Some Jerk Brought TNP to ToL


Get your armor ready!
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Matthew 5:17-18 KJV
(17) Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil.

Don't even think it.​

(18) For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled.

Not one.



Some Jerk Brought TNP to ToL

Can GOD's truth become falsehood?

Can GOD's justness become unjust?

And does that TRUTH have a name? Hint: I AM the Way, T____, and the Light.

Can GOD's truth become falsehood?

Can GOD's justness become unjust?

In the hands of vipers that cast stones, while claiming that we can "be like God", or be "good" like God. Jesus said "only GOD is GOoD".

We are sinners, redeemed while we are (were) sinners, and true righteousness is only a promise to be received when we are glory to Glory. (1 Corinthians 15) and all the works of John, Paul and all red letters.

Has the good King forgiven you an immense Debt, Tambora?

I confess that He has forgiven mine.

Psalms 32:1

Davidic. A Maskil. How joyful is the one whose transgression is forgiven, whose sin is covered!

Isaiah 1:18

"Come now, let us settle the matter," says the LORD. "Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they are red as crimson, they shall be like wool.

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Truth Smacker
Silver Subscriber
It's an easy qualification to make at the outset. Given your factually errant remarks relating to the age of consent, which is a purely legal question, if you're mixing one consideration with another it's up to you to qualify.
I feel no obligation to read the whole thread to you or to repeat what has already been said here and elsewhere a hundred times.

I couldn't really care less what is or is not legal in America in so far as defining what is and is not a crime in concerned. What God says is a crime is one whether the American legal system concurs or not. The degree to which our legal system is at odds with God's word is the degree to which it is unjust, by definition.

That's a lot of straw in the air, but no one is suggesting you have to condone homosexuality. Not that I've read. I'm certainly not. Call it a sin. It is. But don't go to the cafeteria of the OT and pick what suits you. If you're going to adopt the law in that form then you had better be prepared to meet all of it.
This is the first sentence you've written that actually responds to the point I've been trying to make. At least its the first one that does so in any fashion that moves the discussion forward.

No, I don't have to be prepared to meet all of it. I simply have to be prepared to explain which part applies and which does not.

That explanation is somewhat complex is certain areas but not in most. For the most part, it boils down to moral laws vs. religious/ceremonial laws. The later only applied to Israel and has no application outside the context of God's peculiar relationship with that specific nation. The former, however, is the clearest definition of morality the world has ever seen and if one accepts as a foundational presupposition that God is just, as I do, then what He said is a just punishment then would be a just punishment now.

Following any other course boils down to placing one's own personal opinion above God's clear decree. And that actually is what the whole bible and the entire Christian worldview boils down to, by the way. You either do things God's way and reap the benefits or go against God's word and suffer. This principle is universal and it makes no difference whether you happen to be a believer or not, nor whether you agree or not, nor whether you even care or not. You cannot escape the cause and effect nature of reality.


Some Jerk Brought TNP to ToL

Matthew 5:17-18 KJV
(17) Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil.

Don't even think it.​

(18) For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled.

Not one.

Fulfilled... What did "it is finished" mean, and per Galatians 3 and 4 how does the Law of Moses get imputed to us, in place of Jesus?

Please also note my questions in direct response to your your scripture here. [emoji118]

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Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
I feel no obligation to read the whole thread to you or to repeat what has already been said here and elsewhere a hundred times.
Didn't ask you to.

I couldn't really care less what is or is not legal in America
See, that would have ended the conversation in short order.

What God says is a crime is one whether the American legal system concurs or not.
Assuming you believe that applies and within the context of your personal belief, sure.

The degree to which our legal system is at odds with God's word is the degree to which it is unjust, by definition.
No, just by yours and your understanding of God. Like I said, I don't think you believe you're smarter or better than God, just everyone who disagrees with your reading of that.

No, I don't have to be prepared to meet all of it.
Okay, but I can't reason with someone who isn't being reasonable. Enjoy the cafeteria.

I simply have to be prepared to explain which part applies and which does not.
That's one rationalization.

