Scripture. What is considered Scripture?


Well-known member
Lon writes:
I guess that's what passes for "A's" in Georgia?

Feel free to pass your unnamed schools up against Georgia Tech.

Better yet, honestly answer the questions about Jairus.
1) Did Jairus initially ask Jesus to heal a sick girl or to raise a dead girl?
2) Did Jairus learn his daughter was dead before Jesus started to his house or afterwards?

If there was anyone here who wanted to reward you for your browbeating ways, you'd have been answered by now. Personally, I wouldn't answer you if my membership on this site was at stake. In fact, I'd eat a handful of big dead cicadas and drink a cup of vinegar before I'd respond to your browbeating. :cool:

Rewarding evil intentions with good is bound to produce more evil deeds. Your intentions are evil. Your mission is evil. And you are out to cause dissent. And, you look downright stupid for continuing to repeat and repeat yourself like the heathens do. :down:
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Well-known member
When people don’t like the truth, they attack the messenger.
:think: Quote? Link? Study? I think you can like the message and still attack the messenger :think:

Your attacks on my academic history are amusing, given my success.
Big fish in little ponds might be littler in bigger lakes. :think: (You haven't been using your education well).
It amuses you and that's fine. It doesn't matter then for this discussion but I am left wondering 'why' nothing goes between your ears.
Stubborn, indoctrinated, and refusal to listen aren't academic hallmarks so you'll have to forgive such assessment. To me, the writing seems evident upon the wall.

But I waited many pages and days while you imagined something about me far from the truth, because your imagination was off topic and wrong.
:nono: Having assessed thousands for their academic ability, I do this pretty well. Occasionally wrong? Not often.

When I reckoned that your shameful words about me revealed something important about you that is relevant to your rejection of what the scriptures actually say, then I corrected your view.
Reckoning you a 'C' student is hardly shameful. It DOES reveal what is important to you, however, despite how much you kick and squirm otherwise. I've had 'smart' folks try and tell me I'm dumb. 1) They were smart 2) They were wrong. That's it. Maybe they were trying to tear me down. I think, in a nutshell, we don't want to waste our time with those who cannot be taught. For you? I'm trying to figure out why you are taking the academic low-road if you actually have the prowess otherwise. I'm not seeing it, frankly.

Now, about the story of Jairus, why is your only response don’t look at errors. You are not supposed to do that.
See ▲here▲? This doesn't look "A" material to me. There are several posters on TOL who are actually smarter than I am. You've met one of them in thread. I'd bet you know who he or she is. It is 'evident.' I KNOW they are smarter than I am. When they talk, I listen. I may not always agree, but I shut up quickly so I can learn something. I truly believe, the mark of intelligence, is a willingness to listen and continue learning. I don't really see that in you, and it makes me wonder. As you might be discovering, I have a few degrees as well. I AM a little envious of you, I cannot work AND go to school at the same time. I couldn't stay awake in classes. Once I figured that out, I was back up to A's and B's (Masters with a 3.87). Want to know why it wasn't a 4.0? The teacher kept saying 'trivia' and I'd put my pen down. She was 'intimating' that such would be on the test. RUINED my gpa for lack of correct conveyance. I was really upset about that.

Back to the thread: We have the Spirit, but the Spirit needs to be able to use something to confirm things to us, for when 'our' imperfection gets it wrong. "If" you didn't have the Bible, you'd know little of God. Romans 10:13-15

As far as I'm concerned, you are wasting your time. You MUST use the Bible to convince anybody of anything. Focussing on the 'errors' would do NOTHING for you. You 'could' question whether Romans 1 really set homosexuality out of the church, etc. But that's an agenda to 'undermine' the authority of the Bible.
A lot of liberals and many on TOL have already tried that. Sometimes the 'agenda' comes later.

If you don't agree that the Bible has authority over you for life and godliness, our discussion is simply about posturing between us on what and will not be authoritative in our lives. It is ALWAYS going to be about authority and God's authority over our lives. Ehrman isn't walking with God because he rejected the God of the Bible, NOT because he rejected the Bible. He had to reject God. Taking aim at inerrancy is not the answer. Because of that, I still have to wonder about what passes for you, for intelligence, walking with Jesus, and ability to think clearly and logically.

