Same sex marriages are all null, according to Christians


New member
I agree with these words, and there is a need to know precisely how to do this, to carry it out. And it is, to know that believing the Gospel saves, regardless, and that grave sins sever unity between grave sinners and the rest of the Church. Grave sinners who have not reconciled with the rest of the Body of Christ contritely for their grave sin, should not be welcomed to the Lord's Supper until and unless they do. Grave sins do not nullify faith, but grave sins are wounds to Church unity.

1st Corinthians 11:
For as often as ye eat this bread, and drink this cup, ye do shew the Lord’s death till he come. 27 Wherefore whosoever shall eat this bread, and drink this cup of the Lord, unworthily, shall be guilty of the body and blood of the Lord. 28 But let a man examine himself, and so let him eat of that bread, and drink of that cup. 29 For he that eateth and drinketh unworthily, eateth and drinketh damnationh to himself, not discerning the Lord’s body. 30 For this cause many are weak and sickly among you, and many sleep.

2 Corinthians and Galatians are keys to the misconception made from 1 Corinthians 11.

Paul scathingly rebuked Peter for separating from gentile sinners in Galatians.

In 2 Corinthians 2... especially 2nd Corinthians 2:11, Paul explains he was testing Corinth. He called disfellowship a tool of Satan and explained Forgivness was the standard.

Any other doctrine is half cocked rubbish.


2 Corinthians and Galatians are keys to the misconception made from 1 Corinthians 11.

Paul scathingly rebuked Peter for separating from gentile sinners in Galatians.

In 2 Corinthians 2... especially 2nd Corinthians 2:11, Paul explains he was testing Corinth. He called disfellowship a tool of Satan and explained Forgivness was the standard.

Any other doctrine is half cocked rubbish.
So 1st Corinthians 11:27-29 KJV is "half cocked rubbish," and "rainbow flags" aren't? You believe that the Church should welcome unrepentant grave sinners into communion?

"For ye know what commandments we gave you by the Lord Jesus. For this is the will of God, even your sanctification, that ye should abstain from fornication: That every one of you should know how to possess his vessel in sanctification and honour; Not in the lust of concupiscence, even as the Gentiles which know not God...."
---1st Thessalonians 4:2-5 KJV *
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So what does this factoid have to do with my original reply to your comment:

My older-half brother was born to my Father. This does not mean that my birth from my Mother who was married to my Father, my Dad, was from a second marriage. However, it may be argued that my Dad should have married the woman with whom he had my older-half brother. I also know that a second marriage can occur after the spouse of a first marriage dies, or else more than one marriage without divorce or annulment involves being married to more than one person at a time, albeit a father or man with more than one wife. Could it be that they were not married and then she would not have him to be her husband? But then I am not only talking about my Dad, or Father, and my own Mom, my Mother. And that they married.

Should my older-half brother be allowed or required to answer for what I now have with you?




New member
The grave symbolizes death.

All sins are grave, but we are appointed to die once anyway.

Paul said, "For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord." (Romans 6:23)

1 John 5:16-17
16 If any man see his brother sin a sin which is not unto death, he shall ask, and he shall give him life for them that sin not unto death. There is a sin unto death: I do not say that he shall pray for it.
17 All unrighteousness is sin: and there is a sin not unto death.​

A "grave" or "mortal" sin is a "sin unto death".


Well-known member
You’ll still have to civilly divorce, but in the eyes of Christians, your marriage is null.

What the carnally minded people of this world do is not going to please God whatsoever.

They are after all, carnally minded, not spiritually minded

The Christian who is spiritually minded recognizes that a marriage is s commitment to God and to the spouse.

Marriage is between a believing man and a believing woman.

Believing scripture, not social media, not the trends of this world.

Marriage by design includes the creator of the heaven and earth.

His word tells us what a marriage is

Homosexuality is a sin and sin has no place in marriage.

No sin belongs in any Christians life, but we do err at times, but we need to make sure our lifestyle is according to the word of God.


What the carnally minded people of this world do is not going to please God whatsoever.

They are after all, carnally minded, not spiritually minded

The Christian who is spiritually minded recognizes that a marriage is s commitment to God and to the spouse.