That explanation is somewhat complex is certain areas but not in most. For the most part, it boils down to moral laws vs. religious/ceremonial laws.
Show me where scripture makes that distinction.

Following any other course boils down to placing one's own personal opinion above God's clear decree.
No, it doesn't. Read Romans.

And that actually is what the whole bible and the entire Christian worldview boils down to, by the way. You either do things God's way and reap the benefits or go against God's word and suffer.
That's not where we differ. Supra.


Truth Smacker
Silver Subscriber
Clete; our understanding is obviously different on this issue.

The baseball bat thing has to do with my sense of morality against pedophiles.
Precisely what I meant by an intuitive understanding of justice.

Plenty of lost people have this same sense of morality.
That's why I quoted the verse I did. Even the lost understand morality and justice. Justice pleases the righteous and rightly frightens the evil doer.

It has to do with the society we are raised in.

In a cannibalistic society, for example; the late; sicko sodomite; psychopath: serial killer, Jeffrey Dahmer; would have been viewed; not as a monster of a nightmare on society, but as a legendary warrior of a hunter who was a hog - who did not share his spoils with the tribe.

Pop culture would have you believe such fairy tails but that's all they are.

I'm not suggesting that people cannot sear their conscience. They obviously can and society certianly has its influence but every baby born has an awareness of God and people have an intuitive understanding of justice. Even the most hardened, murderous drug lord gets angry with you when you flirt with his woman and every liberal mind full of mush that resides in a California University and pleads with you to question all authority is the first to call the police when someone who questioned the rules against vandalism runs a key down the side of their Prius.

Same thing with the baseball bat; it is the moraility I was raised under.
You understand that this truth is not mutually exclusive to the idea that people inuitively understand morality.

It just so happens a large part of the society I was born into still holds that as "right."
No, it isn't mere luck. If it were just random luck there would be societies that think rape is fine and that kids ought to have their first sexual experience at two and every other random injustice you can imagine.

Don't misunderstand. I know that there are very unjust societies in the world. Even one's where rape and pillaging is common place. But even in those societies, people know that it isn't right. There are places in the world where whichever ruthless jerk with the biggest gun and most ammunition is in charge and makes whatever rules suits his fancy. He may make a rule that says that he gets to have sex with any woman he wants whenever he wants. But have someone come in and try to have sex with whichever woman he considers to be his own woman and you'll find out that he knows that his rule is unjust.

The fact is that God set in motion only "one nation under God" in all of history, and it is not, never was, nor never will be this nevertheless great land of ours.
Agreed - but irrelevant.

The whole Old Testament was written to, for and about Israel. In it we learn that it is wrong to steal. You're surely not suggesting that because the Bible was written to Israel that its okay to steal if you're a Gentile, are you?

Besides that, the Dispensation of Human Government was instituted with Noah, long before Israel was on the seen. The death penalty was one of the very first things God instituted when Noah landed the Ark.

That nation of God's was in the Middle East. That nation will one day again be in the Middle East.

To throw that out as a Mid-Acts Dispy just because we take issue with some segment of the lost behaving like one should expect the lost to behave, breaks with the Mid-Acts distinction that God is not right now claiming real estate.

Plain and simple.
This has nothing to do with Mid-Acts Dispensationalism. Dispensationalism in general perhaps but as I said, the Dispensation that authorized human government came long before Abraham.

The question really boils down to whether you think that God was just for demanding the death penalty for those caught in homosexuality. Only an unbeliever would think He was unjust and if you, as a believer, think He was just then on what basis would it be just for any government to allow them not only to live but to be members in good standing of the society?

That is the Amillennial notion that the Body is to remoralize the world so that the Lord can return.

Chuck Colson's would be marriage of church and state nonsense all over again.
Nothing I believe or advocate has anything to do with any of this. I don't even know what you're talking about. Chuck Colson? :confused:

The Apostle Paul does deal with every moral and or societal issue.

When one thinks in principles, not in concrete; here it is in this verse here ideas.

Take addiction (or ANY compulsion, and or compulsion made habit "by reason of use") for example.

Romans 6 is "the treatment."