In a nutshell, try to ALWAYS look beyond the name-calling. Those names are ways people express an assessment: They are telling you 'this doesn't appear godly' - "Child of Satan" they are trying to tell you 'this doesn't make sense' "You're a halfwit!" They are trying to tell you 'you are confusing' " :dizzy:" Listen beyond the name-calling. I know you think it is always 'shameful' but try not to get caught up in the name-calling yourself. If you are truly an A student, you can grasp what I'm saying here. If not? :idunno:

George Affleck

TOL Subscriber
No George.

One account has Jairus actually telling Jesus his daughter JUST DIED.

η (the) θυγατηρ (daughter) μου (of me) αρτι (just) ετελευτησεν (died).

But you wish to actually re-write the text of Matthew to make it look like Jairus said something else. You are creating your own account of the events because you cannot accept what is actually written.

η θυγατηρ μου αρτι ετελευτησεν

While he is speaking these things to them, lo, a ruler having come, was bowing to him, saying that 'My daughter just now died, but, having come, lay thy hand upon her, and she shall live.' (Mat 9:18 YLT)

So you will recognize that αρτι ετελευτησεν is not as cut and dried as you falsely make it out to be, I will quote those who know. Perhaps you will be illuminated. Miracles do happen after all.

...there is not nearly so much difference between Matthew’s arti eteleutēsen in v. 18 (which could fairly be translated “just came to the point of death”; cf. Heb 11:22) and eschatos echei in Mark 5:23...(Craig Blomberg, vol. 22, The New American Commentary, 160.​
When the father left the child, she was at her last gasp; and he knew not whether to regard her now as dead or alive; and, yet having not received certain knowledge of her death, he was perplexed whether to speak of her as departed or not, expressing himself one moment in one language, and at the next in another. Strange that a circumstance like this, so drawn from life, so testifying of the things recorded, should be urged by some as a contradiction (R.C. Trench, 1949, pp. 107-108).​

The Greek word, rendered “is even now dead,” does not of necessity mean, as our translation would express, that she had actually expired, but only that she was “dying” or about to die…. The passage [Matthew 9:18—EL] may be expressed thus: “My daughter was so sick that she must be dead by this time” (Barnes, 1997).​

Adam Clarke mentions in his commentary on Matthew that it could be translated, “my daughter was just now dying”.
This goes very well with the KJV rendering Matt 9:18KJV.

The issue isn't with what Jairus thought or knew, it's with what Jairus actually said, or more specifically, the contradiction in separate accounts with what Jairus actually said.

George,... they had Jairus say two different things that contradict. Obviously he didn't say both.

Mat.: λεγων οτι η θυγατηρ μου αρτι ετελευτησεν (G5053)

Mar.: λεγων οτι το θυγατριον μου εσχατως (G2079)

So did Jairus λεγων οτι (say) G5053? Or did Jairus say G2079?

An inerrant text cannot have two accounts of the same person using two completely different words. One is incorrect, and both accounts contradict. (But a text with errors most certainly can convey the same meaning.)

Of course he said both! He undoubtedly said many things that are not reported. That's the whole point. Begging, pleading, sobbing. And they were likely contradictory at the time. Given that a distraught father, who so lowered himself from his religious position to seek out a miracle worker, was desperate to say anything to save his daughter, how is it you can't take into consideration that his frantic and varied explanations likely went on for many minutes?
Because you are sticking to your mantra.

Much more than what each author decided to record most certainly transpired during this episode. Thinking of any of them as exact and exhaustive reporting is where you get it wrong. These are brief summaries.

Jairus was most likely irrational. Recording part of that irrational behavior by one witness and another part by another witness does not create a contradiction in the scriptures. It simply points out the contradiction of feelings in the heart of Jairus and the words that poured out of him.

