So what is the problem

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No. Jesus' Spirit IS the Holy Spirit of God.

The scriptures tell us that plainly.

Now all you have to do is believe.


". . . .if the Spirit of him that raised up Jesus from the dead dwell in you, he that raised up Christ from the dead shall also quicken your mortal bodies by his Spirit that dwelleth in you." Romans 8:11 (KJV)

I am speaking of:

". . . . Jesus of Nazareth, a man approved of God . . . . " Acts 2:22(KJV) Who was raised by the Holy Spirit also known as the Spirit of God.

Do you know Him? You might better understand if you would understand that upon the new birth from above, one does NOT receive the Spirit of Christ but, His very Life. Know also that one cannot be intimate with a spirit but with a person. Even Spiritually speaking the intimacy I speak of is still with a person, Jesus. cf John 17:3.

[To "know" is to be "intimate' with]

God's Truth

New member

". . . .if the Spirit of him that raised up Jesus from the dead dwell in you, he that raised up Christ from the dead shall also quicken your mortal bodies by his Spirit that dwelleth in you." Romans 8:11 (KJV)

I am speaking of:

". . . . Jesus of Nazareth, a man approved of God . . . . " Acts 2:22(KJV)

Do you know Him?

I do know him. Do you?

The Spirit of him that raised up Jesus from the dead is Jesus' Spirit.

Jesus raised himself from the dead. Don't you believe the scriptures?

What Spirit dwells in you?

Does Jesus dwell in you?

Would you like to explain?

You used that scripture against me, but it is against you.

Cross Reference

New member
But the sacrifice covered more than just the lost sheep of Israel, which is who our Lord was speaking of in those verses...those to whom He was sent. Specifically the Apostles and those Jews who believed He was the Messiah/Good Shepard. IMHO ;)

Matthew 15:24 But he answered and said, I am not sent but unto the lost sheep of the house of Israel.

After He had risen, His sacrifice covered all who believe through the Gospel of Grace.

What goes misunderstood in this by AMR is: God never redeemed those under His wrath but those no longer under his wrath. IF they were or had been redeemed salavtion provides His mercy either through their fear or love TO Him by those who believe the account of redemption and act upon that regard.

Redemption is a new foundation for living life as God reveals it. Not in? Sorry,so building allowed from the outside permitted. It is by covenantal arrangement that one can only begin building.


New member
Why do you keep saying that? Jesus is the Spirit. Jesus' words are Spirit.

The Father is above all, through all and in all including Jesus Christ.

"But if the Spirit of Him who raised Jesus from the dead dwells in you, He who raised Christ from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies through His Spirit who dwells in you." (Romans 8:11)


New member
Jesus had no need to be born of the Spirit as we do by a second birth because He had been already conceived by it.. Now do you understand?

"And He is the head of the body, the church, who is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead" (Colossians 1:18)

Do you not believe Jesus was the firstborn from the dead?

Cross Reference

New member
"And He is the head of the body, the church, who is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead" (Colossians 1:18)

Do you not believe Jesus was the firstborn from the dead?

Yep. If He had been God His death could not have happened. You do understand that don't you?

God's Truth

New member
The Father is above all, through all and in all including Jesus Christ.

"But if the Spirit of Him who raised Jesus from the dead dwells in you, He who raised Christ from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies through His Spirit who dwells in you." (Romans 8:11)

Jesus' Spirit is the Holy Spirit of God. He raised himself; and, Jesus' Spirit lives in the saved.

God's Truth

New member
"And He is the head of the body, the church, who is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead" (Colossians 1:18)

Do you not believe Jesus was the firstborn from the dead?

First born from the dead is about being the first resurrected body.

Cross Reference

New member
Jesus' Spirit is the Holy Spirit of God. He raised himself; and, Jesus' Spirit lives in the saved.
The Bible Says God raised Jesus. God had to because God had forsaken Him on the cross and because Jesus was sinless leaving God with no choice but to raise Him, which He had already purposed to but had to wait until all was accomplished by Jesus descending into the grave and unlocking the saints from their prison of death because of Adam's transgression. Death, the last enemy.