Romans 6:12 Let not sin therefore reign in your mortal body, that ye should obey it in the lusts thereof. 6:13 Neither yield ye your members as instruments of unrighteousness unto sin: but yield yourselves unto God, as those that are alive from the dead, and your members as instruments of righteousness unto God. 6:14 For sin shall not have dominion over you: for ye are not under the law, but under grace. 6:15 What then? shall we sin, because we are not under the law, but under grace? God forbid.
I don't disagree that Paul talked a lot about the principles of right and wrong. My point was merely that he was writing about religeous issues not about criminal justice.

Why, Clete; does the Apostle of the Gentiles raise the point that "sin shall not have dominion over you: for ye are not under the law, but under grace"?
This has nothing to do with what I'm talking about. Grace does not negate criminal justice. Criminal justice has nothing to do with where you spend eternity.
The saved murderer should still be executed and will still spend eternity with God after his execution. Criminal justice has to do with creating and maintaining a civil society. It has the effect of teaching the society, as a whole (believers and unbelievers alike), what is right and what is wrong. Right and wrong is not a matter of opinion. The righteous society is so because it's laws are just and the broken, despotic society is so because it's laws are unjust. This is universally true - there are no exceptions.

What you and Enyart have failed to understand is why putting the ten commandments in schools was doomed to fail to begin with.
Neither Bob nor I advocate putting the Ten Commandments in schools.

The Law proved what it was meant to - it's "thou shalt not" having been meant to show man that man cannot but do the opposite.
This is so from the perspective of a person's relationship with God but again, that has very little, if anything, to do with what a nation's criminal code should be.

If this is what you believe then do you believe that any law passed by a nation is fine and well and good for that nation?
Is there no unjust law that a nation could enact for itself? Our country has declared it legal to murder babies so long as they reside in their mother's womb. Is that law just or unjust? Is it right or wrong to murder unborn babies and on what basis do you justify your answer if not "Thou shalt not murder."?

You and Enyart want lost people to behave like the Scripture declares only saved people are empowered to - or else - with triple exclamation points.

No we don't! We just want for people not to commit capital crimes!

Are we wrong to want people not to murder their neighbor?
Are we wrong to want people not to take their neighbor's wife?
Are we wrong to want people not to steal, or to assault their neighbor?

Are we wrong to want a civil society that enacts and enforces justice?

That righteous killing of the sodomite under the Law was the issue of one more endless example of God's proving through the Law that no matter what standard God puts before man; together with serious threat not only included, but carried out; is bound to fail because - the Law is weak through the flesh.
Then you are an anarchist?

Is that what you are really suggesting?

That is the logical conclusion to what you're saying!

You are conflating religious issues with social ones. Not that there is no overlap but not the sort you are suggesting.

Think about this. Was it wrong to murder before God gave man the authority to execute murderers? Did God give man the authority to execute murderers before He gave the Law to Moses? Yes, He did. Why? Did it have anything to do with salvation?

The result, my saved; sealed; fellow Mid-Acts approach to Scripture brother in the Lord?

(God knows you and Enyart have been maligned enough by some of our so-called own in their absolute nonsense in their ignorance)

The result the Law had intended?

Romans 3:19 Now we know that what things soever the law saith, it saith to them who are under the law: that every mouth may be stopped, and all the world may become guilty before God. 3:20 Therefore by the deeds of the law there shall no flesh be justified in his sight: for by the law is the knowledge of sin. 3:21 But now the righteousness of God without the law is manifested, being witnessed by the law and the prophets; 3:22 Even the righteousness of God which is by faith of Jesus Christ unto all and upon all them that believe: for there is no difference: 3:23 For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God; 3:24 Being justified freely by his grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus: 3:25 Whom God hath set forth to be a propitiation through faith in his blood, to declare his righteousness for the remission of sins that are past, through the forbearance of God; 3:26 To declare, I say, at this time his righteousness: that he might be just, and the justifier of him which believeth in Jesus. 3:27 Where is boasting then? It is excluded. By what law? of works? Nay: but by the law of faith. 3:28 Therefore we conclude that a man is justified by faith without the deeds of the law. 3:29 Is he the God of the Jews only? is he not also of the Gentiles? Yes, of the Gentiles also:

That is Paul's point as to the lawful use of the Law in 1 Timothy 1.

