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God's Truth

New member
Yeah, even if I was into 'gods', I'm afraid that no matter what good they say about Jesus, a religion that insists on only one way through is totalitarian, and so unfit for humans with any sense of free will.


Don't judge God according to all these false teachers.

You don't want Gronick to speak error about Hawking; so why trust someone like Grosnick to speak about God?


New member
Don't judge God according to all these false teachers.

You don't want Gronick to speak error about Hawking; so why trust someone like Grosnick to speak about God?
I wouldn't worry about him, I've come to my own conclusions about the worthlessness of Abrahamic religion from reading its scriptures.



New member
Hmmm, we might have to disagree on whether your religious beliefs involve 'common sense'.

Or indeed Hawking.

i have the common sense to know that if a group is discussing hawking and someone joins in with hawkins this or that, they are talking about the same person. one would have to be pretty absent minded to think different.


New member
i have the common sense to know that if a group is discussing hawking and someone joins in with hawkins this or that, they are talking about the same person. one would have to be pretty absent minded to think different.
Yes, well that's why I posted the complaint from Richard Dawkins. You can see his point, can't you. And it would be particularly difficult for his family if they had reporters asking for comments on the recently departed Richard Hawkins. It was amusing that they ask Richard Dawkins where his wheelchair is...


Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Some observers may think 'Old GM' is being mean towards certain posters, but, things are not always what they appear to be? However, most of the time, they are. :)

Grosnick Marowbe

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Hall of Fame
As most of you have already recognized, I'm sort of like Custer at the 'Little Big Horn.' Custer and his 7th Cavalry were outnumbered by copious amounts of Sioux Indians. Sometimes, I can identify with how he felt.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
This thread is mostly made up of a few 'angry Atheists' and one or two posters who wouldn't know the truth if it walked in their home and set up a Lemonade stand in their living room.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
It's ironic that Atheists get angry about people who offend them and their lack of common sense when it comes to their refusal to believe in a creator. Even though, they don't believe there's anyone to answer to for anything done wrong. In their reality, why should they bother to be kind, moral, decent, or civil? I mean, if there's no creator to answer to, why not live your life as you so desire? They shouldn't be offended if someone treats them bad, instead, they ought to accept the idea that everyone can do as they please and leave it at that, right?

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
If God didn't exist and there wasn't any judgement or disciplinary action to take place, then, why bother with morals or any other guidelines? If we just live a few years on planet earth and then just turn to dust, why would it make a difference how we lived our lives? Having said that, I fully trust in God and His Holy Bible. Without Him or His Holy Bible, life would be meaningless for all of us. Existence would have no value or purpose.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Atheists believe everything occurs by happenstance and there's no rhyme or reason for humanity's existence. In their eyes there's no real or imagined reason for all that we see about us. To them, 'NOTHING, begat EVERYTHING.'


New member
If you want to speak from knowledge instead of worthless opinion there is a way.
Christianity is one of the biggest cons perpetrated on humanity in our whole history. Vicarious scapegoating with compulsory love on pain of death. Born sick but commanded to be well. It's a totalitarian ideal and an immoral way of thinking, so even if it were true it should still be our ethical obligation to oppose it. Happily the good news of Jesus is that it is all invented.

Just to be clear.

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