The most natural explanation is this:
Jairus, having left his daughter near death's door, came and found Jesus and told Him that his daughter was sick, that when he left her she was near death, and by this time is "even now dead" (KJV).

Adverbs modify verbs, George. You've focused on τελευτάω and forgot (or ignored) the adverb αρτι (LINK). αρτι indicates an actual instance in time. "The daughter of me just now died." Mat 9:18

A purile mind hopes that all words, in any language, have only one strict meaning. If I may ask, please tell me if this same word, used in these verses must reference "an actual instance in time" or a somewhat less strict period of time:

John 2:10KJV, John 13:7KJV, Gal 1:10, Matt 3:15KJV

Deal with it.


PS: Deal with it, don't deny the truth and fabricate a fairy tale. When someone whose faith is based on inerrancy finally sees the truth, that faith will crumble. Have faith in God, not inerrant Holy Writings.

Someone whose faith is based on a god who makes mistakes already has a fairy tale.


Well-known member
Because you are sticking to your mantra.
And there are only so many reasons that come to mind:
1) Ignorance, taught incorrectly and feel they must teach this poor thinking (cult another religion).
2) Not ignorant, but agenda run "if then this" (liberal man-centered - "God couldn't have meant for gays to be outside of the kingdom of God" for instance)
3) Purposefully lying and causing doubt (servant of Satan Genesis 3:1)
4) Simpleton/Carnal (not aware of anything but that this causes controversy and they are drawn to controversy for its own sake and pleasure)
5) A combination of these including all of them

Someone whose faith is based on a god who makes mistakes already has a fairy tale.
Yes, if God hasn't picked a way for us to know Him, we couldn't know Him. Any 'loose' interpretation invites questioning God's words and directives.

John 6:60-71 60 When many of his disciples heard it, they said, “This is a hard saying; who can listen to it?” 61 But Jesus, knowing in himself that his disciples were grumbling about this, said to them, “Do you take offense at this? 62 Then what if you were to see the Son of Man ascending to where he was before? 63 It is the Spirit who gives life; the flesh is no help at all. The words that I have spoken to you are spirit and life. 64 But there are some of you who do not believe.” (For Jesus knew from the beginning who those were who did not believe, and who it was who would betray him.) 65 And he said, “This is why I told you that no one can come to me unless it is granted him by the Father.”
66 After this many of his disciples turned back and no longer walked with him. 67 So Jesus said to the twelve, “Do you want to go away as well?” 68 Simon Peter answered him, “Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life, 69 and we have believed, and have come to know, that you are the Holy One of God.” 70 Jesus answered them, “Did I not choose you, the twelve? And yet one of you is a devil.” 71 He spoke of Judas the son of Simon Iscariot, for he, one of the twelve, was going to betray him.


New member
:think: Quote? Link? Study? I think you can like the message and still attack the messenger :think:

Big fish in little ponds might be littler in bigger lakes. :think: (You haven't been using your education well).
It amuses you and that's fine. It doesn't matter then for this discussion but I am left wondering 'why' nothing goes between your ears.
Stubborn, indoctrinated, and refusal to listen aren't academic hallmarks so you'll have to forgive such assessment. To me, the writing seems evident upon the wall.

:nono: Having assessed thousands for their academic ability, I do this pretty well. Occasionally wrong? Not often.

Reckoning you a 'C' student is hardly shameful. It DOES reveal what is important to you, however, despite how much you kick and squirm otherwise. I've had 'smart' folks try and tell me I'm dumb. 1) They were smart 2) They were wrong. That's it. Maybe they were trying to tear me down. I think, in a nutshell, we don't want to waste our time with those who cannot be taught. For you? I'm trying to figure out why you are taking the academic low-road if you actually have the prowess otherwise. I'm not seeing it, frankly.

