Shalom. Has the Law been abolished? Has a covenant of God been made obsolete?


1)answer my question please.

2)what makes you assume that those who don't believe faith is ineffectual don't already have faith in the Christ of GOD? How do you conclude that those from which you can observe faith through works don't already have faith. That doesn't make sense and is illogical.

Anyone can rattle off some vague spoon feed bull.

Answer my questions in your words; preferably with actual answers to questions actually asked.


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Epo is not the enemy of Christ. Please concentrate on the simple truth.

No one is perfect.


New member
Your wedded to a law that was never for you, Hebrew Roots or SDA or whatever you are.
I ask that you please do stop with the assumptions. I am not affiliated with any particular sect or division of faith in GOD. I will gladly disclose any information you may like in regards to my faith, but please; just ask, don't guess.

Are you not going to answer my questions at all?


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