his faith, in Christ before he closed his eyes to this world? Otherwise, he's now in a place called; Hades or Hell. There, he will await a time when everyone will face the 'Final Judgement.' The unbelievers will stand before God the Father and be judged according to their works and subsequently be cast into the 'Lake of Fire' along with Satan, etc. Those who were of faith will not be judged by their works for they placed their faith in Christ and became a member of the 'Body of Christ.' their residence (After they died) has been with God, in Heaven the whole time. They will be, only judged by the rewards they will receive while they were alive on earth. There is NO condemnation, judgement or 'Lake of Fire' that awaits them.

Grosnick Marowbe

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Hall of Fame
Gods salvation, Grace, forgiveness of sin and eternal life with Him is available to anyone/everyone as long as they hear the Gospel and place all their faith in Christ as their Savior. They mustn't add anything else to the Gospel.


New member
i was talking about stephen hawking , not to be confused with richard dawkins, max planck, aristotle, confucious, or Mister Peabody.
Lucky Mr. Peabody, who gets to be capitalised...

I am a grammar pedant, so you won't get away with it I'm afraid. Those greengrocers and their apostrophes...don't get me started (is that a correct use of an elipsis?).


Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
All the Atheists on TOL have to do in order to reside in Hades/Hell after they die is NOTHING. If they've heard the Gospel and rejected it and remain in unbelief until they die, their 'fate is determined already.'

God's Truth

New member
Lucky Mr. Peabody, who gets to be capitalised...

I am a grammar pedant, so you won't get away with it I'm afraid. Those greengrocers and their apostrophes...don't get me started (is that a correct use of an elipsis?).


This isn't a grammar debate site.


New member
Steven Hawking left planet earth a day or so ago. He was considered, by the standards of the world, a genius, however, according to the Bible, Steven Hawking was a fool. Hopefully, he heard the Gospel and placed his faith, in Christ before he closed his eyes to this world? Otherwise, he's now in a place called; Hades or Hell. There, he will await a time when everyone will face the 'Final Judgement.' The unbelievers will stand before God the Father and be judged according to their works and subsequently be cast into the 'Lake of Fire' along with Satan, etc. Those who were of faith will not be judged by their works for they placed their faith in Christ and became a member of the 'Body of Christ.' their residence (After they died) has been with God, in Heaven the whole time. They will be, only judged by the rewards they will receive while they were alive on earth. There is NO condemnation, judgement or 'Lake of Fire' that awaits them.
And what about the ones who did the works thinking that would do it, because they read that bit of scripture? What happens to them, oh great enforcer? Actually, better be careful about too much enforcing, right? That goes against scripture as demonstrated earlier.



New member
All the Atheists on TOL have to do in order to reside in Hades/Hell after they die is NOTHING. If they've heard the Gospel and rejected it and remain in unbelief until they die, their 'fate is determined already.'
Yep, that's me. I've read a lot of gospel, and it's perfectly totalitarian and immoral in most respects. So, if the god character wants to punish me, then it should do that and then explain to others how that is moral.

Of course the conspiracy of invisible friends running the universe has the fingerprints of a con job all over it, so I'd say I have more important things to worry about.



New member
Can you prove it?
I can't prove anything. All I can do is show you how compelling the evidence is, and then sit back while you come up with evidence that disproves it. Of course, to have credibility you would need to have a more detailed explanation that is a better fit for the evidence.

Do you have one of those?

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