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God's Truth

New member
She just doesn't get it.

Show exactly where in the Bible Paul say he has a different gospel.

What you claim doesn't exist.

Tell me, what do you think Peter was talking about that people misunderstand about Paul? See 2 Peter 3.

Hopefully you will see that it is the same way you all still misunderstand.

Bright Raven

Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Show exactly where in the Bible Paul say he has a different gospel.

What you claim doesn't exist.

Tell me, what do you think Peter was talking about that people misunderstand about Paul? See 2 Peter 3.

Hopefully you will see that it is the same way you all still misunderstand.

Paul received his gospel from revelation from Jesus Christ.

God's Truth

New member
Paul received his gospel from revelation from Jesus Christ.

Tell me, what do you think Peter was talking about that people misunderstand about Paul? See 2 Peter 3 to look for the answer.

Hopefully you will see that it is the same way you all still misunderstand Paul.

You claim that Paul had a different gospel than that of Peter's, so then what was it exactly that Peter says is the misunderstanding in 2 Peter 3?

God's Truth

New member
But how does that happen?

BR, let's say you are looking for a home of a person in which to live.

You have to search for a home where someone already lives, because it is what you are searching for, a companion of sorts.

You are going to share this home with that someone.

You have unlimited choices in which to choose.

So you go out and search.

You search every single place that there is to search, you don't skip any place, because you are fair, and you are thorough.

Tell me where you will stop and stay forever.

You find many places where the house, the home, is full of bad, evil thoughts and evil actions, the house is uncomfortable, and even violent and grotesque, and the people in that house don't even want you there.

You go to many other places where, to varying degrees are like those houses, but the people, unlike the other houses, tell you to come in, live here.

As you still seek out a place to live, you come to places where the people of the homes say no to evil thoughts and there are no wanted evil actions here, but rather humbleness and a complete desire to serve you, live with you, n the best way possible. Which home/house would you choose to live in?

Right Divider

Body part
You keep bringing up that and it means NOTHING.
Actually, it's quite meaningful.

Show where in Matthew, Luke, Mark, and John Jesus is called the High Priest.
It matters NOT that Jesus is not called the High Priest in those books. The priest and priesthood is spoken of MANY times.

In MML&J the word PRIEST and it's derivatives is uses 97 TIMES! And yet they are ALL MISSING from the Pauline epistles. If you cannot see the difference, you are blind.

The place that you find the high priest is a book written to HEBREWS!

You don’t believe the scriptures that say Jesus lives to intercede.
I believe ALL of the scripture... unlike you.

Romans 8:34 Who is there to condemn us? For Christ Jesus, who died, and more than that was raised to life, is at the right hand of God--and He is interceding for us.
No mention of a priest or priesthood.

They were saved from Hell. They were God’s. There still was no one made perfect yet until Jesus.
No kidding.

If you don’t obey Jesus, then you think that makes you humble?
Obedience to Christ will NOT EARN YOU SALVATION. That's what the Bible says. Your self-righteous view of "your obedience" is your own personal problem.

The whole old law was a teaching tool about what was to come, and you want to dismiss the fact that there were earthly priests to prepare us for the High Priest, Jesus Christ.
Fairy tale. WE, the body of Christ, have Christ as our HEAD.

You called it your gospel, but when Paul calls the gospel his---you say it was another gospel given only to him.
You are confused by your "there is only one GOOD NEWS" idea. There are MANY GOOD NEWS' in the Bible.

Jesus IS GRACE. Duh
Why didn’t Jesus say he was a high priest?
He also never mentioned GRACE at all.

Jesus IS GRACE and John used the word. Good grief you are brainwashed and blind.
Indeed, He is... but on EARTH He was a MINISTER of the CIRCUMCISION per SCRIPTURE.

You don’t even know what grace is and you think I go by you telling me I’m not saved? lol
That is HILARIOUS IRONY... It is YOU that does not even know that grace is. If you did, you would not be so proud about YOUR obedience. You would know that it is the obedience of ONE that many shall be made righteous.

Rom 5:19 KJV For as by one man's disobedience many were made sinners, so by the obedience of one shall many be made righteous.

Right Divider

Body part
Tell me, what do you think Peter was talking about that people misunderstand about Paul? See 2 Peter 3 to look for the answer.

Hopefully you will see that it is the same way you all still misunderstand Paul.

You claim that Paul had a different gospel than that of Peter's, so then what was it exactly that Peter says is the misunderstanding in 2 Peter 3?

More irony... it is YOU that misunderstands Paul, just like those back then.
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