The Law proves the sinner a sinner.

In need being "found in him, not having mine own righteousness, which is of the law, but that which is through the faith of Christ, the righteousness which is of God by faith:" Philippians 3:9.

There is much more to MAD than simply "we're not Israel" exclamation point, and I suspect you know this to one extent or another.

I suspect you know us MADs would do well to explore the "much more" of the Mystery; in contrast to the endless "we're not Israel" bashing so many of us on TOL waste our time on in post after post after post as if it is the Mid-Acts clock itself that is stopped on some sort of a "that is all there is..."

Respectfully, bro...

Eph. 4:16
Well, again - this has nothing at all to do with Mid-Acts Dispensationalism and it isn't about our relationship with God. It's about what is just, its about right and wrong. It's about wanting a civil society that has laws that deal with criminals justly. A thief ought to be made to repay what he stole, not locked in a cage and fed three hot meals and provided free cable television for months on end. Murderers ought to be executed. And in general, it ought to be done unto the criminal as he sought to do unto his victim. That's justice biblical style and it was God's idea and so long as the Dispensation of Human Government persists, we who call ourselves God's children ought to advocate justice.

Resting in Him,

P.S. Sorry about the length of this post. Don't feel obligated to respond to every point. I appreciate the iron sharpening iron exchange between otherwise like-minded believers. God bless!


New member
It is based on the principle of admission that we are all equal sinners in God's eyes. This is always Pauls thrust.

He devotes all of His teaching to spiritual and literal revelation of faith, and the collective works that the Holy Spirit yields.

He never espouses condemnation of a brother, but the one time he had the man banished because he slept with his step mother, he later revealed it was a test. He wanted to see if the church of Corinth would exalt self-righteousness and condemnation over Faith and Mercy.

He called division a tool of the devil and explained that we are all sinners. You have to read 1 and 2 Corinthians back to back to see this.

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You are confused.

This is an issue of Identity.

At salvation God no longer views one as a sinner. Rather; as a child of God.

That is equally available to all sinners (the Identiry of lost people) but that is where the equality ends.

You make the mistake so many make - of looking for answers to this Identity issue in areas of Scripture that are looking at Identity before Christ died for sin.

1 Corinthians 6:9 Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind, 6:10 Nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God.

6:11 And such were some of you: but ye are washed, but ye are sanctified, but ye are justified in the name of the Lord Jesus, and by the Spirit of our God.

6:12 All things are lawful unto me, but all things are not expedient: all things are lawful for me, but I will not be brought under the power of any.

6:13 Meats for the belly, and the belly for meats: but God shall destroy both it and them. Now the body is not for fornication, but for the Lord; and the Lord for the body.

6:14 And God hath both raised up the Lord, and will also raise up us by his own power.


Truth Smacker
Silver Subscriber
Didn't ask you to.

See, that would have ended the conversation in short order.

Assuming you believe that applies and within the context of your personal belief, sure.

No, just by yours and your understanding of God. Like I said, I don't think you believe you're smarter or better than God, just everyone who disagrees with your reading of that.

Okay, but I can't reason with someone who isn't being reasonable. Enjoy the cafeteria.

That's one rationalization.

Show me where scripture makes that distinction.

No, it doesn't. Read Romans.

That's not where we differ. Supra.
Completly unresponsive.



Get your armor ready!
Hall of Fame
Don't misunderstand. I know that there are very unjust societies in the world. Even one's where rape and pillaging is common place. But even in those societies, people know that it isn't right. There are places in the world where whichever ruthless jerk with the biggest gun and most ammunition is in charge and makes whatever rules suits his fancy. He may make a rule that says that he gets to have sex with any woman he wants whenever he wants. But have someone come in and try to have sex with whichever woman he considers to be his own woman and you'll find out that he knows that his rule is unjust.
I agree.
They know it is wrong.
But they have successfully desensitized it and convinced enough people to overlook it as being wrong.
Opens the flood gates of perversion, and many join in that at one time wouldn't have dared.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
I agree.
They know it is wrong.
But they have successfully desensitized it and convinced enough people to overlook it as being wrong.
Opens the flood gates of perversion, and many join in that at one time wouldn't have dared.
Maybe so. Probably so, but the responsibility for our actions is still our own.

