Scripture. What is considered Scripture?


Well-known member
It is interesting that you aren’t willing to share your positions.

Here is one of my positions illustrating your and Zenn's dilemma:

Psalm 12:6-7
6 The oracles of YHWH are pure oracles: as silver tried in a furnace of earth, purified seven times.
7 You shall keep them, O YHWH, You shall preserve them from this generation unto olam.

Psalm 12:6-7
6 The oracles of YHWH are pure oracles: as silver tried in a furnace of earth, purified seven times.
7 You shall keep them, O YHWH, You shall preserve us from this generation unto olam.

Psalm 12:6-7
6 The oracles of YHWH are pure oracles: as silver tried in a furnace of earth, purified seven times.
7 You shall keep us, O YHWH, You shall preserve us from this generation unto olam.

Psalm 12:6-7
6 The words of YHWH are pure words: as silver tried in a furnace of earth, purified seven times.
7 You shall keep them, O YHWH, You shall preserve them from this generation unto olam.

Psalm 12:6-7
6 The words of YHWH are pure words: as silver tried in a furnace of earth, purified seven times.
7 You shall keep them, O YHWH, You shall preserve us from this generation unto olam.

Psalm 12:6-7
6 The words of YHWH are pure words: as silver tried in a furnace of earth, purified seven times.
7 You shall keep us, O YHWH, You shall preserve us from this generation unto olam.


New member
Excuse my ignorance; can you please reference these two animals for this fool?

Oh, and do you own a 2003 mustang Cobra? If not what is the reference/ avatar?

Sent from my Moto G (5) Plus using Tapatalk

Here is the passage from Matthew 21:
When they had come near Jerusalem and had reached Bethphage, at the Mount of Olives, Jesus sent two disciples, 2 saying to them, “Go into the village ahead of you, and immediately you will find a donkey tied, and a colt with her; untie them and bring them to me. 3 If anyone says anything to you, just say this, ‘The Lord needs them.’ And he will send them immediately.[a]” 4 This took place to fulfill what had been spoken through the prophet, saying,

5 “Tell the daughter of Zion,
Look, your king is coming to you,
humble, and mounted on a donkey,
and on a colt, the foal of a donkey.”
6 The disciples went and did as Jesus had directed them; 7 they brought the donkey and the colt, and put their cloaks on them, and he sat on them.

Yes, I so have a 2003 Mustang Cobra. It is a mineral grey convertible, and I took delivery in June 2002.

It was warm enough in Atlanta this week for a top down ride.


New member
On the contrary:

Matthew 9:9
9 And as Yeshua passed along from that place, he saw a certain one being called Mattithyahu, sitting at the Asuppim,
(1Chr 26:15 KJV, 1Chr 26:17 KJV) and he said to him, "Follow me", and rising up he followed unto him.

This is a Levite and a Kohen, a son of Zechariah of the house of Kore, (H6981 Qore, "the Cryer"), whom you are accusing of not understanding the scripture and writings, (1Chr 26:1-5, 15-17, Mark 2:14, Luke 5:27). And that is whether or not your opinion is correct about it being written by "some of his disciples" because if even it were his disciples, (and it is not), then they would have the same understanding as their teacher.

The gospel attributed to Matthew mentions Matthew, so that is your proof Matthew wrote the gospel?

Hmmm, nobody can refute that!

Of course, the same gospel mentions Lazarus and Peter and John and James.


New member
Here is one of my positions illustrating your and Zenn's dilemma:

Psalm 12:6-7
6 The oracles of YHWH are pure oracles: as silver tried in a furnace of earth, purified seven times.
7 You shall keep them, O YHWH, You shall preserve them from this generation unto olam.

Psalm 12:6-7
6 The oracles of YHWH are pure oracles: as silver tried in a furnace of earth, purified seven times.
7 You shall keep them, O YHWH, You shall preserve us from this generation unto olam.

Psalm 12:6-7
6 The oracles of YHWH are pure oracles: as silver tried in a furnace of earth, purified seven times.
7 You shall keep us, O YHWH, You shall preserve us from this generation unto olam.

Psalm 12:6-7
6 The words of YHWH are pure words: as silver tried in a furnace of earth, purified seven times.
7 You shall keep them, O YHWH, You shall preserve them from this generation unto olam.

Psalm 12:6-7
6 The words of YHWH are pure words: as silver tried in a furnace of earth, purified seven times.
7 You shall keep them, O YHWH, You shall preserve us from this generation unto olam.

Psalm 12:6-7
6 The words of YHWH are pure words: as silver tried in a furnace of earth, purified seven times.
7 You shall keep us, O YHWH, You shall preserve us from this generation unto olam.

Hmmm, don’t see the word Bible or scriptures or canon in those passages.

So, it is your dilemma, not mine.

Pretending you can substitute “Bible” for other words in scripture is indefensible. But it may be all you have.


Well-known member
The gospel attributed to Matthew mentions Matthew, so that is your proof Matthew wrote the gospel?

Hmmm, nobody can refute that!

Of course, the same gospel mentions Lazarus and Peter and John and James.

