Spammers wasteland

Spammers wasteland

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TOL Subscriber
Why does she has to meet with YOUR approval?

She does not have to do that to YOU.

How can you read her heart to say that she is not saved? Are you God now?

Do you have any mirrors around? I can send you one.

She openly affirms synergy for Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

I don't really care about your assessment.


TOL Subscriber
Answer me with a yes or no and I'll answer you.

I've done that repeatedly historically. Youve never done so. I've always asked first, with you then asking a question as the answer. When I then answer, you never do.

This is your pattern. You're merely a manipulation, obfuscator, and prevaricator.

If Tambora recants and affirms your creed, will you then say she IS saved?

Yes or no.

Answer my question and I might consider answering yours. Try it for once, thug.


TOL Subscriber
I didn't realize Synergy is not perichoresis

See? THIS is a heart that can hear truth.

Tambora has been repeatedly corrected that synergy is not perichoresis, including language references and definitions.

She refuses to recant in her pride. She maintains that Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are in synergy because she defines the word as an innovation from English partial meanings.


See? THIS is a heart that can hear truth.

Tambora has been repeatedly corrected that synergy is not perichoresis, including language references and definitions.

She refuses to recant in her pride. She maintains that Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are in synergy because she defines the word as an innovation from English partial meanings.

Ok eunuch

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TOL Subscriber
So, in YOUR assessment Father, Son, Holy Spirit are not working in tandem with each other?

No. The term needed is perichoresis. Synergy makes Father, Son, and Holy Spirit into separate beings in cooperation of action; not internal distinctions of ontology of existence.

Synergy is only within creation. God is uncreated.
Synergy is contingency. God is Non-Contingent.

One does not know what the other is doing?

This is a Tritheistic question. God is one. God is not comprised of constituent parts. Father, Son, and Holy Spirit aren't parts of God cooperating together to do something.

You have no idea how horrifically blasphemous this is. And most refuse to be corrected because they love not the truth.

Me either.



Well-known member
Pepe sees how he cornered himself, so he refuses to answer a simple y/n.

To recap:

Tam believes the Gospel of the grace of God, which Pepe agreed is the saving Gospel.

But that wasn't enough (in Pepe's opinion) to save Tam, or any of us. He's said many times we're all lost no matter how strongly we affirm our belief the saving Gospel.

Pepe wanted Tam (and the rest of us) to sign off on his credal definition of the Trinity. Whether she already agrees with it or not is beside the point. He made it clear that THAT STATEMENT SHE MADE is the reason he said she's not saved.

So when I asked if recanting it would cause him to affirm she is saved, he refused to answer because he saw how he'd just trapped himself.

Why did Pepe say Tam was lost? Because she rejects the saving Gospel? No. He knows she doesn't.

It's because she may disagree with him on a CREED.

That means Pepe don't actually believe 1 Cor 15:1-4 saves whoever believes it. That means he believes that agreeing with Reformed formulations determines if someone is saved. The Gospel is secondary, at best.

Pepe, that means you are,

(a) an unrighteous judge, for making your own personal definitions -- and not the Gospel -- the measure by which you damn others.

(b) a liar and a hypocrite for doing exactly what you have been accusing us of doing. Difference is, where we use ONLY the Gospel as the measure, you use human creeds and traditions. The Gospel -- the power of God unto salvation -- really doesn't matter to you.

I await your inevitable and permanent banning. It will happen sooner or later.


TOL Subscriber
What if they are contingent on each other

Then you make God contingent. That makes God comprised of constituent parts. Then Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are not each wholly God. Then this denial of God's Necessity denies God's Simplicity. Those then deny God's Eternity, Infinity, and Immensity, and thus His Aseity.

It literally removes God from being God.

This is not my subjective opinion. This is the historical Christian faith for two millennia. Not that it matters to all you modern autonomous innovating reprobate heretics who love not the truth.


TOL Subscriber
Pepe sees how he cornered himself, so he refuses to answer a simple y/n.

To recap:

Tam believes the Gospel of the grace of God, which Pepe agreed is the saving Gospel.

But that wasn't enough (in Pepe's opinion) to save Tam, or any of us. He's said many times we're all lost no matter how strongly we affirm our belief the saving Gospel.

Pepe wanted Tam (and the rest of us) to sign off on his credal definition of the Trinity. Whether she already agrees with it or not is beside the point. He made it clear that THAT STATEMENT SHE MADE is the reason he said she's not saved.

So when I asked if recanting it would cause him to affirm she is saved, he refused to answer because he saw how he'd just trapped himself.

Why did Pepe say Tam was lost? Because she rejects the saving Gospel? No. He knows she doesn't.

It's because she may disagree with him on a CREED.

That means Pepe don't actually believe 1 Cor 15:1-4 saves whoever believes it. That means he believes that agreeing with Reformed formulations determines if someone is saved. The Gospel is secondary, at best.

Pepe, that means you are,

(a) an unrighteous judge, for making your own personal definitions -- and not the Gospel -- the measure by which you damn others.

(b) a liar and a hypocrite for doing exactly what you have been accusing us of doing. Difference is, where we use ONLY the Gospel as the measure, you use human creeds and traditions. The Gospel -- the power of God unto salvation -- really doesn't matter to you.

I await your inevitable and permanent banning. It will happen sooner or later.

Tambora doesn't believe 1Corinthians 15:1-4 or she wouldn't insist Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are in synergy after beging corrected with perichoresis.

You don't believe that simple Gospel, either. It's just a proof-text to you.

Yes, I'm sure you'd love to see me banned. Typical.
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