Thank God for grace then, because one way, day or another we'll sin of our own volition.


Truth Smacker
Silver Subscriber
I agree.
They know it is wrong.
But they have successfully desensitized it and convinced enough people to overlook it as being wrong.
Opens the flood gates of perversion, and many join in that at one time wouldn't have dared.

Exactly, the law is the great teacher someone once said. With respect to our souls, it teaches that we need a savior, with respect to the society it teaches what is and is not acceptable.

The question isn't whether there ought to be laws, the question is what should those laws be and why. And, acknowledging that we live in a nation who's laws are increasingly and irreversibly unjust, the more fundamental question is what laws should we as Christians advocate for. And even that is a super tough battle to fight because the vast majority of Christians don't think we're even allowed to judge people in the first place unless, of course, there's a Christian around being "mean" to perverts by saying something so obvious as that they're guilty of more than just a mere sin, then judging is fine. They want to act as though the whole world is under grace and it doesn't matter what the law of the land is. They forget that it's the law of the land that permits the existence of their religion, their church, this website and their right to even discuss this topic in public. They forget, if they ever knew it to begin with, that the further sexual perverts are allowed out of the closet, the further into the closet evangelical Christians will have to go. We're already at a place where Christians cannot live out their faith without getting sued by the nearest activist homo. Christians are effectively silenced about sexual perversion in their places of work (if they don't want to get fired) and, in many western countries, any biblical sermon about homosexuality would be considered hate speech and not allowed to air on radio or television.

Don't misunderstand, I don't advocate that homosexuality ought to be recriminalized because of the effect it has on Christianity and the freedom of Christians, that's merely one effect that the legality of sexual perversion has on the society. I advocate that it ought to be a crime because it is one and I think our laws ought to reflect reality and thereby be just. The point I'm making here is simply that the law of the land matters. Justice matters and injustice hurts everyone in the society, the good people in particular.

Resting in Him,

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
What God says is a crime is one whether the American legal system concurs or not. The degree to which our legal system is at odds with God's word is the degree to which it is unjust, by definition.



Some Jerk Brought TNP to ToL

I agree.
They know it is wrong.
But they have successfully desensitized it and convinced enough people to overlook it as being wrong.
Opens the flood gates of perversion, and many join in that at one time wouldn't have dared.

Exactly, the law is the great teacher someone once said. With respect to our souls, it teaches that we need a savior, with respect to the society it teaches what is and is not acceptable.

The question isn't whether there ought to be laws, the question is what should those laws be and why. And, acknowledging that we live in a nation who's laws are increasingly and irreversibly unjust, the more fundamental question is what laws should we as Christians advocate for. And even that is a super tough battle to fight because the vast majority of Christians don't think we're even allowed to judge people in the first place unless, of course, there's a Christian around being "mean" to perverts by saying something so obvious as that they're guilty of more than just a mere sin, then judging is fine. They want to act as though the whole world is under grace and it doesn't matter what the law of the land is. They forget that it's the law of the land that permits the existence of their religion, their church, this website and their right to even discuss this topic in public. They forget, if they ever knew it to begin with, that the further sexual perverts are allowed out of the closet, the further into the closet evangelical Christians will have to go. We're already at a place where Christians cannot live out their faith without getting sued by the nearest activist homo. Christians are effectively silenced about sexual perversion in their places of work (if they don't want to get fired) and, in many western countries, any biblical sermon about homosexuality would be considered hate speech and not allowed to air on radio or television.

Don't misunderstand, I don't advocate that homosexuality ought to be recriminalized because of the effect it has on Christianity and the freedom of Christians, that's merely one effect that the legality of sexual perversion has on the society. I advocate that it ought to be a crime because it is one and I think our laws ought to reflect reality and thereby be just. The point I'm making here is simply that the law of the land matters. Justice matters and injustice hurts everyone in the society, the good people in particular.