See ▲here▲? This doesn't look "A" material to me. There are several posters on TOL who are actually smarter than I am. You've met one of them in thread. I'd bet you know who he or she is. It is 'evident.' I KNOW they are smarter than I am. When they talk, I listen. I may not always agree, but I shut up quickly so I can learn something. I truly believe, the mark of intelligence, is a willingness to listen and continue learning. I don't really see that in you, and it makes me wonder. As you might be discovering, I have a few degrees as well. I AM a little envious of you, I cannot work AND go to school at the same time. I couldn't stay awake in classes. Once I figured that out, I was back up to A's and B's (Masters with a 3.87). Want to know why it wasn't a 4.0? The teacher kept saying 'trivia' and I'd put my pen down. She was 'intimating' that such would be on the test. RUINED my gpa for lack of correct conveyance. I was really upset about that.

Back to the thread: We have the Spirit, but the Spirit needs to be able to use something to confirm things to us, for when 'our' imperfection gets it wrong. "If" you didn't have the Bible, you'd know little of God. Romans 10:13-15

As far as I'm concerned, you are wasting your time. You MUST use the Bible to convince anybody of anything. Focussing on the 'errors' would do NOTHING for you. You 'could' question whether Romans 1 really set homosexuality out of the church, etc. But that's an agenda to 'undermine' the authority of the Bible.
A lot of liberals and many on TOL have already tried that. Sometimes the 'agenda' comes later.

If you don't agree that the Bible has authority over you for life and godliness, our discussion is simply about posturing between us on what and will not be authoritative in our lives. It is ALWAYS going to be about authority and God's authority over our lives. Ehrman isn't walking with God because he rejected the God of the Bible, NOT because he rejected the Bible. He had to reject God. Taking aim at inerrancy is not the answer. Because of that, I still have to wonder about what passes for you, for intelligence, walking with Jesus, and ability to think clearly and logically.

In a nutshell, try to ALWAYS look beyond the name-calling. Those names are ways people express an assessment: They are telling you 'this doesn't appear godly' - "Child of Satan" they are trying to tell you 'this doesn't make sense' "You're a halfwit!" They are trying to tell you 'you are confusing' " :dizzy:" Listen beyond the name-calling. I know you think it is always 'shameful' but try not to get caught up in the name-calling yourself. If you are truly an A student, you can grasp what I'm saying here. If not? :idunno:

Lots of words, no answers:
1) Did Jairus initially ask Jesus to heal a sick girl or to raise a dead girl?
2) Did Jairus learn his daughter was dead before Jesus started to his house or afterwards?


New member
George, you wrote:
Someone whose faith is based on a god who makes mistakes already has a fairy tale.

Are you implying that God wrote the Bible?

Are you implying the Bible, in its entirety, is the Word of God?

And are you implying that God perfectly preserved the Bible?


Well-known member
Lots of words, no answers
Awe, and here I was being genuine with you.
:think: Quote? Link? Study? I think you can like the message and still attack the messenger :think:
So you are just asserting this? Repeating a 'saying' instead of verifying if it is true? Do you operate on hearsay? It'd explain a few things....

Big fish in little ponds might be littler in bigger lakes. :think: (You haven't been using your education well).
It amuses you and that's fine. It doesn't matter then for this discussion but I am left wondering 'why' nothing goes between your ears.
▲Including your repeatedly short examples of inability to address anything of length NOR seem to have the capacity for formatting said response. :(
Stubborn, indoctrinated, and refusal to listen aren't academic hallmarks so you'll have to forgive such assessment. To me, the writing seems evident upon the wall.
Yeah, if you 'did' earn A's, you aren't doing so now :nono: You are showing aptitude and comprehension which are necessary for the higher grades. You just AREN'T displaying that. I think you are dumbing yourself down the older you get. Remember the parable of the talents? The guy that quit and buried his talent was in trouble. Do you remember that?

:nono: Having assessed thousands for their academic ability, I do this pretty well. Occasionally wrong? Not often.
I've already given you the list, sometimes we get it wrong, but it HAS to be one on that list.
Reckoning you a 'C' student is hardly shameful. It DOES reveal what is important to you, however, despite how much you kick and squirm otherwise. I've had 'smart' folks try and tell me I'm dumb. 1) They were smart 2) They were wrong. That's it. Maybe they were trying to tear me down. I think, in a nutshell, we don't want to waste our time with those who cannot be taught. For you? I'm trying to figure out why you are taking the academic low-road if you actually have the prowess otherwise. I'm not seeing it, frankly.
Taking this road? There are only a couple of reasons why you'd choose it (already listed).

