Spammers wasteland

Spammers wasteland

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TOL Subscriber
He's carefully weighing how to answer, or if to answer at all. He's still trapped.

If he affirms we're saved on the basis of having believed the Gospel of grace, then he has to confess that he was wrong for anathematizing us from Christ.

If he affirms we are NOT saved, then he automatically shows he does not believe the Gospel is the power of God unto salvation for all who believe it, but rather it's the right gnostic knowledge of human traditions that determines who is or is not saved.

I predict no direct answer, just more obfuscation.

Incorrect. It's one thing to CLAIM one believes 1Corinthians 15:1-4, and it's quite another for them to then also claim belief in other things.

Unitarians claim to believe 1Corinthians 15:1-4, yet you consider them unsaved. Hypocrite. Double standards as always. And always just looking to trap someone by obfuscation and manipulation.


TOL Subscriber
So the answer is "no."

Meaning the Gospel does not save. Doctrine does.

This communication ends now.

Whatever, reprobate.

The Gospel is the power of God UNTO salvation. Tambora believes in a contingent God by her own profession.

Another double standard from you. You don't apply this to yourself.

More manipulation and prevarication. Same stuff as always.

AND... You won't answer whether Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are in synergy. That's because it will expose Tambora or impugn yourself, too.

I couldn't care less if you ever converse with me again. You're disingenuous with every word you present.


TOL Subscriber
So the answer is "no."

Meaning the Gospel does not save. Doctrine does.

This communication ends now.

IOW... All one has to do is the "work" of saying 1Corinthians 15:1-4 is the Gospel, and then they can say and do whatever they want; and believe whatever else they want, even if it's in violation of that passage.

Got it. You are saved by a nominal work by expressing you believe four verses of scripture in a certain place.

Mormons do that. JWs do that. Unitarians and Arians and Sabellians and Adoptionists and Docetists do that. Gnostics do that. They all believe 1Corinthians 15:1-4.

You trust in one work to save, and it's a work done by a person.

john w

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Hall of Fame
IOW... All one has to do is the "work" of saying 1Corinthians 15:1-4 is the Gospel, and then they can say and do whatever they want; and believe whatever else they want, even if it's in violation of that passage.

Got it. You are saved by a nominal work by expressing you believe four verses of scripture in a certain place.

Mormons do that. JWs do that. Unitarians and Arians and Sabellians and Adoptionists and Docetists do that. Gnostics do that. They all believe 1Corinthians 15:1-4.

You trust in one work to save, and it's a work done by a person.

Still waiting for Professor Demas to tell us, plainly, with a "yes or no," whether Judas preached this "the Gospel...that simple Gospel"(his words),as he references in 1 Cor. 15:1-4 KJV.

What's the problem, Little Joe? Slipped on that snake oil you brought to Dodge?


TOL Subscriber
Last chance.

You said earlier that you have trusted Christ on the basis of 1 Cor 15:14. You implied very strongly that since you do, I should accept you as saved.

No. I just said I met your criteria. I couldn't care less if you accept me as saved... or anything else.

Okay. Only God knows the heart as to whether you lie or not. I can't know that, so I will accept your testimony and on HIS WORD'S authority will accept you as saved.

No, you don't. You just inisted you don't. You said I made it about doctrine. Now you've made it about something else.

You're the biggest previcator with the hugest double standards that have ever been employed.

Will you extend the same courtesy to Tam and the rest of us on the same basis?

Yes or no.

You didn't extend that courtesy. You never have. It's only a one-way demand from you for others.


TOL Subscriber
monergism - working alone

synergism - working together

It's not complicated at all.

God Almighty alone is the One God and He acts as Sovereign over all; needing no one or nothing to be what He IS. Such Simplicity is one of His attributes.

He works "together" with nothing and no one. He has revealed Himself as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit and this revelation of I AM Father, Son, and Holy Spirit is never to be confounded or separated.

To apply synergy to this God Almighty is error, for there are no separate parts of God that necessitates their "working together." Rather, He must be worshipped as never working without all of Himself working according to the single will, purposes, and promises He has made known to His creatures.

The underlined is Truth, and Truth is divine perichosesis.

And what is most wonderful, is God has given knowledge of Truth to His chosen people and has provided them access into the realm of His divine glories.

To deny any of this is to deny you are His. Plain and simple. No kidding.
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