The fact that he does not refer to himself as Levi, a Levite, for one reason, (humility, which they all do show, but we had this conversation already concerning the centurion). Moreover just because you do not find evidence does not mean it is not there, just as in the example I just gave, (for one instance among others). You again make the catastrophic error in believing that just because *you yourself* believe something to be true it must therefore be true.


Well-known member
Hmmm, don’t see the word Bible or scriptures or canon in those passages.

So, it is your dilemma, not mine.

Pretending you can substitute “Bible” for other words in scripture is indefensible. But it may be all you have.

You entirely missed my point.
Did you carefully read each of them and the differences highlighted therein?
Apparently not.


New member
The fact that he does not refer to himself as Levi, a Levite, for one reason, (humility, which they all do show, but we had this conversation already concerning the centurion). Moreover just because you do not find evidence does not mean it is not there, just as in the example I just gave, (for one instance among others). You again make the catastrophic error in believing that just because *you yourself* believe something to be true it must therefore be true.
That is funny, daqq.

Any why wouldn’t students of Matthew do the same?


New member
You entirely missed my point.
Did you carefully read each of them and the differences highlighted therein?
Apparently not.

Yes, I have discovered that your points are typically hidden.

If you can’t be clear, don’t expect to be heard.

For example, you never said whether Jesus told the two disciples to being one animal or two.

And you never said whether the daughter of Jairus was known to be dead by Jairus before Jesus and Jairus started the journey to the house of Jairus.

And you never reconciled the multiple errors in the genealogies.

I could list other errors you expounded around rather than upon.

To be fair, no one did. But others didn’t try. They either denied the text or said “Christians aren’t supposed to really look at the text.”

You take a different approach: write something unintelligible and pretend it is profound.


Well-known member
Yes, I have discovered that your points are typically hidden.

If you can’t be clear, don’t expect to be heard.

For example, you never said whether Jesus told the two disciples to being one animal or two.

And you never said whether the daughter of Jairus was known to be dead by Jairus before Jesus and Jairus started the journey to the house of Jairus.

And you never reconciled the multiple errors in the genealogies.

I could list other errors you expounded around rather than upon.

To be fair, no one did. But others didn’t try. They either denied the text or said “Christians aren’t supposed to really look at the text.”

You take a different approach: write something unintelligible and pretend it is profound.

Obfuscate much? Lol, there are at least seven different ways to understand Psalm 12:6-7, and that is according to the grammar in the original text: and all of those ways are true in the manner in which each one may be read, and therefore all seven ways are acceptable. Moreover that is precisely what the surface text says in the overall context: the oracles(sayings) and words of the LORD are seven-times purified or tried, (do not bother asking me about the seventh because it is like unto a pearl of great price, and it would take too much to explain it here, and you are not prepared to accept it anyways). And that is the same problem you have with the Matthew statement and many other passages: for you imagine that your understanding of the sayings and words that are written is the only way to translate and understand them. There is not just only one way to hear the Word, for there are seven Spirits before the throne: and when the Son of Elohim speaks there be seven thunders who utter their voices. :chuckle:


Well-known member
You are reducing the conversation to partisan politics to avoid speaking about the facts and the issue. Nice try.

HEY you are a conservative !!

(Good luck with that.)


... and those c minuses.
You know as well as I do, you can't fake grades. Nobody can. The 'veneer' of your or my proposition is as thick as your ability to think out of a paper bag. Do you know what though? Not nearly that bad as a slam. You are simply intimating I'm 'average.'

The sad fact is, 'if' he used to get better grades, he's let it slide. Read everybody, not just me. Everyone has told him clearly his prowess is subpar whether it was is a different story.

Whenever you submit your work for review, your teacher gives you a grade based on what you've done. There is no way this is A material.

Back to the thread: I've answered. Simply 'asserting' is all that is going on here. To the degree you are complicit in poor thinking, er you are 'complicit in poor thinking' and theology. Own it. :e4e:


Well-known member
Yes, I have discovered that your points are typically hidden.

If you can’t be clear, don’t expect to be heard.

For example, you never said whether Jesus told the two disciples to being one animal or two.
Yes he did. The same guy that posts a link to Dr. Wallace that completely disagrees with him, is the same guy that thinks this.

And you never said whether the daughter of Jairus was known to be dead by Jairus before Jesus and Jairus started the journey to the house of Jairus.
▲THIS▲ is why I suspect your grades and know 'if' you ever attained, you've squandered your education.

And you never reconciled the multiple errors in the genealogies.
Mindless indoctrination. It is WHY there is NO point in even trying to discuss this with you.
Your mind is made up, you'll not be confused with facts.

I could list other errors you expounded around rather than upon.
:nono: ▲see above▲ NOBODY can expound what you've already decided.
Nothing WILL work. Nothing WILL do.