Marriage is between a believing man and a believing woman.

Believing scripture, not social media, not the trends of this world.

Marriage by design includes the creator of the heaven and earth.

His word tells us what a marriage is

Homosexuality is a sin and sin has no place in marriage.

No sin belongs in any Christians life, but we do err at times, but we need to make sure our lifestyle is according to the word of God.
A man and woman who are civilly married to each other, where one or both of them are civilly divorced and their ex is still alive, is adultery. That's what the Lord said. That civil marriage is not valid. Same sex civil marriages are not valid either.


Well-known member
@kiwimacahau you said

Define "sin". What makes any particular act a sin?

Sin can be defined as "missing the mark." The mark which is set, arguably, by God. I would define sin as "manipulating and deliberately hurting another person." For me then a sinful act is one which deliberately sets out to harm others. Mere homosexual sex is no more inherently sinful than mere heterosexual sex.

As for the canard that sex is solely for procreation, that is why we prevent infertile people and the elderly from marriage because they cannot have children .... Oh! wait, we don't.


New member
Sin can be defined as "missing the mark." The mark which is set, arguably, by God. I would define sin as "manipulating and deliberately hurting another person." For me then a sinful act is one which deliberately sets out to harm others. Mere homosexual sex is no more inherently sinful than mere heterosexual sex.

That might be how Ray McIntyre defines sin but that's not how the bible defines sin. Sin is transgressing divine law. Homosexual acts are forbidden by divine law. You can argue that it should be legal but you cannot argue that it is not a sin.

Maybe your bible is missing some pages :idunno:

As for the canard that sex is solely for procreation, that is why we prevent infertile people and the elderly from marriage because they cannot have children .... Oh! wait, we don't.
Strawman. I didn't make that argument. However, humor me. If a man wants to marry his son, should that be against secular law or should that be legal?
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Well-known member
I am not bound in my understanding by the words and worldviews of folk two millenia ago. My job, here and now, is to follow my Lord who fellowshipped with all kinds of undesirable folk.


New member
I am not bound in my understanding by the words and worldviews of folk two millenia ago. My job, here and now, is to follow my Lord who fellowshipped with all kinds of undesirable folk.
Isn't it wonderful that you teach the lost that God was mistaken in assigning the harshest punishment for the sin of homosexual acts?
By accepting your teachings they can stay lost!


Well-known member
Isn't it wonderful that you teach the lost that God was mistaken in assigning the harshest punishment for the sin of homosexual acts?
By accepting your teachings they can stay lost!
Show me one word from Christ about homosexuality. Moreover show me one reason I should accept that the Levites of 4k years ago know more about homosexuality than we do today.

Tihei Mauri ora


Well-known member
I am not bound in my understanding by the words and worldviews of folk two millenia ago. My job, here and now, is to follow my Lord who fellowshipped with all kinds of undesirable folk.

So you might as well not believe in any of the Bible then or Christ Jesus? As Jesus himself also preached two millennia ago as did his apostles, one of which was Paul who filled with the Holy Spirit taught it was wrong to commit gay acts!

Yes, Jesus did mix with everyone, whatever their sin, but he also taught them to turn from sin, and gay relationships are a sin. But only God knows the hearts of others, but we are to speak the truth and leave God to do the judging.

God's Truth

New member
So you might as well not believe in any of the Bible then or Christ Jesus? As Jesus himself also preached two millennia ago as did his apostles, one of which was Paul who filled with the Holy Spirit taught it was wrong to commit gay acts!

Yes, Jesus did mix with everyone, whatever their sin, but he also taught them to turn from sin, and gay relationships are a sin. But only God knows the hearts of others, but we are to speak the truth and leave God to do the judging.

Right; and, Jesus mixed only with those who repented of their sins; they were baptized with John's baptism of repentance.

God's Truth

New member
Show me one word from Christ about homosexuality. Moreover show me one reason I should accept that the Levites of 4k years ago know more about homosexuality than we do today.

Tihei Mauri ora

See Matthew 19:4"Haven't you read," he replied, "that at the beginning the Creator 'made them male and female,'

Matthew 19:5
and said, 'For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh'?

See that? A person isn't to became united with their same gender.