Same sex marriages are all null, according to Christians


Sin deserving of the death penalty is grave. Grave sin committed with full knowledge and deliberate consent is mortal or fatal sin. If a Christian commits mortal sin they kill the love in their heart. If a Catholic commits grave sin they are not welcome in Communion.

No one should sin. I do not know about Communion. I only know that there is penalty or consequence for sin.


The grave symbolizes death.
Homonym. Grave means very serious.
All sins are grave
Says you, and says not the Church.
, but we are appointed to die once anyway.

Paul said, "For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord." (Romans 6:23)

Do Catholics agree with any of Paul's writings?
All of them, and manifestly so, especially in relation to every other form of Christian thought.


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
It's disordered to have same-sex attraction. It's a trial, and an affliction. It's not OK to practice any form of grave sexual offense, whether same-sex, or any other form.
A simple "yes" would have sufficed. :)

Jose Fly

New member
Same sex marriages are all null, according to Christians.

Then my points stand. First, you obviously do not speak for all Christians, as evidenced by the story of the Priest coming out and the positive, supportive reaction from his congregation. Second, (and this is the point you dodged) do you honestly think same-sex couples care at all about what you and a subset of other Christians think of their marriages?


Then my points stand. First, you obviously do not speak for all Christians
I maintain the only ChristianTM view on the matter. Of course there are variations among Christians, but there's only one ChristianTM authorized teaching on the matter of same sex marriage (and other null marriages, like those validly married, divorced, and remarried to someone else, while their original valid spouse still lives).
, as evidenced by the story of the Priest coming out and the positive, supportive reaction from his congregation.
Nothing in that story violates my view. Same sex attraction is a trial, and an affliction.
Second, (and this is the point you dodged) do you honestly think same-sex couples care at all about what you and a subset of other Christians think of their marriages?
Again, I repeat, I'm just making it clear, for anybody who does care.

Jose Fly

New member
I maintain the only ChristianTM view on the matter. Of course there are variations among Christians, but there's only one ChristianTM authorized teaching on the matter of same sex marriage (and other null marriages, like those validly married, divorced, and remarried to someone else, while their original valid spouse still lives).
LOL! Your hilariously over-inflated sense of self-importance is noted.

Nothing in that story violates my view. Same sex attraction is a trial, and an affliction.
I'm sure that's what you believe. But what you believe only matters to you.

Again, I repeat, I'm just making it clear, for anybody who does care.
Looks like that number is pretty small.


New member
A simple "yes" would have sufficed. :)

First... Homosexuality is absolutely a sin.

2nd... The lgbt movement is harmful to the gay community.

Third... Homosexuality is a sin of the law and binds to scripture about sexuality that was standard for Israel and symbolic of idolatry and foreign God worship... as it is organized in the Torah and as it is discussed in Romans.

Fourth... Jesus Christ bore ALL sin on the Cross and the Law no longer condemns humanity.

Fifth... A failure to Repent of our sinful state and rejection of Jesus and Love to Humanity can condemn us.

6th... I have yet to meet a Homosexual Christian that is condemning of other forgiven sinners.

Case and point...

The modern politicized Jesus movement adore condemning homosexuals... simply because those who condemn homosexuals aren’t homosexual.

It is against the grain to tell gays they are sinners... but I do it. It is against the grain to tell homosexuals that Jesus died and took their homosexual sins to the cross as surely as he took heterosexual sins to the cross... but I do it.

Sexuality it so deeply intimate to a person that it is certain that straight Christians ignore the truth of a homosexuals situation. While heterosexual Christians sin and transgress the Law... sexually... one way or another... they point fingers at homosexuals.

Romans 2:1-2 and James 2:10... actually all of James 2-4... make it clear that forgiven sinners, marginalizing forgiven sinners is an offense that can cost a person their soul.

Gay marriage is a “Civil Matter”... and not a “Christian Matter”. For that matter... Divorced and Remarried Heterosexuals is a “Civil Matter” and not a “Christian Matter”. Theocracy isn’t ever God’s design. Theocracy will only be the correct way, when Jesus is the Theocratic King...

Common Law Rights towards health coverage and monetized needs that arise is all that Civil marriage accomplishes.

Jesus makes it clear there won’t even be “Marriage or giving of Marriage” in Heaven... so this over conflated issue is simply Finger pointing and Theocratic hogwash!

If you and other Christians believe that all Homosexuals go to hell... then you want to turn and make their one life before hell miserable? That makes no sense, except that American “Moral Majority” Jesus will strike America dead unless all the Homosexuals are abolished, Slain or marginalized. We call that human sacrifice and God sacrificed Himself to bring peace and give all sinners (1 John 1:8; 2:2) access to the Father, through the Son.

Every human being’s walk is different and unless a person has walked in another’s sandals... they best keep their finger pointing and “Thank God, I’m not like so and so’s” to themselves.

Adultery is condemned under the Law to be punished by death... and Jesus did not condemn the Adulterous caught red handed.

All speculative write ups that water down that Jesus said... “He without sin, cast the first stone”... and ignore that the same John who wrote that, wrote 1 John 1:8... will have some splaining to do before the Great White Throne!

I’m heterosexual and male parts don’t do it for me. For anyone to speculate that a man that is enamored with male parts and desires to romantically be in a relationship with another man to be anything other than sexually wired into that person’s very being... must be repressing the desire to satisfy some male parts... because they seem to think a chap can choose that path.

Christianity of the political kind... American Jesus style... demands celibacy from Gays and adherence to the Torah.

What it misses is that in the lists that speak of hellfire that include Homosexuals... is that there are sins included that we all are guilty of.

The whole “I’m a Truth Warrior and am willing to condemn Gays” movement is nothing more than a movement of Pharisees pointing out that their phylacteries are “bigger” than the next Mans.

That’s not popular to say... but Judge not (By Moses)... lest we desire to be Judged by Moses... ain’t no joke!

If Christianity collective would Love Homosexuals and acknowledge them as fellow forgiven sinners in need of a Savior... by repentance... and TRUST THE HOLY SPIRIT to do His job... this whole thing wouldn’t be such a screw up on Christianities part!

Should a church have to marry gays or a business assist with their wedding?


Religious freedom is as valid as Civil Freedom! And... capitalism is America’s way... so if a business wants to send customers away... the money can go elsewhere!

How did Christians become so UnChristian about this matter!?!