See ▲here▲? This doesn't look "A" material to me. There are several posters on TOL who are actually smarter than I am. You've met one of them in thread. I'd bet you know who he or she is. It is 'evident.' I KNOW they are smarter than I am. When they talk, I listen. I may not always agree, but I shut up quickly so I can learn something. I truly believe, the mark of intelligence, is a willingness to listen and continue learning. I don't really see that in you, and it makes me wonder.
You've done a good number of the men and women in this thread a disservice. They ARE smart. You've trampled them AND what they've taken a lot of time and thought to try and explain to you. BECAUSE you are interested in only your own thoughts, you've ignored them and trampled them. I guarantee some of them have something to teach YOU. You are too busy lifting yourself up. "Listen to me, listen to me, listen to ME!"

Back to the thread: We have the Spirit, but the Spirit needs to be able to use something to confirm things to us, for when 'our' imperfection gets it wrong. "If" you didn't have the Bible, you'd know little of God. Romans 10:13-15
Of all the things that matter, I REALLY wish you interacted with the scriptures. Me? Forgettable if not wholly disdained. That? Well, I've burnt my bridge for being a profitable servant so another like George can step up in my place. He's a nice guy as well as intelligent and well studied.
Regardless, scripture is the only thing I've really in common with any believer. If we don't have that, we don't have fellowship and GloryDaz is right and we are enemies regarding the cross. We've the Spirit, Scripture, and church that could unite us. If you attack any of those three, you are seen as an enemy to the Lord Jesus Christ.
As far as I'm concerned, you are wasting your time. You MUST use the Bible to convince anybody of anything. Focussing on the 'errors' would do NOTHING for you. You 'could' question whether Romans 1 really set homosexuality out of the church, etc. But that's an agenda to 'undermine' the authority of the Bible.
A lot of liberals and many on TOL have already tried that. Sometimes the 'agenda' comes later.

If you don't agree that the Bible has authority over you for life and godliness, our discussion is simply about posturing between us on what and will not be authoritative in our lives. It is ALWAYS going to be about authority and God's authority over our lives. Ehrman isn't walking with God because he rejected the God of the Bible, NOT because he rejected the Bible. He had to reject God. Taking aim at inerrancy is not the answer. Because of that, I still have to wonder about what passes for you, for intelligence, walking with Jesus, and ability to think clearly and logically.
And if you don't get this, the problem is scripture only describes so many ways that one can attack God's principles. Think about this a moment: Is Satan, evil, stupid, insane, or all the above?
If we ever see someone attacking what we believe is God's, necessarily, doesn't one of these have to continue to apply? Attacking God just isn't anything good. I'm not sure 'how' smart he is, but he can dress as an angel of light, making things 'look' appealing.

The discussion is over whether the Bible is from God OR whether it is not. It can't be halfway. It can't. Think for a LONG time about this with your 'A' mind. It needs a few hours of your contemplation.

Lon;5171184I said:
n a nutshell, try to ALWAYS look beyond the name-calling. Those names are ways people express an assessment: They are telling you 'this doesn't appear godly' - "Child of Satan" they are trying to tell you 'this doesn't make sense' "You're a halfwit!" They are trying to tell you 'you are confusing' " :dizzy:" Listen beyond the name-calling. I know you think it is always 'shameful' but try not to get caught up in the name-calling yourself. If you are truly an A student, you can grasp what I'm saying here. If not? :idunno:
Name-calling isn't always evil. Sometimes it is ignorant (don't know how to say it any other way). Sometimes it is "no, I don't like your message and because of that or along with that, I don't like you either) etc.