You are only saying you are stubborn, Cobra. This whole thread is posturing and unmoving. There is nothing but "uh uh, onh haw" for 2thousand posts. "Uh uh!" "Onh haw!" "Uh uh!" "Onh haw!" "Uh uh!" "Onh haw!"
I guess that's what passes for "A's" in Georgia? :(

To be fair, no one did. But others didn’t try. They either denied the text or said “Christians aren’t supposed to really look at the text.”

You take a different approach: write something unintelligible and pretend it is profound.
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Well-known member
Lon writes:
I have you on record believing he raised Walter from the dead

I don’t have any reason to doubt it.

Why do you?
:doh: because I am not charismatic. See, this is why I HAVE to suspect your grades. Sorry about that. I wish I could 'unthink' that about you :(
You get lost in your reading comprehension. We were talking about 'why' you were charismatic.

Is it because you have decided that God doesn’t do miracles any more?
No, it is because "Zenn" rose Walter from the dead. It makes you charismatic at least in your theological acceptance.
To believe it "IS" charismatic.

If you think that way, you won’t see any miracles.
It doesn't matter if I do or do not, I'm not chasing loaves and fishes.

Are you familiar with Cru, formerly known as Campus Crusade for Christ, and their Jesus Film project?
Yes, they are charismatic. I don't dislike Charismatics, I just can't talk to them.


Well-known member
au contraire.

I have great faith His Word, (both of them). I just don't go around saying "you have no faith in His word" were I to mean "you have no faith in His Bible."

The only place you will find His word is in the Bible. So, it's pretty silly to claim you have faith in His word when you don't.

I've spoken before about black and white thinking. But we haven't discussed the Invisible Words Syndrome. This is when one reads or speaks a particular word, and yet invisibly substitutes a different word up inside his or her head for the meaning. You say 'word' but you mean 'Bible'.

Like I said, the Bible IS THE word of God that we have.

So.. here's what you truly meant to say...

And this is correct. I have no faith in a book whose contents was selected by Catholic Bishops (and a particular Catholic Bishop) back in 367 AD.

Why do you? Why do you, gldz, have faith in Catholic Bishops?

That always puzzles me.


No, I have faith in God's word...which was written down and kept by God.

I have faith that God is able to do exactly what you deny He has done.

I'm sorry for you that you don't have the same assurance that I have that God is able to keep His word for us, just as He is able to keep us unto the day of redemption. Greater is He than any 'Catholic Bishop" you might imagine translated words from Hebrew and Greek to any other language.


Well-known member
And this is correct. I have no faith in a book
No cult ever did.

whose contents was selected by Catholic Bishops (and a particular Catholic Bishop) back in 367 AD.

Why do you? Why do you, gldz, have faith in Catholic Bishops?

That always puzzles me.


Baby/bathwater. Not ALL bishops were corrupt and to simply 'bin' bad with good is not a thinking proposition.

Next? We DON'T have the same bible :noway:
You don't seem to know much about the Reformation :think:


New member
You know as well as I do, you can't fake grades. Nobody can. The 'veneer' of your or my proposition is as thick as your ability to think out of a paper bag. Do you know what though? Not nearly that bad as a slam. You are simply intimating I'm 'average.'

The sad fact is, 'if' he used to get better grades, he's let it slide. Read everybody, not just me. Everyone has told him clearly his prowess is subpar whether it was is a different story.

Whenever you submit your work for review, your teacher gives you a grade based on what you've done. There is no way this is A material.

Back to the thread: I've answered. Simply 'asserting' is all that is going on here. To the degree you are complicit in poor thinking, er you are 'complicit in poor thinking' and theology. Own it. :e4e:

When people don’t like the truth, they attack the messenger.

Your attacks on my academic history are amusing, given my success.

But I waited many pages and days while you imagined something about me far from the truth, because your imagination was off topic and wrong.

When I reckoned that your shameful words about me revealed something important about you that is relevant to your rejection of what the scriptures actually say, then I corrected your view.

Now, about the story of Jairus, your only response is don’t look at errors. You are not suppose to do that.
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New member
Lon writes:
I guess that's what passes for "A's" in Georgia?

Feel free to put your unnamed schools up against Georgia Tech in academic ratings anytime.

Better yet, honestly answer the questions about Jairus.
1) Did Jairus initially ask Jesus to heal a sick girl or to raise a dead girl?
2) Did Jairus learn his daughter was dead before Jesus started to his house or afterwards?


New member
:doh: because I am not charismatic. See, this is why I HAVE to suspect your grades. Sorry about that. I wish I could 'unthink' that about you :(
You get lost in your reading comprehension. We were talking about 'why' you were charismatic.

No, it is because "Zenn" rose Walter from the dead. It makes you charismatic at least in your theological acceptance.
To believe it "IS" charismatic.

It doesn't matter if I do or do not, I'm not chasing loaves and fishes.

Yes, they are charismatic. I don't dislike Charismatics, I just can't talk to them.
So, in you mind, a charismatic is someone who believes God still does miracles, and you don’t believe that.

I don’t think many Roman Catholics, Baptists, or other mainline Protestant groups would agree with that definition.

Well, I am certainly glad that I know God still does miracles.

And I am sorry that you are so wrong about that. It makes me a little sad for you.