Same sex marriages are all null, according to Christians


If their marriage is valid (not null), their unitive and procreative sexual behavior is licit, yes.

I suppose since you are acknowledging that I used the word sex in talking about marriage here in public. I do not know what you mean by valid, null, unitive, behavior, and licit. Sex is a procreative act. Or, a child is the product of father and mother and created by God.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
Absolutely. I was raised Protestant. I certainly learned about mortal sin from the Roman church. 1st John 5:16-17 KJV "sin unto death" there, not "mortal sin." It helped clear things up for me, learning about mortal sin.

Slower-No such thing, biblically, as "mortal" sin, or "fatal" sin. The RCO taught you that-you learned it from them. The LORD God,in his book, never did/will.


I suppose since you are acknowledging that I used the word sex in talking about marriage here in public.
You suppose since I am acknowledging that you used the word sex in talking about marriage here in public what?
I do not know what you mean by valid
'Means that unitive and procreative sexual behavior between a man and a woman is licit.
'Means that no sexual behavior between the people is licit, and is grave matter.
, unitive
'Means sexual behavior that does not violate chastity.
, behavior
You don't know what behavior means?
, and licit.
'Means OK.
Sex is a procreative act.
Licit sex is open to procreation.
Or, a child is the product of father and mother and created by God.
Why "or?" Otherwise yes.


You suppose since I am acknowledging that you used the word sex in talking about marriage here in public what?
'Means that unitive and procreative sexual behavior between a man and a woman is licit.
'Means that no sexual behavior between the people is licit, and is grave matter.
'Means sexual behavior that does not violate chastity.
You don't know what behavior means?
'Means OK.
Licit sex is open to procreation.
Why "or?" Otherwise yes.

Because sex is for the purpose of procreation if you use the word procreation at all. I am not familiar with people using the word behavior in regard to sex, and a person's behavior before God may be spoken of or talked about, but why not just say how you live, what you do, how you obey and observe God's commandments? That is not behavior or behavioral. I mean since you are using these kinds of terms it must be because I used the word sex. We rather should have been talking about marriage. Then maybe you would not have responded with your word choice that I do not at all understand. I do not know or use your words. I am not familiar with them. Neither do I know what they mean.




What I like about the Supreme Court ruling on it is that it is an empty threat. The states do not have to validate same sex marriages. It isn't the law of the land.


New member
What I like about the Supreme Court ruling on it is that it is an empty threat. The states do not have to validate same sex marriages. It isn't the law of the land.
Sure it is. In the entire country there is only place, Waco Texas, where "the sole justice of the peace who conducts civil marriages refuses to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples". If a legal case came up, Waco would also be forced to comply.

Obergefell_v._Hodges is the "law of the land".


Sure it is. In the entire country there is only place, Waco Texas, where "the sole justice of the peace who conducts civil marriages refuses to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples". If a legal case came up, Waco would also be forced to comply.

Obergefell_v._Hodges is the "law of the land".

Nobody is making laws validating same sex marriages. It is an empty threat.


New member
Nobody is making laws validating same sex marriages. It is an empty threat.

No new laws need to be made. The right to marry has simply been extended to same-sex couples. The ruling "requires all states to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples and to recognize same-sex marriages validly performed in other jurisdictions", whereas prior, certain states and/or jurisdictions did not issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples and refused to recognize licenses from other jurisdictions.

So again, it's certainly the law of the land.


No new laws need to be made. The right to marry has simply been extended to same-sex couples.
I don't have any problem with people having the right to enter into a contract, which is what marriage is, under the law of the land. Those entered into a legal marriage, but a null marriage, all sexual behavior with them is sexual immorality, which is grave matter.

The much more numerous example of this than same sex marriages, are all the people validly married but civilly divorced, and then civilly remarried to someone else, while their original spouse still lives. The Church does not welcome these people to receive Holy Communion unless they remedy their adultery permanently somehow, as she merely takes the Lord Jesus at His word, when He described exactly this situation Himself, directly.
The ruling "requires all states to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples and to recognize same-sex marriages validly performed in other jurisdictions", whereas prior, certain states and/or jurisdictions did not issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples and refused to recognize licenses from other jurisdictions.

So again, it's certainly the law of the land.
Reciprocity. :up:


New member
I understand what is wrong with homosexuality. I do not know about using the word heterosexual. Sex between a married man and woman is not wrong.



It's wrong if it occurs within a second marriage (If the ex-spouse is still alive, etc).


It's wrong if it occurs within a second marriage (If the ex-spouse is still alive, etc).
Right, such civil marriages after civil divorces of valid original marriages (while the original spouse still lives) are null, so that is adultery, according to the Lord's own verbatim words.