In today's politically correct environment, we can fall prey to poor thinking. The Lord Jesus Christ DID use metaphors and simile (namecalling). It is more important whether those 'names' are accurate assessments or simply 'mean.' They aren't always said to be mean. I was taught to be 'nice' but the bible says to be gentle. TRYING to explain things to you, is being gentle or at least my attempt at it. The sad thing? Unless I say it in a way that you think is 'mean' you ignore me and give me a two sentence response :(
Last edited:


Well-known member
Lots of words, no answers:
1) Did Jairus initially ask Jesus to heal a sick girl or to raise a dead girl?
Um, both? George already answered this. He's a sharp thinker. You SHOULD be listening to him.
2) Did Jairus learn his daughter was dead before Jesus started to his house or afterwards?
George answered this one too. You don't like it? No surprise there.

"Nobody has answered my questions so far." :plain: Is this your 'A' prowess speaking? :think:

Lots of words, no answers:
1) Did Jairus initially ask Jesus to heal a sick girl or to raise a dead girl?
Um, both? George already answered this. He's a sharp thinker. You SHOULD be listening to him.
2) Did Jairus learn his daughter was dead before Jesus started to his house or afterwards?
George answered this one too. You don't like it? No surprise there.

"Nobody has answered my questions so far." :plain: Is this your 'A' prowess speaking? :think:

CLEARLY George HAS answered your question.

That means, NECESSARILY:
1) You are lying
2) You aren't reading/have a learning disability
3) You aren't that bright
4) Everbody 'else' is one of these things en masse

Which is it? :think:

Maybe make it really clear: "Nobody has answered to 'MY' satisfaction." -True

"I'm right, the whole church but for the liberal one and a few Charismatics are wrong, I am THAT brilliant!" - :think: - Might apply to you

"I don't care what you say, you are wrong." - True, you think this too, just come out and say it whenever you first come to a website. We'd not bother wasting our time :think:

"I have a liberal agenda and it NEVER works, so I have to do this a little at a time through subterfuge and trickery and parlor tricks WAY before I ever disclose I'm pushing for liberal theology that is nice to everybody" - :think:

"I belong to the church of Satan and the goal is to attack God at His source to man: The Bible" - :noway:

"I REALLY miss Ehrman! :baby:" - :idunno:

Are you needlessly taking offense are actually understanding what I'm asking? (yes, I know I said some of this twice, I thought you 'might' get repetition if not for reinforcement, as some kind of weird 'proof?' :idunno:


George Affleck

TOL Subscriber
George, you wrote:
Someone whose faith is based on a god who makes mistakes already has a fairy tale.

Are you implying that God wrote the Bible?

Are you implying the Bible, in its entirety, is the Word of God?

And are you implying that God perfectly preserved the Bible?

No, I am implying that someone whose faith is based on a god who makes mistakes already has a fairy tale.


Well-known member
Look at this devious drivel.
It just oozes out of him.

Daqq said:

He replies with:


Yeah, he somehow missed the point that I spoke of certain revelations coming from the very scripture which he says is erroneous. There are many many things that happen to us which, if we are looking, we end up finding those things or at least similar things spoken of in the scripture. It is then that we have a better understanding of such things, especially when it concerns things we may have read many times before in our walk and our studies, and yet never really quite fully understood. I did not mean that the "experience" came first and then I ran to the scripture to find it, no, because if one does not first have the information placed into the old thick noggin; how then can Elohim bring it down to earth into the soil of the heart? So we spend much time inputting information, that is, reading and studying, in patience, prayer, and enduring faithfulness: and when the Son of Man comes it is He who puts it all together in unbelievable ways we would never have imagined. But if one is not willing to first, by faith, input the information recorded in the scripture into his or her own mind; how can it altogether be brought down to earth in logical terms and reconciled in the heart, (that is like as if to say, brought down from the heavens to the earth, the soil of the heart, which the Son of Man does). I by no means claim to know everything, (and I know that knowledge does not save), and straightly confess that I continue in the midst of an ongoing walk with and in the Word of the Father. But to listen to Zenn one would think we are all essentially lost because we do not raise people from the dead and call down lightning from the heavens. The Son of Man does not come as lightning but as the first brilliant rays of the sun which shine from one end of the heavens to the other, (a straight line in the arch of the sky), from as far as the east unto the west: and as the sun rises its light only becomes greater.