Resting in Him,

"They" know what feigned Love looks like, and "they" follow the teachings of the One who died for them. "They" have rebuked pride and seen sinners condemn other sinners on this page, though Jesus's blood of Grace and Love that was spilled for us "while we were yet sinners", is the only sinlessness anyone can claim. "They", do not profane the blood of Christ, by beating His servants and all who He died for.

Maybe so. Probably so, but the responsibility for our actions is still our own.

Thank God for grace then, because one way, day or another we'll sin of our own volition.

Thank you town Heritic, for standing up for the Love of Jesus with the few that came here and did so, as well. [emoji106][emoji846][emoji231]

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Get your armor ready!
Hall of Fame
"They" know what feigned Love looks like, and "they" follow the teachings of the One who died for them. "They" have rebuked pride and seen sinners condemn other sinners on this page, though Jesus's blood of Grace and Love that was spilled for us "while we were yet sinners", is the only sinlessness anyone can claim. "They", do not profane the blood of Christ, by beating His servants and all who He died for.

Thank you town Heritic, for standing up for the Love of Jesus with the few that came here and did so, as well. [emoji106][emoji846][emoji231]

Sent from my iPad using TOL ~Jesus is the Theology and the Counselor is the Commentary
"They" should know that Jesus hates sin.
Hates it.
Hates it.
Hates it.

Homosexuality is sin.
It's not OK to be gay.
It's not OK to be a murderer.
It's not OK to be an adulterer.
All three were to be executed.

Was GOD unloving then, but is loving now?
GOD's love has not changed.
He has always been a loving GOD.

So you have to ask yourself just why you think executing homos is unloving when it is exactly what our loving GOD said should happen to homos?


"They" should know that Jesus hates sin.
Hates it.
Hates it.
Hates it.

Homosexuality is sin.
It's not OK to be gay.
It's not OK to be a murderer.
It's not OK to be an adulterer.
All three were to be executed.

Was GOD unloving then, but is loving now?
GOD's love has not changed.
He has always been a loving GOD.

So you have to ask yourself just why you think executing homos is unloving when it is exactly what our loving GOD said should happen to homos?

Do you believe Jesus is God?

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Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
"They" should know that Jesus hates sin.
Sure. Not in the petty way we do, of course. But he doesn't appear to hate sinners. Or he loves them more. He came and died for them, for us.

To me that's much more profound than any statement on hate will ever be.

Homosexuality is sin.

It's not OK to be gay.
It's not OK to be a murderer.
It's not OK to be an adulterer.
Why not "it's not okay to sin"?

All three were to be executed.
Yes, they were.

Was GOD unloving then, but is loving now?
Of course not. God is who He has always been. But how He deals with us has changed. The law was Just and brutal. He knew we would fail it. And so grace, mercy, unmerited forgiveness in Christ. The foreshadowing of that, of the fulfilled law, is found in Jesus pardoning the woman brought to him for stoning. But they hadn't seen anything yet. Not really.

The God they understood was first Just and second Jealous. Christ opened a deeper window into God's nature. The cross is a magnificent revelation. :)


Some Jerk Brought TNP to ToL

Do you believe GOD said homos should be executed?

No, I believe God gave the highest commands to test humanity.

Love God, Self and Neighbor.

Only God has the right to "execute" judgment, and we as sinners, do not. Please show me where Jesus says Judge and Kill. [emoji6]

Then He gave imperfect humanity spiritual revelations about His coming, wrapped in the context of rules that sinners could kill one another over, if they denied their need for the blood of atonement.

This is why Jesus says, only God is good and why He says mercy triumphs over judgment.

He forgave the adulterous and showed His true intention. If He had meant otherwise and stoned the adulterous, then you would be right.

If you have to extricate the content of the story, outside of scripture, then I know that you are outside of scripture.

Do you struggle with sin Tambora? Aside from Christ's covering, do you profess to be sinless?

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