Spammers wasteland

Spammers wasteland

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Well-known member
Tambora doesn't believe 1Corinthians 15:1-4 or she wouldn't insist Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are in synergy after beging corrected with perichoresis.

You don't believe that simple Gospel, either. It's just a proof-text to you.

Yes, I'm sure you'd love to see me banned. Typical.

Last chance.

You said earlier that you have trusted Christ on the basis of 1 Cor 15:14. You implied very strongly that since you do, I should accept you as saved.

Okay. Only God knows the heart as to whether you lie or not. I can't know that, so I will accept your testimony and on HIS WORD'S authority will accept you as saved.

Will you extend the same courtesy to Tam and the rest of us on the same basis?

Yes or no.

SaulToPaul 2

Well-known member
Last chance.

You said earlier that you have trusted Christ on the basis of 1 Cor 15:14. You implied very strongly that since you do, I should accept you as saved.

Okay. If that's what you believe, only God knows the heart as to whether you lie or not. I can't know that, so I will accept your testimony and on HIS WORD'S authority will accept you as saved.

Will you extend the same courtesy to Tam and the rest of us on the same basis?

Yes or no.

No, because we do not know the proper definitions of the English words.
Only he does.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
You don't believe that simple Gospel, either. It's just a proof-text to you.


"Over and over. You never answer"-4th time, Jeff:

Is that "simple Gospel," "the Gospel," the same one Judas preached?

Yes or no.

Not a peep-as silent as a turkey farm, on Thanksgiving Day, as the bullfrog won't dare cross the great saint John W.


New member
No. The term needed is perichoresis. Synergy makes Father, Son, and Holy Spirit into separate beings in cooperation of action; not internal distinctions of ontology of existence.

Synergy is only within creation. God is uncreated.
Synergy is contingency. God is Non-Contingent.

This is a Tritheistic question. God is one. God is not comprised of constituent parts. Father, Son, and Holy Spirit aren't parts of God cooperating together to do something.

You have no idea how horrifically blasphemous this is. And most refuse to be corrected because they love not the truth.


God can care less about what elevated or nonelevated words man can come up with.
Perichoresis, Monergism, Synergy, etc. all man-made elevated words.

God cares about a person's heart.

YOU have translated the heart of a person into elevated words invented by men because you do not like that they do not use your elevated words. Go preach like that to people in the back dunes of Africa and start talking to them about perichoresis, monergism, synergy, etc. and see how many will accept Jesus Christ and His finished work on the Cross of Calvary.

God is Father, Son, Holy Spirit. Non-created. Self-existing One.

God is a plural singular God. Deut. 6:4 Hear, O Israel: Jehovah our Eloheem[PLURAL] is one[SINGULAR] Jehovah:


Well-known member
He's carefully weighing how to answer, or if to answer at all. He's still trapped.

If he affirms we're saved on the basis of having believed the Gospel of grace, then he has to confess that he was wrong for anathematizing us from Christ.

If he affirms we are NOT saved, then he automatically shows he does not believe the Gospel is the power of God unto salvation for all who believe it, but rather it's the right gnostic knowledge of human traditions that determines who is or is not saved.

I predict no direct answer, just more obfuscation.

SaulToPaul 2

Well-known member
He's carefully weighing how to answer, or if to answer at all. He's still trapped.

If he affirms we're saved on the basis of having believed the Gospel of grace, then he has to confess that he was wrong for anathematizing us from Christ.

If he affirms we are NOT saved, then he automatically shows he does not believe the Gospel is the power of God unto salvation for all who believe it, but rather it's the right gnostic knowledge of human traditions that determines who is or is not saved.

I predict no direct answer, just more obfuscation.

How did The Great One manage to get himself trapped?


TOL Subscriber
Last chance.

Not your call.

You said earlier that you have trusted Christ on the basis of 1 Cor 15:14. You implied very strongly that since you do, I should accept you as saved.

Okay. If that's what you believe, only God knows the heart as to whether you lie or not. I can't know that, so I will accept your testimony and on HIS WORD'S authority will accept you as saved.

Will you extend the same courtesy to Tam and the rest of us on the same basis?

Yes or no.

Only if you don't speak in a manner that belies the faith that you profess to have.

Can someone who "believes" 1Corinthians 15:1-4 argue for Mormon Theology Proper and Christology? Can that same one who "believes" 1Corinthians 15:1-4 argue for Jehovah Witness Christology and Soteriology? Can that same one who "believes" 1Corinthians 15:1-4 argue for the Urantia Book? Or for Buddhism? Or for Hinduism? Or for Unitarianism? Or for Sabellianism? Or for Pantheism? Or for Panentheism?

Can that same person then argue for Tritheism? Can they argue for a term that is blasphemous to God? Even when corrected over and over and over?

Chrystostum very simply admitted he didn't know synergy wasn't perichoresis, and quickly recanted. Can someone do the opposite and truly believe 1Corinthians 15:1-4?

What this is is a battle of Tam's pride, wherein she insists she can use whatever term she wants if she deems it to apply to God, even if it doesn't.

A repentant heart will recant such things at some point. It's inevitable. She has done the opposite, and all I have to go by is her own profession and confession in the face of the truth.

As far as I'm concerned, she has denied 1Corinthians 15:1-4 and the rest of the testimony of scripture. There is no era in the Christian faith until modernity wherein she would not be considered anathema by all leadership and members of the church at large.

This is HER profession of her faith. I can only go by that. You insist otherwise and give ME the ultimatums when I'm the one standing for truth.

Do and say whatever you will. She has professed her faith in a God of contingency. And she has been corrected and maintains both that confession AND that heart from which it came.

I can't consider such an one as in fellowship.
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