Spammers wasteland

Spammers wasteland

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TOL Subscriber
I did not know that God had abandoned His throne and you're sitting on it and know people's heart to judge that they have or have not done something. It must be the elevated vocabulary with so many words to choose from. Which one, which one.... It must be hard to choose the right words.

Judging all things is not judging hearts. Maybe go learn the difference. And the Gospel. And what words mean.


Well-known member
I asked you a question.

You say Tam is not saved because of what you say she believes.

If she does recant, will you say she's saved?


TOL Subscriber
Would you accept her then?

If she recanted, I would withdraw my assertions.

That's all she's had to do from the beginning. Recant and admit she was wrong and innovating, and it was a blasphemous error rather than something to keep asserting and contending for.

Repentant hearts don't cling to blasphemy. If she repented unto salvation, it would be inevitable for her to recant rather than cling to such an error exposed and corrected.

Pride is the inverse of faith. She has the former.


New member
I wasn't.



TOL Subscriber
I asked you a question.

You say Tam is not saved because of what you say she believes.

If she does recant, will you say she's saved?

As always, I asked you a question first, which you never answered. Then you demand answers to your questions. Then I always answer them. Then you still refuse to answer.

That's because your an arrogant obfuscator and prevaricator.

Answer or don't. According to Tambora's profession/confession of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit being in synergy, she cannot know them and not recant her blasphemy.


Well-known member
If she recanted, I would withdraw my assertions.

Your assertions that she said something you consider heresy. Yes. We get that. That's not what I asked.

If she recanted what you say is heresy, would her recanting lead you to say that you believe she IS saved?

Yes or No will suffice.


New member
If she recanted, I would withdraw my assertions.

Why does she has to meet with YOUR approval?

That's all she's had to do from the beginning. Recant and admit she was wrong and innovating, and it was a blasphemous error rather than something to keep asserting and contending for.

She does not have to do that for YOU.

Repentant hearts don't cling to blasphemy. If she repented unto salvation, it would be inevitable for her to recant rather than cling to such an error exposed and corrected.

How can you read her heart to say that she is not saved? Are you God now?

Pride is the inverse of faith. She has the former.

Do you have any mirrors around? I can send you one.


TOL Subscriber
Your assertions that she said something you consider heresy. Yes. We get that. That's not what I asked.

If she recanted what you say is heresy, would her recanting lead you to say that you believe she IS saved?

Yes or No will suffice.

Are Father, Son, and Holy Spirit in synergy?

Yes or No will suffice.
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