Separate Yourself


You seem eager to point out my error...well...have at it

I said
lololo You can be very self condemning some times.

Rom 2:1

1 Therefore you are inexcusable, O man, whoever you are who judge, for in whatever you judge another you condemn yourself; for you who judge practice the same things.


I already answered you...more willing to repeat myself when discussing scripture

I have attended many and don't consider myself any in a large urban area I have plenty of choices and all of options...wish I could attend some that are not near here but "meet" on line...

I said
No denomination, then why do you argue the Sabbath so strongly? Are you in heckler training? I didn't take you for a heckler because your not very good at it.


New member
So back to the topic at hand.
At least some sort of attempt anyway.

It is obvious from nearly all spiritual writings and the Word of GOD, and the conscience that we are to separate ourselves from greed of any sort. Through honest retrospect and introspection while keeping the attitude of selflessness or altruism close at hand one can begin to identify self deceit and selfish motives contrary to the will of life, the teachings of the Christ, and the Will of GOD.

Technically this could be said to be subjective opinion, but that isn't all it my opinion.

Can anyone relate or affirm what I am saying? Squeaky; is this somewhat in line with your initial topic on this thread?


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Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
So back to the topic at hand.
At least some sort of attempt anyway.

It is obvious from nearly all spiritual writings and the Word of GOD, and the conscience that we are to separate ourselves from greed of any sort. Through honest retrospect and introspection while keeping the attitude of selflessness or altruism close at hand one can begin to identify self deceit and selfish motives contrary to the will of life, the teachings of the Christ, and the Will of GOD.

Technically this could be said to be the subjective opinion, but that isn't all it my opinion.

Can anyone relate or affirm what I am saying? Squeaky; is this somewhat in line with your initial topic on this thread?


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Could you break this down a bit and make it more understandable? I realize posters have a desire to appear articulate, however, sometimes during the process their words become unintelligible.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Telling one he needs to shout louder because his god may be sleeping is one way of correction...

What? wow...banned from TOL for outing sins of the churches...crazy place

She's talking about the Trinity. She doesn't believe in the Trinity. She's a "Rabid" anti-Trinity proponent. She also despises the Apostle Paul and only trusts in Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John.


New member
Could you break this down a bit and make it more understandable? I realize posters have a desire to appear articulate, however, sometimes during the process their words become unintelligible.
I thought I had put it rather simply, but I'll try to explain some. Does anyone agree that honest introspection and retrospect while consciously being aware of wants of self can lead to truth about the state of self which, once seen can be acted upon?

That's a start anyway.

I wasn't trying to seem any way. These are sincere questions derived from my own study and experience.


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She's talking about the Trinity. She doesn't believe in the Trinity. She's a "Rabid" anti-Trinity proponent. She also despises the Apostle Paul and only trusts in Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John.

I said
Why are you even on one of my threads??? We have never agreed on anything.


New member
She's talking about the Trinity. She doesn't believe in the Trinity. She's a "Rabid" anti-Trinity proponent. She also despises the Apostle Paul and only trusts in Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John.

One gets banned for that? Hmmm...

Very interesting that she rejects Paul

thanks for the clarifying


Door nobs? What makes you say that?

Just trying to follow Him...His as He know, doer of His Word

Heard of that before?

I said
But your profile says your something other than a Christian. Its ok I have met some weird people on here. You can tell me what do you worship?? Jew? muslim? the fat guy on a stick?


New member
I said
But your profile says your something other than a Christian. Its ok I have met some weird people on here. You can tell me what do you worship?? Jew? muslim? the fat guy on a stick?
That seems quite closed minded.
They are all faiths derived from Abraham. I think the last reference might have been to Buddhism, but Buddhist don't worship the Budda per say.

Regardless, neither Buddhists nor Islamic believers deny Jesus the Christ of GOD, and most assuredly do not deny the teachings and example of the Christ.

In your own opinion; why can't one consider themselves a follower of all of the above and Christianity?

Have you read any of the core writings of the faiths you seem to mock? If you had, and had a firm grasp of your own core text then you would gather that they all are very similar in many pertinent ways, and that none should be mocked from the solitary perspective of another.

Can you reference verses about greed or pride or arrogance? I bet you can...

Peace friend

No offence intended

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One gets banned for that? Hmmm...

Very interesting that she rejects Paul

thanks for the clarifying

I don't put Paul on a pedestal like most Christians do. Jesus taught us everything we need to know about God and how to worship Him.


New member
I don't put Paul on a pedestal like most Christians do. Jesus taught us everything we need to know about God and how to worship Him.

Most Christians slander Paul and falsely assert that he taught a change in the Law...some pedestal