New member
No, I am implying that someone whose faith is based on a god who makes mistakes already has a fairy tale.

What mistakes do you think anyone is claiming God made?

Actually, George, if you will be honest you will recognize that mistakes are not being attributed to God.

Those of us who accept what the texts actually say realize that there are minor, insignificant errors in the Bible. This is not because God makes mistakes. It is because God uses imperfect people to do His work.

So pretending we are saying God makes mistakes is your mistake, or your tactic, but it is not truthful.


New member
It was many pages ago that those who embrace the doctrine of inerrancy gave up trying to reconcile the errors in the text.

And I think the points that needed to be made have been made.

So, if anyone wants to continue the discussion of inerrancy and actually discuss what the scriptures say, pm me and we can start a new thread.

Thanks for the discussion!

Oh, and for those of you who think God no longer does miracles, that error brings its own punishment.

I am reminded of Mark 6:
He left that place and came to his hometown, and his disciples followed him. 2 On the sabbath he began to teach in the synagogue, and many who heard him were astounded. They said, “Where did this man get all this? What is this wisdom that has been given to him? What deeds of power are being done by his hands! 3 Is not this the carpenter, the son of Mary and brother of James and Joses and Judas and Simon, and are not his sisters here with us?” And they took offense at him. 4 Then Jesus said to them, “Prophets are not without honor, except in their hometown, and among their own kin, and in their own house.” 5 And he could do no deed of power there, except that he laid his hands on a few sick people and cured them. 6 And he was amazed at their unbelief.

You take offense at the Almighty God who is not what you expect, and you will not see the deeds of power that would be available if you only believed.
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Well-known member
It was many pages ago that those who embrace the doctrine of inerrancy gave up trying to reconcile the errors in the text.

And I think the points that needed to be made have been made.

So, if anyone wants to continue the discussion of inerrancy and actually discuss what the scriptures say, pm me and we can start a new thread.

Thanks for the discussion!

Oh, and for those of you who think God no longer does miracles, that error brings its own punishment.

I am reminded of Mark 6:
He left that place and came to his hometown, and his disciples followed him. 2 On the sabbath he began to teach in the synagogue, and many who heard him were astounded. They said, “Where did this man get all this? What is this wisdom that has been given to him? What deeds of power are being done by his hands! 3 Is not this the carpenter, the son of Mary and brother of James and Joses and Judas and Simon, and are not his sisters here with us?” And they took offense at him. 4 Then Jesus said to them, “Prophets are not without honor, except in their hometown, and among their own kin, and in their own house.” 5 And he could do no deed of power there, except that he laid his hands on a few sick people and cured them. 6 And he was amazed at their unbelief.

You take offense at the Almighty God who is not what you expect, and you will not see the deeds of power that would be available if you only believed.

What a crock. God answers prayers. He does not use men as healers or raisers of the dead.

He speaks to us through His word, not the tongues of men who would crow and boast of their mighty deeds. The Law of faith precludes boasting, so I scoff at your claims that we will not see "deeds of power".

Deeds my workers of iniquity and boasters of all your fake deeds. :down:

There is no intermediary between the saints and their great God....certainly not any man of the flesh. Boast away evil doers. We see who you are.


Well-known member
What mistakes do you think anyone is claiming God made?

Actually, George, if you will be honest you will recognize that mistakes are not being attributed to God.

Those of us who accept what the texts actually say realize that there are minor, insignificant errors in the Bible. This is not because God makes mistakes. It is because God uses imperfect people to do His work.

So pretending we are saying God makes mistakes is your mistake, or your tactic, but it is not truthful.

Sure, you're claiming it's man's book, and you're trying to convince people that they have NO BOOK that can be trusted.

Just as all ministers of satan would claim.

"Did God not say you could eat of every tree?"

Different verse same as the first.