Cross Reference

New member
We all have our own spirit inside of us. Our physical body dies but spirits do not die.

Jesus died physically and lived on in his Spirit.

All spirits of the physically dead "return to God who gave them". That's Bible.

The body goes into the grave to decay. Jesus' body could not decay which left His soul still intact. Resurrection had to happen. God could not deny it, His Holiness had been satisfied.

Now bring it all uptodate and appply it to your being born again, if you consider yourself as being such. Make application from that position of relationship with God Who is bound by His Holiness.

God's Truth

New member
The Bible Says God raised Jesus. God had to because God had forsaken Him on the cross and because Jesus was sinless leaving God with no choice but to raise Him, which He had already purposed to but had to wait until all was accomplished by Jesus descending into the grave and unlocking the saints from their prison of death because of Adam's transgression. Death, the last enemy.

Did you ever wonder why some scriptures say the Father raised Jesus and some scriptures say Jesus raised himself?

God's Truth

New member
All spirits of the physically dead "return to God who gave them". That's Bible.

Right; which is proof our spirits don't die.

The body goes into the grave to decay. Jesus' body could not decay which left His soul still intact.
Jesus did not decay because he was raised from the dead before it could happen.

The soul is a physical body made alive by it's spirit.

When the physical body dies, the spirit leaves the body.

Resurrection had to happen. God could not deny it, His Holiness had been satisfied.

Jesus is God and he raised himself.

Cross Reference

New member
ight; which is proof our spirits don't die.

Nor do we [or anyone else] 'wander around" in them after our physical death as you suggest concerning Jesus..

Jesus did not decay because he was raised from the dead before it could happen.

Exactly! God had to make His move before decay happened PROVING Jesus was NOT God either before or after the cross UNTIL He was Glorified.

The soul is a physical body made alive by it's spirit.

Our soul is who we are both before and after we die. The soul needs both the body and spirit to carry on business as usual. Having said that I don't mean to suggest it dies but, of necessity, is permitted enter only one of 2 places where it will remain until either the first or second resurrection and that contingent upon its relationship to God.
Blessed are they who participate in the first resurrection because the second one will be unto everlasting existance where God isn't. . . a terrible eternally more that frightful place.

When the physical body dies, the spirit leaves the body.

I believe I said it returns to God.

Jesus is God and he raised himself.

Why do you want to emphasize that when nothing I have said countermands that, when all I have stated is that Jesus wasn't until He was Glorified?


First born from the dead is about being the first resurrected body.
The firstborn from the dead as a spiritual body, correct. :up: There were other resurrections before Him, but none of those were as the incorruptible spiritual body that He is now. He is the first of that lot, and so far, the only, until the resurrection of all the dead.

Cross Reference

New member
The firstborn from the dead as a spiritual body, correct. :up: There were other resurrections before Him, but none of those were as the incorruptible spiritual body that He is now. He is the first of that lot, and so far, the only, until the resurrection of all the dead.

Question: Since all spirits upon physical death return to God who gave them, whose spirit did Jesus have after His resurrection? His own? God's? And if God's, why? Would not His own have been satisfactory insofar as He was sinless from the beginning and after He returned from the Father after presenting Himself for 'inspection'and being Glorified, why the need for maybe an advanced updated version? . . . <tongue in cheek>


Question: Since all spirits upon physical death return to God who gave them
I don't know what you mean.
, whose spirit did Jesus have after His resurrection? His own? God's?
Yes, if you mean by spirit soul. His soul is human, and He is God.
And if God's, why? Would not His own have been satisfactory insofar as He was sinless from the beginning and after He returned from the Father after presenting Himself for 'inspection'and being Glorified, why the need for maybe an advanced updated version? . . . <tongue in cheek>
I don't know what you mean.